项目围绕 8EARS 的爱情故事展开,大声告诉全世界我爱你,设计概念由此而来。
The project revolves around the love story of 8EARS. Love you, tell the world out loud. The design concept comes from it.
扩音器装置作为 8EARS 品牌及空间的灵魂,被符号化的放大为空间实验性装置贯穿整个空间。通过扩音器装置不断复制陈列,“声音”得到释放,物理与精神强力关联形成品牌的强 IP 点。
The loud speaker device is the soul of the brand and space of 8EARS. The symbolized amplification is the whole space where experimental device runs through. It continuously replicates the display through the loud speaker device, then the "sound" is released. Both are strongly associated by the physical and spiritual strength to form a strong IP site of the brand.
继 8EARS 多家分店成功建立,本店作为品牌形象的升级店。设计师运用极具当代性和情绪化的设计语言,为 8EARS 做此次品牌升级设计。
Following the successful establishment of a number of branches of 8EARS, our store is an upgraded store of the brand image. Contemporary and emotional design languages are applied by the designers to upgrade this brand’s design for the 8EARS.
In the use of materials to continue the design of a number of projects of Jijia Design, the successful materials and some new materials are used to ensure the stability of the project product with fresh blood and changes. It uses stainless steel, plate glass, and raw stone as the main materials for space to ensure the purity of the space. And the only focus for loudspeakers as the space functions outside.
对标位置、视野均极佳的项目位置。年轻的品牌定位极具戏剧化和场景化的趣味设计语言。扩音器装置及灯光在空间中不断强化形成别具一格的氛围体验。8ERAS 作为 24 小时营业的餐厅,夕阳落幕时,空间转化为另一种氛围,给食客以不同的用餐体验。
The project with excellent visibility for the standard position Young brand positioning highly dramatic and sceneal interesting design language Loudspeaker installations and lights are constantly being enhanced in space to create a unique atmosphere experience 8EARS, as a 24-hour restaurant When the sunset comes to an end the space is transformed into another atmosphere Offering a different dining experience for diners.
项目名称 |8EARS 24 小时音乐火锅
项目地址 |中国柳州 Liuzhou,China
项目面积 |1100㎡
主要材料 |不锈钢玻璃 荒料 砖 艺术涂料
完成时间 |2020.12
设计公司 |集嘉设计
主案设计师 |沈嘉伟
执行设计师 |万婧雯
照明设计师 |李丽平 黄志航
项目摄影 |存在建筑
设计师 / 沈嘉伟
沈嘉伟,室内设计师,毕业于四川大学环境艺术设计专业,本科学历。2014 年创办集嘉设计公司。
沈嘉伟先生于 2014 年创办集嘉设计公司,并担任设计总监。主要针对商业空间设计有较为突出的设计理念。集合了盈利模式设计、空间设计、灯光设计、产品展示陈列等多维度设计方法,进行核心理念扩展,并针对每个项目需求,进行规划设计,严格进行项目执行。完成项目在业界受到了一致好评,获得诸多设计奖项殊荣。