"The loom" is the winning proposal of the design competition for Mesteshukar Boutique. The project started with a glimpse of memory:
I remembered the years I have spent with my grandparents. I wouldn't say they were craftsmen, but my grandmother was baking bread, spinning the wool in order to be knitted into our socks and sweaters or she was weaving baskets for her own use.
When I think of her, I don't remember the way the basket looked in the end, nor the bread or the socks, but I can still feel in my fingers the point of the spindle and the low sound of the wool while becoming a thread.
I can feel so clearly passing my fingers through the vertical twigs of the basket, I remember some of them being soft and flexible, and others breaking, I can feel the flour on her hands and the firm movements through the bread dough.
I remember with my hands. […] These memories don't seem to be stocked in my brain, but moreover in my fingers, arms. They are triggered by touch. The body remembers. To recollect the experience of a certain crafts means remembering the process.
The body reacts when it sees the tools or the materials. A place that aims to keep the crafts alive should be able to trigger memories, to have the tools and the materials available, to invite you to take a seat and let your fingers move along with them. To be a workshop, more than a shop. To be a tactile house of past and future memories.