深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio

2021/08/20 12:06:10
深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-2
Leave behind the city, venture along the tree lined roads up the mountain.
深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-6
Venture into the lush sanctuary of Parkhill Commons.
深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-10
Under the shadow of tree canopies, stretches out a green lawn, filled with potential. Day or night, fitness or parties, rest or gatherings, chats or performances, markets or movies, the possibilities as wide as the imagination...
深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-14
People watching from the generous seating walls, flowers at your back, leaves gently falling from trees. You watch the sunrise and clouds moving in the distance, chatting with relatives and friends about your goals and troubles, feeling connected and at ease.
深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-18
Tucked in among the hills and terraces, bright and active spaces draw you in. The sloped playground wills you to climb and slide. The basketball court invites running and teamwork, passes and voices bouncing off walls.
深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-22
Go along the terrace and enjoy the slow life of a garden community, the fragrance of flowers and the sounds of birds filling the wave-like rain garden.
深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-26
The fountain plaza invites you to look across the park, an Americano in hand. You’ll find everything you need in one place: fitness classes, salon treatments, and delicious food.
World Qianhai Circle, Baoan Jiangang Community
A new generation of international parks
Start here
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深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-37
Parkhill Commons and surrounding streetscapes act as a green hub.Create a diverse and active community atmosphere.Connect high-end residential and commercial areas.
生成 /generate
A green community hub
The project is located on a south-facing hillside in the northern part of the Jiangangshan neighborhood in the Baoan District of Shenzhen, China. Jiangangshan Avenue is a broad, tree-lined road, combined with the adjacent reservoir and lush forest creates a pleasant microclimate environment. Twenty years ago, the first batch of garden houses were built between here and it has gradually grown into the largest low-density residential area in western Shenzhen. However, its public facilities have not kept pace, with few public spaces and amenities.
深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-47
A new masterplan for the area integrates Jiangangshan into the urban core. A number of projects are under construction nearby, including new subway stations, schools, high-density residences, and commercial areas. A large influx of new residents will follow these expansions, highlighting a dearth of public space.
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深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-51
We have proposed three major design strategies for residents to enjoy the outdoors in their community.
策略一 | 把空间的主角留给“人”
Strategy 1 | The main character of the space is people
The thing that’s important is not something called design; it’s how you live, its life itself. Design really comes from that.”
Dan Kiley
The users become the center of it all, where people can relax and forge meaningful connections.
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深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-70
In the comfort of gardens, lawn and dappled shade, people can rest and spend time with friends and family.
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深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-75
Parkhill Commons welcomes everyone, linking to the wider public realm, connecting old and new developments, and highlighting the natural beauty of the region.
策略二 | 适宜半山特征的规整台地设计语汇
Strategy 2 | A structured terrace design vocabulary for foothill topography
The enjoyment of scenery employs the mind without fatigue and yet exercises it; tranquilizes it and yet enlivens it. Frederick Law Olmsted
Taking advantage of the topography of mountain foothills, Parkhill Commons uses terraces to create a unique design vocabulary with an easy and pleasant spatial sequence.
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深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-86
深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-88
公园地块整体地势北高南低,最大高差约 5 米,三面临街,边界异形,与周围的建筑立面也都存在不同角度。有效的空间利用使功能从一个区域流向另一个区域,形成一个强烈的中央形态。
The north side of the park stands up to 5 meters taller than the south side, facing the street on three sides and has an odd shape. Designers worked to align the space with surrounding facades to keep the flow of movement seamless.
深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-92
A series of compact and flexible activity spaces form interesting social scenes and recreational routes through their relationship to each other.
深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-96
Spacing, proportion and alignment are optimized in every detail of the design, including seat walls
策略三 | 半山山林海绵中枢
Strategy 3 | Upland Stormwater Infiltration
Ultimately we need to recognize that while humans continue to build urban landscapes, we share these spaces with others species. David Suzuki.面对优越的现状自然环境,对生态效益的思考来自设计伊始。设计一方面保护和再造优越的城市山林生态环境,同时构建社区的海绵系统中枢。
Surrounded by natural beauty, ecological thinking is at the forefront of the park design: protecting the environment and absorbing rainwater from the community.
深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-105
The design of the first-floor terrace, which is connected to the current elevation, allows the tall and lush current arbor in the north to be preserved and becomes the greenest mountain forest ecological barrier in the park.
The street-level North edge preserves mature trees and forms a wide ecologically rich belt between the park and road.
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深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-111
Plants and trees were selected for their seasonality and variety, planted in layers to support biodiversity.
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深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-118
©ACF 蓄水再利用
深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-120
深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-123
深圳年均降雨量 1933.3mm,4-9 月雨季期间常受到极端强降雨的影响,公园下凹台地式的设计使其具有滞蓄雨水的巨大潜力。进一步配合空间活动功能,依据海绵单位的计算和建议,将具有雨水滞蓄功能的滞留花园、生态绿阶、模块草地、台地花园系统分布于各处,使雨水能就地分区消化。慢行道也采用透水砖或透水混凝土,以减少地面雨水径流。再通过溢流管网、砾石盲管有序组织场地内多余雨水汇集至场地西南角的中央蓄水模块,形成整体雨水管理和回用网络。
During the summer rainy season, Shenzhen receives heavy rainfall, so every element of the park is built to absorb stormwater runoff. From lawn to bricks, permeable surfaces slow runoff and a network of overflow pipes channel water to a large retention basin.
