

自2003年以来,Lonely一直在用爱来制作和创造。Lonely 提供内衣、女装、泳装和生活用品,这些产品都是为探索和享受而设计的,Lonely 独特的调色板创造出的产品是一种艺术表现形式,让顾客发现自己就是缪斯女神。
Offering lingerie, womenswear, swimwear, and lifestyle products that are made for exploration and enjoyment, Lonely’s unique palette creates products that are artistic expressions for customers to discover themselves as the muse.
Lonely Melrose是该品牌的第一家国际旗舰店,目前在新西兰奥克兰和惠灵顿有两个零售接触点,位于西好莱坞梅尔罗斯大道。孤独的精品店旨在成为平静的圣殿般的空间,为顾客设计放松和体验自爱和荣誉的区域,在品牌主持人的指导下,可以亲密地体验系列。
With two existing retail touchpoints in Auckland and Wellington, New Zealand, Lonely Melrose is the brand’s first international flagship, located on Melrose Avenue in West Hollywood. Lonely boutiques aim to be calm sanctuary-like spaces, designed for customers to relax in and experience a zone of self-love and honour, where collections can be intimately experienced with guidance from brand hosts.
Knight Associates与Lara Hoad Architecture & Design合作,与西好莱坞市一起进行了广泛的设计和许可过程,对主要零售空间和店面进行了翻新,并将前画廊重新配置和现代化,使其成为一个当代的、吸引人的展厅。梅尔罗斯精品店是顾客互动和购买模拟和数字水平产品的地方。在数字集成方面具有前瞻性思维,但主要以服务为重点。
Knight Associates, in collaboration with Lara Hoad Architecture & Design, undertook an extensive design and permitting process, with the City of West Hollywood, to refurbish both the main retail space and store-front and to reconfigure and modernize the former gallery into a contemporary and inviting showroom. The Melrose boutique is a place for customers to interact and buy product on both an analogue and digital level. Forward-thinking with regard to digital integration but primarily service focused.
The Melrose space makes a departure from the cool modern delineation of the previous Auckland and Wellington stores with a soft and enveloping interior. Materials and textures are muted yet tactile – a palette of Douglas Fir, aged brass, pitted plaster, and stained Elm continue the brand themes of raw sophistication, honesty, and simplicity. The space aims to say something romantic but in a modern vocabulary.