Pre-Qualification Results Announced:
Tender for the Shenzhen Science and Technology Museum Schematic Design and Architectural Design Development
As one of the “New Top Ten Cultural Facilities” in Shenzhen, the Shenzhen Science and Technology Museum Schematic Design and Architectural Design Development tender pre-qualification meeting was held on April 21, 2019 at the Material Sample Base meeting room in Bureau of Public Works of Shenzhen Municipality. The pre-qualification review committee consists of 9 jury members, including 7 professionals (Ding Wowo, Dong Gong, Feng Yueqiang, Liu Kecheng, Meng Yan, Simon Rodriguez-Pagès, Zhu Jingxiang) and 2 tenderee representatives (Zhang Hongying, Zhu Chengqian). After carefully reviewing all pre-qualification application documents submitted by 74 bidding applicants, the Review Committee selected 8 recommended bidding applicants with ranking and proposed corresponding review comments. The tenderee finalized 5 shortlists and 2 alternative ranked applicants in accordance with Review Committee's ranking results.
Note: Official announcement is subject to the Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service Platform.
The Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service Platform pre-qualification result announcement link:
Pre-Qualification shortlists and alternative design team credit and experience publicity link:
Since Tender for the Shenzhen Science and Technology Museum Schematic Design and Architectural Design Development was released on March 25, 2019, a total of 74 applications were received up until April 15, 2019. Among them, there are 54 joint groups and 20 independent applicants; There are 128 companies in total, including 74 from the Mainland China, 11 from Hong Kong, China and 43 from abroad. Other than mainland China, companies from 16 countries and districts submit their applications, such as Hong Kong, the United States, Germany, Netherlands, France, Australia, the UK, Spain, Singapore, Canada, Austria, Italy, Japan, Belgium, Switzerland and Finland.
Pre-Qualification Applications
Pre-Qualification Applications
招标人 Tenderee
Engineering Design Management Center of Bureau of Public Works of Shenzhen Municipality
方 Co-organizer
Shenzhen Position Spatial Culture Development Co., Ltd.
*The Tenderee reserves the right for the interpretation of the Tender Document, with the language of interpretation subjected to Chinese.
/ 李茜雅
/ 陈杨