—— 约翰·拉塞特
The art challenges the technology, and the technology inspires the art.
– John Lasseter
丹尼尔斯坦森事务所打造的蜻蜓公园·未来停车楼位于杭州市中心商务区,这座极具未来感的垂直停车楼将自动化停车技术与绿色公共空间相结合,为电动和非电动汽车提供了 500 个停放空间。
Located in the central CBD of Hangzhou, Future Car Park designed by Daniel Statham Studio is a vertical parking complex that combines automated parking technology with green public spaces, generating a capacity of 500 parking spaces for electric and non-electric vehicles.
▼项目概览,Overall view ©RAWVISION studio
停车楼由一系列「未来主义塔楼」组成,这些塔楼向上伸展攀升,于高处「 绽放」形成连续的屋顶平台,提供娱乐设施和屋顶花园。未来停车楼旨在创造全新的都市通勤理念,为都市居民打造一座集最新全自动停车技术、公共空间、活动空间以及空中花园为一体的城市绿洲。
Future Car Park is consists of a series of “Futuristic Towers,” in which cars are stacked by the lift and stacking system. The towers grow upwards and blossom into a connected roof form, accommodating entertainment facilities and roof gardens. Future Car Park invents a new way people commute to urban hubs, while creating an urban oasis that is a synthesis of the latest automated parking technologies, public space, event spaces and hanging gardens for the public.
▼屋顶俯瞰,Rooftop view©RAWVISION studio
▼建筑与周边环境鸟瞰,Aerial view©RAWVISION studio
全自动的停车体验 A Fully Automated Parking Journey
Upon entering Future Car Park, the circulation of cars and people are separated at Basement Level -01. Cars are taken directly to the lower parking zones within the basement or stack parking zones located in the towers. The automated parking system allocates a designated parking spot to each car based on the required parking time set by parking user, while continuously adjusting parking arrangements according to the estimated pick-up time for each car.
▼地下层,Basement Level©RAWVISION studio
进入大楼后,用户可以向系统要求取车,自动系统收到指令后将车从塔楼送回至「收集区」。随后,停车用户可以驾车由 A 出口或 B 出口离开未来停车楼,出口处将引导用户驶入路面道路。
After entering the building, parking user requests their car, which is then returned to them by the automated system from the towers to the “Collection Zone.” They can then leave the building by the choice of Exit A or B that guides them to the road system.
▼车辆停放示意,Parking process© 中科利亨
▼塔筒内部,Inside the circular tower© 中科利亨
会呼吸的“停车绿洲” A Breathing “Parking Oasis”
The building in many ways is a “Parking Oasis,” celebrating the harmony between car and city by breathtaking technology and architecture within a Garden Paradise, as well as creating a naturally sustainable building. The semi-internal quality of the building allows an abundance of natural ventilation and daylight that significantly reduces the energy consumption from mechanical equipment to warm and cool the building throughout the year, offering a perfect balance of temperature and ventilation within the spaces of the building for people to enjoy. It harnesses sunlight and storm water to irrigate and clean the building.
▼建筑外观日景,Daytime exterior view©RAWVISION studio
▼从对面建筑望向停车楼,View from the opposite building©RAWVISION studio
塔楼及其隔栅形式的外表皮系统不仅通过纵向结构,为建筑整体提供横向稳定性,而且承担了通风系统的功能,贯穿整个地下区域。地下区域中,非电动车产生的汽车尾气可以通过蜿蜒的坡道系统,或是借由隔栅形式表皮向外排出,令未来停车楼如同一座“21 世纪未来烟囱”。
The architecture of the towers with their porous cladding system not only establishes the vertical structure for lateral stability of the whole building, but acts as a ventilation system which penetrates into the basement areas of the building. Future Car Park ventilates car fumes from non-electric vehicles around the basement edge via the sinuous ramping system, as well as through the porous “Towers” as a kind of 21st-century chimney.
