

Donna Mondi 是位于芝加哥一家全方位服务的专业室内设计公司,由Donna Mondi创立,致力于创造室内和捕捉建筑的本质和客户的个性。
Donna Mondi is a full-service professional interior design firm based in Chicago. Founded by Donna Mondi, the firm is dedicated to creating interiors and capturing the essence of architecture and the personality of its clients.
一位时髦的母亲和她两个可爱的女儿想要一个时尚前卫的家,既奢华又舒适,但又有棱角。她们都喜欢黑色和白色,这是设计的基础。Donna Mondi 通过丰富的纹理、有趣的模式、动态照明和一些惊喜使之成为一个家。
A stylish mother and her two adorable daughters want a fashion-forward home that is luxurious, comfortable and yet edgy. They both like black and white, which is the basis of the design. Donna Mondi makes it a home with rich textures, interesting patterns, dynamic lighting, and a few surprises.
Donna Mondi创造了新与旧的完美融合,致力于为客户带来最新的趋势,同时平衡空间与历史或复古元素。
Donna Mondi creates the perfect blend of old and new, focusing on bringing the latest trends to the client while balancing space with historical or retro elements.