

“ 一切美好的事物都是曲折地接近自己的目标,
“Tortuously do all good things come close to their goal.
Everything straight lies.
All truth is crooked; time itself is a circle.”
F. W. Nietzsche
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
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》混乱×秩序 | Chaos × Order
Our world follows an intrinsic order of its own. It is hard to explain why Sims Azalea flowers are tiny and sycamore trees are gigantic. All creatures exist as a result of the interaction of various factors in this vast universe. As designers of the "creator", what we need to do is to sort out the order under chaos, reshape the inner relationship between different spaces, and rebuild the logical level between events.
》重塑×联系 | Rebulid × Connect
The client’s demand is designing four independent, easy-to-manage areas: Reception Area, Play Area, Picture Book Reading Area and Display Area. Considering the layout of each area is largely determined by its function, we first specify the prospective human behavior in each space.
▼ 事件 | Events
Picture Book Area : Reading
(Prospective Behavior : Stay; Performed by : Children)
Reception Area: Reception, Rest
(Prospective Behavior : Stay; Performed by : Teacher, Parents, Children)
Play Area : Marine ball, Lego, Slide
(Prospective Behavior : Stay in the Area; Performed by : Children)
Exhibition Area : Visiting
(Prospective behavior : Linear Movement; Performed by : Teacher, Parents, Children)
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We first delineate three parallel regions of homogeneity for staying. These areas are interconnected and have reasonable size. The fourth area, Exhibition Area, is designed by connecting the curved side of Reception Area all the way to the second Fire Exit, creating the perfect linear space for exhibition. We also built two mezzanines in Picture Book Area and Play Area, adding a touch of variety to the tiny space. Overall speaking, the spaces that we design are independent yet interconnected under the same spatial system. They are either parallel or tangential to one another, allowing for the continuity of events in the most appropriate space. The result of this design has reached our expectation.
▼ 空间生长过程 | The Process of Growth
》曲面×连续性 | Curve × Continuity
One major challenge is resolving the chaotic order between elements such as columns and walls and making the space more complete, systematic and continuous. After several attempts, we finally decide to prioritize curve to alleviate the abruptness of existing column and inharmony of irregular intersection wall. As a result, the design presents an interconnected, integrated and continuous space as well as a comfortable spatial experience.
▼ 流线型的绘本区 | Picture Book Area
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▼ 拱门 | Arch
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▼ 游乐区 | Carnie
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▼ 曲线细节 | Detail
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▼ 平面图 | Plan
建设周期:2018.04- 2018.05
Location:Shanghai, China
Type: Interior Design
Design Company:MOON Architects Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Main Architect:
: MAO, ZhangShuhang
Design Team:
Ji Xiaodan, WangYuemei
Design Period:2018.03-2018.04
Construction Period:
2018.04- 2018.05