

Camp Adventure Park是一个全新且独特的体验目的地。一条900米长的螺旋步道与一座45米高的观景塔相连,伴随螺旋步道的徐徐向上延伸,创造了一种在漫步森林之上的独特体验,让人们从另一个角度体验森林的壮丽景色。塔楼和步道是一个无缝的螺旋坡道,可以帮助各种身体状况的人们进入森林,体验森林漫步。Camp Adventure Park位于丹麦首都哥本哈根南部一处保护完好的森林(Gisselfeld Klosters Skove)里,距离哥本哈根有1小时路程。森林中有许多不同的天然景致,如湖泊,小溪和湿地。
Camp Adventure Park is a new and unique experience destination. A 900 meters treetop walk connected to a 45 meters tall observation tower creates a unique opportunity to take a walk above the treetops and experience the stunning nature of the preserved forest from another perspective. The tower and treetop walk is as a seamless continuous ramp that makes the forest accessible to all – regardless of their physical condition.Camp Adventure Park is located in the preserved forest, Gisselfeld Klosters Skove, one hour south of Copenhagen, Denmark. The forest is graced with several natural biotopes such as lakes, creeks, and wetlands.
The route through the trees passes gently and sensitively through different varieties of forest, while minimizing the disturbance of the environment. The treetop walk is split into a higher and a lower walkway. The high walkway will pass through the oldest parts of the forest while the tower and the lower walkway are located in the younger areas. The high walkway also features a series of activities for different user groups to learn and enjoy the forest qualities.
▼步道节点,footpath nodes
▼高步行道,”Take off”
▼塔楼形态生成,tower forming process
▼塔楼概览,tower overview
▼俯瞰塔楼,overlooking the tower
▼塔楼步道,tower footpath
这个新的树端步行道和观景台将成为Camp Adventure的一部分,Camp Adventure是一个已存在的冒险运动设施,包括树梢攀登和空中高空滑索等。
The new treetop walk and observation tower will be part of Camp Adventure, an existing adventure sports facility that includes treetop climbing and aerial zip lines.
项目名:Camp Adventure Park
客户:Camp Adventure Park
获奖信息 :ICONIC Award 2017
Project Name: Camp Adventure Park
Location: Næstved, Denmark
Year: 2017
Status: Under construction (Opens 2018)
Size: 900 m boardwalk, 45 m tower
Client: Camp Adventure Park
Collaborators: ARUP
Award: ICONIC Award 2017