

In most Asian cities, the lifespan of a building is shorter than that of man. So the shifting or pressure on public space is a constant reality, leaving public spaces residing as a by-product of the frantic rush to modernization. Many of these leftover areas labelled as public space lack any real human interaction or level of use to and for the public. Let alone cater to the different age groups, gender or mobility of city dwellers. Should we not state that public space belongs to the public? Should it not offer something to the public? Or is a public space a space, an opportunity, where the public can “make a place”?
▼城市化过程中被“弃用”而产生的公共空间被转化为为城市居民的栖居地,the public space is an opportunity, where the public can “make a place”
AIM在“城事绽放”的项目中重新审视了公共空间的脆弱性。不同于以往的市政需要和功能性设计,城事绽放以人文情趣主导设计核心诉求。最终的装置将一片裸露的停车场改造为城市绿洲,为城市生活重新注入活力。这处完全由可回收材料人工搭建而成的艺术景观,提醒人们一座理想之城,应以人为本。“城事绽放” 快闪花园的设计初衷,是为城市注入愉悦的气息。庭院上空,装有斑斓植被的气球容器如同枝叶一般漂游天际,斑驳的“树影”洒满地面。种类繁多的鲜花和绿植参差摆放在空间各处,当它们绽放时,整个平台化身为一个开放、温馨的城市花园。
With Urban Bloom, we try to explore this vulnerability in our public spaces. It is an experiment in human interest taking precedence over a design intention or infrastructural need. This installation renews and invigorates urbanism, transforming a bare leftover public space into an urban oasis. The landscape, constructed entirely from artificial means, is a project for a city that emphasizes people. It is a pop-up garden whose sole design intent is to bring joy. It reflects balloon-like shapes that hold colorful foliage, floating above the courtyard like the leaves of trees, flooding the space with shadows and shapes. Where wide varieties of flowers and vegetation are placed among the modules, and as they blossom, the platform transforms into an open, welcoming garden.
▼将一片裸露的停车场改造为城市绿洲,transforming a bare leftover public space into an urban oasis
▼庭院上空,装有斑斓植被的气球容器如同枝叶一般漂游天际,balloon-like shapes that hold colorful foliage, floating above the courtyard like the leaves of trees
It encourages visitors to explore the space and interpret its purpose with their lens. In the same way that certain city blocks flow with rivers of people, or flowers grow toward the light, the behaviour pattern of each visitor, and the energy of the environment will intangibly define the space and its character. This space is low-impact, with its rented pallets, interacting with natural elements in an artificial way. So much about urbanism is not sustainable – the pace of life, waste, cost but with Urban Bloom, we try to prove that it’s possible to make something new from nothing new at all.
▼每个参观者的行为模式都会与环境中的能量场共振,the behaviour pattern of each visitor and the energy of the environment will intangibly define the space and its character
项目名称: “城事绽放”花园
地点: 韩国光州
项目面积: 330 平方米
设计团队: AIM恺慕建筑设计Wendy Saunders, Vincent de Graaf, 胡秀芝
景观设计: Sunghwan Ryu at The Gardenest
活动组织: 光州双年展
摄影师:©Juneyoung Lim, 2019 Gwangju Design Biennale by Gwangju Design Center Foundation
Project Name: Urban Bloom
Location: Gwangju, Korea
Size: 330 sqm
Design Team: Wendy Saunders, Vincent de Graaf, Shirley Woo at AIM ARCHITECTURE
Landscape Team: Sunghwan Ryu at The Gardenest
Event Organizer: Gwangju Design Biennale
Photography: ©Juneyoung Lim, 2019 Gwangju Design Biennale by Gwangju Design Center Foundation