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深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-129
Mock-up and construction process of sponge facilities such as sponge lawn, rainwater garden, ecological green terrace, terrace garden, raintwater tank, etc.
探索 /Explore
以人为本的乐土 People-oriented Paradise
一块无限可能的芳草地 A Lawn of Infinite Possibilities
公园的中心留给了约 760m2 的长形草地作为锚点。平整的草地被优雅的小径和荫凉的长凳所包围,创造了无限活动的可能性,成为使用者们永不落幕的舞台,实践着以使用者为主角的设想。四周长凳和座墙可供 300 多人同时面向草地乘坐,好一个绿色礼堂!
At its center, a 760 square meter lawn anchors the park. Surrounded by elegant paths and shady benches, the lawn becomes a stage with unlimited possibilities. The surrounding benches and seating walls can accommodate more than 300 people facing the lawn at the same time. What a green auditorium!
深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-138
With amphitheater seating to the east, fountain on the west, and long stone benches to the north and south, the layers of planting create a lush and inward-facing park.
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深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-143
深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-144
The design of walls and benches is precise for a calm atmosphere, structuring the green environment allows community activities to take center stage.
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深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-149
A quiet and dynamic water feature
The community center’s terrace frames views of the park with an elegant water feature. Both relaxing and a place for child’s exploration, the fountain transforms based on visitor engagement.
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When the fontain is turned off, the tree canopy light projects patterns into the park, and when turned on the jets create an ethereal atmosphere.
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深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-161
A vibrant and exciting slop
The playground showcases the possibilities for fun and exploration inherent in steep topography. With benches for parents to supervise from various locations, the vibrant color invites children to play, while lending the park a colorful hillside.
深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-168
With a compact layout, the playground encourages running, climbing, chasing, jumping, swinging, sliding, sand play, tree house exploration and other games. With many routes and climbing structures to explore, the possibilities for play and curiosity are endless.
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The green terrace that rises layer by layer is the boundary of the playground. The abundant slope climbing facilities and the unique terrace space face the large grassland, making this playground unique.
The playground is bounded by greenery, with an array of climbing structures and an upper terrace overlooking the park below.
深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-187
A distinctive basketball court
Street basketball is a sports that young and middle-aged people love, and its scale and space requirements are especially suitable for the terrace space here. The lower level is a naturally enclosed area, and the upper level is a surrounding stand.
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深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-196
Inspired by the community’s mountainous features and the whirlwind pattern of basketball speed, the mountain wall is decorated with some basketball action words. The pattern is concise, abstract and creative, making this a unique place.
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深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-202
深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-203
This place with enjoyable scale, is also flexible programmatically, that can facilitate activities like Taichi, and community dancing. It’s also the intention for the graphics on the pavement, to integrate the use of other programs artistically, and support the flexibility of this place.
深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-207
A fresh and soft green wave rain garden
The clusters of the existing tall, and mature trees were preserved at the northern plateau. To create a calm, and forest character here, narrow stone stairways were designed to work with a few groups of simple, fragrant plants, and elegant rectangular stone seating elements to allow visitors to rest and enjoy. Through this strategy, the street and park are stitched together. Additionally, Undulating, wave-like landforms were designed to retain stormwater with its sculptural quality along the sidewalk here.
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深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-217
A safe, comfortable, and community-identified sustainable living network
Under the community framework design, the streetscape was implemented along with the park’s friendly, cozy characters. Without adjusting the planned street sections, this project proposed to improve paving materials and colors to distinguish the functions, like walking, running, and biking, to reduce interference, ensure safety, and increase comfortness between different users.
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深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-225
The planting of the streetscape addresses the sequentiality, and spatiality under the tree canopies with newly planted street trees, shrub, groundcovers and lighting. Whether it’s driving, walking or biking, visitors can experience the seasonality, and shade, as well as the ambience at night by the carefully placed light fixtures.
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深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-230
By increasing the width taken from the space outside the right of way, and the use of tree grates, the newly built Wolong No. 6 Road on the south side of the park has a more spacious passage space for the flow of pedestrians, especially during the peak of commuting in the future.
深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-234
Customized street furniture and signage systems, including wayfinding, pedestrian lighting, bike rack and trash receptacles, are intended to form the sense of community through their calm, and refined qualities.
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深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-240
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深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-244
Three iconic street corners have been created, along the Wolong Fourth Road that runs from north to south, bringing visitors from the urban main roads into the core of the community. Even if they visit for the first time, it is easy to find the community and the park with their identifiable qualities. They were formed by a series of linear languages, special features like “sports weather vane”, and vibrant systems.
