INMEDIA 英蕾办公室丨中国上海丨Yatofu Creatives

2023/06/28 12:40:23
在工作压力剧增的当下,英蕾文化传媒希望能通过设计提升员工的快乐感和激发员工的创造灵感,抱着这一愿景,英蕾 INMEDIA 委托 Yatofu Creatives 为其打造一个创造性的办公空间。这与 Yatofu 的设计价值观不谋而合,通过研究与尝试,Yatofu 设计了一个能承载多样化与动态工作模式,并体现英蕾团队前瞻性思维和关怀精神的新型办公空间。
INMEDIA, an advertising agency based in Shanghai, tasked Yatofu Creatives with creating an office space which would increase its employees’ sense of happiness, freedom, and inspiration. Yatofu set out to concoct a space which would offer varied and dynamic ways of work, as well as reflecting the agency’s forward-thinking spirit.
▼主要空间概览,Overall view
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▼从前台看向办公空间,Looking at interior space from reception
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▼回看入口,Looking back the entrance
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新的办公空间位于上海虹口区,该地区以其历史悠久的巷弄建筑街区而闻名,也称为里弄。通过重新发掘里弄建筑的空间体验,探索南欧小巷中对比鲜明的色彩材质,Yatofu 发现了里弄与南欧巷落中共同拥有的亲切感和邻里社区感,并在设计过程中寻求将社区感带入英蕾的新办公室环境。
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The new office space is located in the Hongkou area, a district in Shanghai known for its historic neighborhoods of condensed alleyway housings called lilongs. Influenced by the legacy of these lilongs and inspired by the comparative visual vibrancy found in the small alley streets of Southern Europe, Yatofu Creatives approached the design for INMEDIA’s office by seeking to bring a sense of community into the office setting.
▼“室外”办公区,“Interior” space
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▼相互交流的员工,Employees interacting
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▼会议空间,Meeting space
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▼小型办公空间,The private office
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▼从开敞办公区看向小型办公空间,Looking at the private office from the “interior” office space
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Yatofu 将空间划分为两个区域,分别代表小巷的“室内”和“室外”。办公空间的内侧通过木制结构围合成了会议室与小型办公空间,通过窗户可以一瞥内部活动,仿佛穿梭于繁华小巷间,窗内与窗外人们的行为互相交映。“室外”区域参考了常见于小巷户外的材料,铺设具有光滑纹理的深红色瓷砖,与裸露混凝土的粗糙感相得益彰,为此项目定制设计的工作台灯仿佛排列在巷弄间的温暖街灯,照亮了狭窄的通道。
Drawing from the reference of Southern European alleyways, Yatofu planned the space with two zones which represent the “interior” and “exterior” of the alleyways. The wood-clad structure, which houses the private office and meeting rooms, draws inspiration from the residences that line the bustling alleys, with windows opening into the interior to offer a glimpse of the activity inside. The “exterior” area references materials often found on alleyway exteriors, and is clad in glossy crimson tiles, paired against the rawness of the exposed concrete. Custom table lamps, whose forms are directly inspired by pedestrian streetlamps, line the table alleys as if luminating narrow passageways.
▼对比鲜明的色彩材质,Contrasting color materials
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▼以街灯为灵感的工作台灯,The desk lamp is inspired by streetlamp
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▼高低不一的矮墙围合出不同开放程度的空间,Low walls of different heights enclose spaces with different degrees of openness
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在整个空间中,灵活自由、无层级区分的座位安排是通过蜿蜒的路径创建的,路径旁高低不一的矮墙围合出不同开放程度的空间,为不同形式的工作带来动态灵活的可能性。沿着窗户的玻璃幕墙通向户外露台,Yatofu 将这个整个办公空间中最常洒满阳光的“走廊”空间留给员工,作为放松和充电的区域,也可以作为非正式会议区灵活使用。
Throughout the space, opportunistic seating arrangements are created through winding paths that offer privacy through the creation of corners, resulting in dynamic possibilities for different formats of work. Along the glazed wall of windows, a sun-lit corridor serves as an area to relax and recharge, but can also be purposed as an informal meeting area for the employees.
▼用于放松的“走廊”空间,The“corridor” space for relaxation
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通过引用不同的建筑类型作为工作空间概念的内核,英蕾文化传媒的新办公空间摆脱了通用的办公室配置类型,创造出一种促进自发性互动和模糊个人与共享空间界限的模式。Yatofu 为英蕾打造的新办公空间不仅仅鼓励工作伙伴间的互动,促进团队意识,更探索了在未来办公环境中通过设计关怀人们的情感感受。
By referencing a different architectural typology to serve as the spirit of the workspace concept, INMEDIA’s office steers away from generic office configurations to create one which promotes spontaneous interactions and blurred boundaries between the individual and the shared space. This format for their new office not only encourages interactive behavior, but also promotes a sense of community and combined purpose.
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项目名称:INMEDIA 英蕾办公室
室内设计:Yatofu Creatives
完成时间:2022 年 10 月
面积:300 sqm
设计团队:Angela Lindahl, Yihan Xiang, Sheen Tao, Haibo Qu
空间摄影:Wen Studio
大会议室吊灯–Yatofu Creatives 定制
桌面装饰灯具、壁灯蓝色地面照明灯、下沉会议室吊灯–Yatofu Creatives 定制
办公椅、沙发、圆形会议桌、走廊椅子–Knights Craft
Project Name: INMEDIA Office Space
Interior Design: Yatofu Creatives
Project Type: Office Space
Location: Shanghai, China
Completion Date: October, 2022
GFA: 300 sqm
Design Team: Angela Lindahl, Yihan Xiang, Sheen Tao, Haibo Qu
Interior Photography: Wen Studio
Materials & Finishes:
Natural Oak Veneer
Ceramic Tiles (Glossy, Red)
Concrete Tiles (Floor)
Interior Paint
Exposed Raw Concrete
Pendant Lamp (Small Meeting Room) – PWTBS
Pendant Lamp (Private Office) – Hay
Pendant Lamp (Big Meeting Room) – Custom by Yatofu Creatives
Decorative Table Lamps, Wall Lamps, Floor Lamps (Blue) – Custom by Yatofu Creatives
Pendant Lamp (Sunken Meeting Space) – Custom by Yatofu Creatives
Office Chairs – Knights Craft
Sofa – Knights Craft
Round Meeting Table – Knights Craft
Lounge Chairs – Knights Craft
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