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2022/11/02 09:04:25
情绪是我们人自带有的一个东西,不可以去规避它,从心理学角度讲情绪是一种需要中介的心理活动,在我眼中它构成了整个社会。情绪及所有。Emotion is something that comes with us and we cannot avoid it. From the perspective of psychology, emotion is a psychological activity that needs to be mediated. In my eyes, it constitutes the whole society. Emotions and all.
这个世界……是孤独的,在它以外什么都没有,它只靠作为整体而静止不动的它自己;它自己就是一切。——Johannes Kepler 刻卜勒
The world... It is alone, beyond which there is nothing, and it depends only on itself as a whole and motionless; It is everything by itself.
-- Johannes Kepler
starry atom——staom
When we look out into space, we are also searching for our own origins, and our story is the story of the universe, because we are the true children of the universe, every atom and molecule that is put into us.
大约在 150 亿年前,宇宙是个体积无限小,密度无限大的点。构成我们的粒子在爆炸前瞬间都挤在一起,这世界本质上都是瞬间诞生出来的。它们在 150 亿年里在宇宙飘荡,碰撞,转变,创造了完整的我和你。每一次相遇,都是久别重逢,因为远在 150 亿年前,我们就已相遇过,从那一刻起,我就在寻找你。
About 15 billion years ago, the universe was an infinitely small, infinitely dense point. The particles of which we are made huddled together momentarily before the explosion, and the world was essentially created instantaneously. They’ve been drifting through the universe for 15 billion years, colliding, transforming, creating a whole me and you. Every time we meet, we meet again after a long separation, because as far as 15 billion years ago, we have met, from that moment, I have been looking for you.
When a star is torn apart, it blasts all the elements it created in the course of its life into the air and dies. These elements will spread out in the universe to form a cloud, and at the center of the cloud will be a small cloud of light where new stars will be born from the remnants of dead stars. In this cosmic cycle of death and rebirth, we emerge.
Every atom in your body comes from an exploded star. The atoms that formed your left hand could have come from a different star than the atoms that formed your right hand, which is the most poetic thing I know in physics, that everything you are came from stardust.
I hope I can have enough luck and enough courage to see the fate of more different winds. I also look forward to being sculpted into different mountains and rivers by these surging air currents in the future.
其实分别也没有那么可怕,65 万个小时后,当我们氧化成风,就能变成同一盏灯下两粒依偎的尘埃。宇宙中的原子并不会湮灭,而我们,也终究会在一起。
In fact, the separation is not so terrible. After 650,000 hours, when we oxidize into the wind, we can become two grains of dust snuggled under the same lamp. The atoms of the universe will not annihilate, and we will be together after all.
When we look up, the stars seem so far away, but the atoms that formed our bodies at the Big Bang are the same atoms that formed our bodies. So the stars are not far away, because we are the stars themselves.
I am grateful that our light cones once overlapped and that you changed my orbit forever. Even if we never see each other again, you are still the reason my galaxy never falls apart, the eternal place in my cosmic web.
This is a space about the universe and jewelry.
The idea of creativity comes from the understanding of diamonds. Diamonds represent eternity, and in the whole world, can represent eternity, probably only the universe. We use eternity to hope for love, then we are like hope we each other are like stars in the universe, each other distant glow, born to cherish each other.
Black diamonds are unlike any other diamonds on Earth. They are mysterious minerals brought by distant planets.
In order to express the sense of immensity of the universe, we tried to break the constraints of space and make the space appear "immensity". From the top surface OF the mirror and the ground, to the wall but then and hanging and confusion, no regular arrangement of the size of the lamps and lanterns, are to let the space looks boundless, like in the universe in general. In order to enhance the cosmic feeling, we also added meteorites and astronauts to set off the scene atmosphere.
The project is characterized by the use of narrative spatial techniques and immersive experience to create a space, rather than a project tailored to local conditions. It is more like shooting a movie. From the corridor at the door, the entrance at the bottom of the corridor, the universe comes into view after turning the retaining wall. It is a process from the earth, to the space-time tunnel, and finally appears in space.
From the earth into the time tunnel, the city window gradually faded its shadow, due to the distortion of time and space, the projection of illusory reflection.
Matter begins to become disorganized in space. Reconstruction and deconstruction overlap with light and shadow, and space opens the prelude of the universe.
The jewelry counter is like a mysterious spiritual fortress in an alien civilization, standing on a planet with different thickness and height.
When we look up, we think the stars are far away, but the atoms that formed our bodies at the Big Bang are the same atoms that formed our bodies. So the stars are not far away, because we are the stars themselves. And we all find company in the universe of solitude.
Every atom in our bodies comes from an exploded star. The stars that form your left hand and the atoms that form your right hand are the most poetic things I know in physics, and everything comes from the stars.
Location|Jiangyin, Jiangsu
Interior Design|Xanadu
Design|Zeng Rong
Photography|Sheng Hui
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