▼体块分析图,Massing Analysis © Daniel Statham Studio
▼建筑外观夜景,Exterior view by night©RAWVISION studio
▼一座“21 世纪未来烟囱”,A kind of 21st-century chimney©RAWVISION studio
▼建筑外观细节,Exterior detailed view©RAWVISION studio
未来主义塔楼不只停车 Futuristic Towers beyond Parking
Future Car Park combines its structure with unique spaces to celebrate cars of the future, while providing a healthy, invigorating environment for families, friends and businesses. The building complex is constitute of six circular towers and four orthogonal towers located on the edges of the site. Three circular towers at the centre of the site serves for car stacking, while the lifts embedded in the other three circular towers allow visitors to ascend to the rooftop.
▼塔筒分析图,Tower Analysis© Daniel Statham Studio
▼建筑外部流线,Outdoor circulation©RAWVISION studio
The four columns at the corners of the site contain fire escapes. A “Plaza” naturally forms at Level 01 and Basement Level -01 under the towers for people to congregate and engage with surrounding parkland. The upward-extending towers acts like a “Canopy of Trees,” which offers shades from the hot sun and rain during summer in Hangzhou.
▼从广场望向建筑,View from the plaza©RAWVISION studio
▼建筑立面局部,Facade partial view©RAWVISION studio
▼塔筒分析图,Tower Analysis© Daniel Statham Studio
▼塔筒及塔筒剖面分析图,Tower & Tower Section Analysis© Daniel Statham Studio
▼塔筒剖面分析图,Tower Section Analysis© Daniel Statham Studio
Wonderful public and commercial spaces are generated by this architecture. Cars are transported vertically within the Towers by the lift and stacking system, while people are also taken from the lower levels to the rooftop via lifts, adding to the vertical animation of the building. The building is “see-through” when in close proximity. The facade system is a louvred cladding that allows both a glimpse of the parking towers and automated parking technology, as well as an outward aspect from the upper levels within the building. On the rooftop garden, people can enjoy an additional “Park” and public space, where fantastic views and perspectives of the city and internal environment of this building are experienced.
▼汽车通过垂直塔库系统在塔楼内竖向升降,Cars are transported vertically within the Towers by the lift and stacking system© 中科利亨
▼内部空间,Interior view©RAWVISION studio
▼塔筒外部灯光效果,Lighting effect©RAWVISION studio
丹尼尔斯坦森事务所创始人丹尼尔斯坦森 (Daniel Statham) 表示:“我们试图从车辆本身和车辆停放两个角度展现自动停车技术,赞美自动停车技术,在不断追求可持续发展的设计过程中,将自动停车打造成「停驻在建筑中的艺术」。未来停车楼是一个赞美「人和机器和谐共处」的空间,为未来城市开创一个更加健康、可持续的环境雏型。”Daniel Statham, Founder and Director of Daniel Statham Studio, commented:“We have attempted to combine and celebrate automotive technologies in both its vehicular and parked form, in its ever-evolving sustainable pursuit and house it as ‘Art within the Architecture.’ It is a celebration of ‘Man and Machine’ in a space for the future city that makes a statement to create a healthier and more sustainable environment for all.”▼停车楼和公园空间,The future car park and the green area©RAWVISION studio
▼停车楼夜景,Night view©RAWVISION studio
▼轴测图,Axonometric© Daniel Statham Studio
▼总平面图,Site Plan© Daniel Statham Studio
First Floor Plan© Daniel Statham Studio
▼顶层平面图,Roof Top Plan© Daniel Statham Studio
▼立面图 1,Elevation 1© Daniel Statham Studio
▼立面图 2,Elevation 2© Daniel Statham Studio
▼剖面图 1,Section 1© Daniel Statham Studio
▼剖面图 2,Section 2© Daniel Statham Studio
▼建筑构造细节图,Constructive Details© Daniel Statham Studio