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荷兰格罗宁根Regulateur社会住宅丨De Zwarte Hond

2023/07/28 17:33:28
Regulateur项目由De Zwarte Hond担纲设计,是一座围绕庭院花园建造的布局紧凑的社会福利住房,它的落成为格罗宁根的Grunobuurt居民区新增了105套公寓。从类型上看,设计延续了格罗宁根的“hofjes”传统,即围绕庭院建造救济房屋。该项目基于Nijestee、De Zwarte Hond和Trebbe的长期合作关系得以推进,其目标是为人们提供更健康、更幸福的生活环境。
With the completion of the Regulateur, the Grunobuurt neighbourhood in Groningen has gained 105 new apartments. De Zwarte Hond has designed a compact block of social housing around a courtyard garden. Typologically, the design continues Groningen’s tradition of ‘hofjes’, alms houses built around courtyards. Based on a close and longstanding collaboration between Nijestee, De Zwarte Hond and Trebbe, this building was designed with the aim of making people’s lives healthier and happier.
▼项目概览,Overall view © Eva Bloem
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独特又富有韵律的外立面 A remarkable and rhythmic façade
The Regulateur is the sixth residential building in the renovated Grunobuurt area. The stepped apartment block ranges from three to seven storeys and has a beautifully rhythmic façade. The façade openings repeat around the block with accents at the corners supplied by the loggias, and both light and views increase the higher you go in the building. This is reflected in the façade pattern, which features windows that are wider at the bottom and become progressively narrower towards the top.
▼富有韵律感的外立面,The beautifully rhythmic façade © Eva Bloem
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Also eye-catching is the unusual brickwork, which seems to consist solely of a repeated header bond. Together with the Strating brickworks, we created a special brick for this. It has a mock joint, creating the appearance of a block bond that emphasizes the ‘fade’ pattern of the façade. We also made the brick less deep, 7cm instead of the standard 10cm. By combining this shallower brick with the occasional ordinary brick, we create a beautiful relief effect. In its entirety this not only results in a richly textured façade, but also saves a significant amount of material.
▼街景,Street view © Eva Bloem
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▼建筑立面近景,Close-up view © Eva Bloem
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围绕绿色庭院布置的社区 Community around a green courtyard
Parking has been solved centrally in the neighbourhood with a parking garage, which meant that the courtyard could become a garden. By positioning the outdoor spaces of all the housing types on this inner side, people live around the garden and everyone is focused on it. Besides the greenery in the garden, vegetation will also grow up along the façades on the inner sides of the building. In this peaceful green oasis, it will be easy and enjoyable to chat with the neighbours.
▼中央庭院,The central courtyard © Eva Bloem
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▼人们围绕着花园生活,People live around the garden and everyone is focused on it © Eva Bloem
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▼凉廊,Loggia © Eva Bloem
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The generous entrances give direct access to the courtyard garden as well as to the communal bicycle storage facility. On the extra-high ground floor, as well as living spaces there is room for two social and commercial spaces that will enhance the neighbourhood. The building has a sedum roof combined with solar panels.
▼从花园望向首层入口 © Eva Bloem View to the entrance from the garden
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▼户外楼梯,External staircase © Eva Bloem
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城市改造的一部分 Part of the urban regeneration
在Regulateur之外,De Zwarte Hond事务所还设计了同样位于Grunobuurt 区的Typhoon和Tractie住宅楼。团队还负责定制新的城市发展规划,在与居民的密切协商下,以“多样中的统一”作为出发点开展设计。该规划由8座封闭的砖砌建筑组成,建筑的体块逐渐升高,并在不同的角落有不同的高度。清晰可辨的体量通过公共空间、立面结构和入口的设计规则增强了整体性。例如,在轮廓、细部设计、砖块类型和排水沟高度等方面的变化。
In addition to the Regulateur, De Zwarte Hond previously also designed the Typhoon and Tractie residential blocks in the Grunobuurt. We are also responsible for the new urban development plan in which we – in close consultation with residents – take the much-appreciated quality of ‘unity in diversity’ as a starting point.
The plan consists of an ensemble of eight closed brick building blocks that rise gradually and have height accents at various corners. The unity is achieved by unambiguous and recognizable building volumes and reinforced by rules for the design of the public space, the façade structure and the entrances of the building blocks. Variation is created, for example, in the profiles, detailing, types of brick and gutter heights.
▼建筑立面近景,Close-up view © Eva Bloem
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Regulateur项目由De Zwarte Hond设计,Nijestee和Trebbe建造。庭院设计由Felixx Landscape Architects & Planners完成。
The Regulateur in Groningen was designed by De Zwarte Hond and built by Nijestee and Trebbe. The courtyard design was done by Felixx Landscape Architects & Planners.
▼场地平面图,Site plan © De Zwarte Hond
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▼首层平面图,Plan – ground floor © De Zwarte Hond
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▼二层平面图,Plan – first floor © De Zwarte Hond
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▼立面图,Elevation © De Zwarte Hond
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▼剖面图,Section © De Zwarte Hond
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