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At the corner of Jiangangshan Avenue, an entry signage wall was designed to integrate the existing grades by two layers of seat walls, and to form a “welcome porch” for resting and shade.
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The logo wall is marked with a contrasting color at the intersection of the park to emphasize the main entrance.
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深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-257
At the corner of the high point of the park on the north, the wind sculpture of sports figures rotates with the wind. It has become an indicator of the community’s sports spirit.
推敲/ Revision
Elegent, restrained, infinite
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. —Leonardo Da Vinci
Behind every feature is restrained selection and refined design. The regular plane and straight lines that fit the large space are the key rules, used for the formation of the edge seatings, the signage, the logo wall, and the detailed structure and the texture of the movable furniture. The overall tone is elegant and neutral, but the highlights of a few touches of bright colors can instantly light up the atmosphere. This kind of design makes the whole harmonious, and at the same time has a strong memory point.
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深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-269
Memory is not only a visual stimulus, but also a variety of physical and mental experience and choices. There are stone benches, wooden benches, lawn, picnic tables and chairs, reclining chairs with pedals, high back recliners, coffee tables and chairs, etc. They provide different hardness, height and posture experiences. There are trees to enjoy the coolness and open lawns for sunbathing. There are the opportunities of being alone among the flowers under the woods, the excitement of people watching, and the intimate sitting and talking...
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These exciting moments also benefit from the line-drawing of the pavings and the backdrop of the scenery wall. In the park, the elegant and precise gray stone paving is carefully aligned accurately, which depicts the edge of the central lawn, as on a green canvas highlighting the features and trees there. On the street, the permeable pavement bricks on the sidewalks stagger along with the meandering road, matching with the simple and elegant concrete bike path. At the street corner, gray stone pavement align again to give way to the visual elements of the street corner, which also echoes the park paving.
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深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-283
Outdoor community activities at night are especially active in Shenzhen, where the winter is not cold and the summer is hot. Therefore, the lighting design creates a comfortable and relaxed living atmosphere beyond meeting street safety and the basic illumination of each site’s requirement. There are dynamic projection lights on the playground and nearby lawn, creating an interactive and fun experience.
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深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-291
Every grass and every tree has its own story. The natural and casual composition and atmosphere has been discussed and modified together with the client and the construction drawing team many times on site to achieve the best result. It considers the seasonal changes, the texture and the color. The groupings are sparse but not disconnected, growing lively but not too decorated. Leave time for them to wait for the towering trees, the flowers bloom, the fall color leaves, and the year’s circle.
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深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-297
打磨 / Polished
In order to ensure that the various design details can accurately be understood and developed in the construction drawings, the design team studied a lot of detailed design models in SD phase, and used three-dimensional model diagrams to communicate with the CD team and other consultants.
The realization of the design details of customized play equipment, lightings, furniture, and signages is impossible to build from the strong support of the client. We had chances to discuss and confirm the shape, materials, colors and manufacturing with various consultants many times, and jointly to improve the design. All these efforts resulted in a high degree of completion.
深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-304
For important and difficult details during the construction process, the owner, construction drawing team, and contractor did mock up together at the beginning, and communicated with us throughout the process. The process helped to improve details several times.Throughout the intense construction process, the design team regularly and continuously communicated closely with all parties on site, which further ensured the final high-quality completion of the project.
深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-308
【项目档案 Project File】
Project name: Vanke Parkhill Commons and Streetscape
Project address: Baoan District, Shenzhen
Developer: Shenzhen Vanke
Project type: park, street
Design style: modern
Landscape design area: 11860m2
Design time: 2020.11-2021.02
Presentation time: 2021.06
Developer team: Lin Qi, Zhitong Wu, Quan Shao, Huimin Ji, Xiexin Zhang, Yanchen Guo, Sen Li
景观设计:PLAT Studio
廖德轩、王诗婷、蓝仕霖、高梅、秦晓晴、霍思汀、隋虎、彭静、华英华、Iris Soh、王瀚宇、Sophanut Jamonak、李翔宇、孙一诺、Katrina Ortiz, 钟炜娟
Landscape design: PLAT Studio
Fred Liao, Kit Shih-Ting Wang, Shih-Lin Lan, Maggie Kao, Xiaoqing Qin, Siting Huo, Tiger Sui, David Jing Pen, Yinhua Hua, Iris Soh, Daniel Wang, Sophanut Jamonak, Xiangyu Li, Yinuo Sun, Katrina Ortiz, Joan Zhong
Landscape construction drawing: OEA
Landscape construction: Pubang Landscape Architecture Co.,Ltd
Architectural design: Shenzhen Huahui Design Co., Ltd.
Architecture construction drawing: Zhubo Design Co., Ltd.
Interior design: Karv One.
Interior construction drawing: Karv One
景观摄影:ACF 域图视觉, 河狸景观摄影, 深圳万科,PLAT Studio
Landscape photography: ACF, Holi, Shenzhen Vanke, PLAT Studio
PLAT Studio
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深圳国际山公园街区 · 绿色半山社区生活枢纽丨中国深圳丨PLAT Studio-359
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