“A half day of sitting around sipping on green tea with two or three companions is worth ten years of dream-filled splendor.”
YI+MU 风合睦晨和罗兰湖业主共度了 2021 到 2023 纷乱的疫情周期,湖边·罗兰湖茶空间改造施工几经搁置终于落成,开业之初即位列社交媒体茶室排行首位。经过很长一段关于茶空间的调研,风合睦晨在新旧茶事之间做出了构建:将一种简朴自由的精神和灵性注入旧建筑,使它重新与环境、时间连通。避开繁琐和过分精致,保持文雅自然,让人们轻松地喝茶,并亲切一如其名——“湖边”。
YI+MU’s renovations of the Blue Lake-Lakeside Teahouse spanned the tumultuous pandemic from 2021 to 2023 and is now finally unveiled to the public as one of the best teahouses ranked on social media. After thorough research, YI+MU came up with a way to marry both old and new when it came to teahouse renovation: injecting simplicity and liberality into the old structure to reconnect it with space and time. A cordial nod to its name, the new “Lakeside” space is elegant and natural, without too much complication and grandeur, allowing people to have tea in a relaxing environment.
Overall view
Decade-old architecture: from decline to rebirth
When the building was handed over to YI+MU, it was somewhat in lack of the appeal of a teahouse—the ground was sunken, with copper tubes spamming all over and the space was dark, gloomy and cramped. The old building was like a weathered stone in the green space of Lidu Garden, fading into silence.
▼外观,Exterior view©风合睦晨空间设计
2013 年,意大利设计师 Luca Nichetto 为 Tales 态思故事厅完成这栋建筑作为其家具展示空间。十年后,由明入暗的氛围线索不再适宜沿用,而其鲜明凌厉的外来风范也需要某种恰当地介入,以完成其身份和象征性的转换,再续新生。
In 2013, Italian Luca Nichetto designed this building as a furniture display space for Tales. A decade passed, and the atmosphere from light to dark was no longer suitable, its clashing and clearly foreign-origin style also needing some proper intervention for its overhaul in identity, symbolism and rebirth.
建筑与环境:隐入草木,寻路而显 Architecture and environment: hidden in the greenery
入丽都花园北门,沿 260 米步道向西向南,绕行一片绿地,一块绿湖在视线里隐现;绕湖而行,经由几处凉亭至一条一人余宽的小径;再向深处,被盛夏植物簇拥着,待草木退至身后,眼前豁然——“溪流”对岸,茶室浮出。
The teahouse can only be found after entering Lidu Garden’s north gate, following the 260-meter walkway toward the west and then to the south, bypassing some verdant land and a silently watching green lake as the path continues around the shore past several gazebos to an area that is only wide enough for a single human to traverse. There the structure stands, surrounded by summer plants that open up like the parting of emerald seas.
A new door is opened on the northern side of the original building, with the original southern door used as a service entrance, making the “entry ceremony” part of the visitor experience. It takes people a considerable while to enter the teahouse, which allows time for their emotions and feelings to find an outlet along the winding path. When the space finally presents, both visitor and building are ready for what is to ensue.
由于原建筑与室外环境直接相连,又因地势陷落而困顿突兀,设计以建筑为核心,将周围景观向外推离 4 米,并向下挖掘与建筑齐平,形成一条在外部环绕的过渡带,将公共区域与主建筑柔软相隔。建筑则向外延伸出 2 米地台,对应立面条形窗围合木格栅连廊,茶座散落。
Since the original structure was directly connected to the outdoor scenery, the sunken ground may infuse a feeling of distress. The new design focused on the building itself and pushed the surrounding landscape downward to become level with the building as well as outward by four meters, thus creating a soft separation between the public area and the main structure. A two-meter platform now extends from the building in the form of a seat-strewn corridor with French windows and a wooden grating.
▼室外座椅,Outdoor seating ©风合睦晨空间设计
The three-step stone stoop attracts potential entrants. The platform is akin to a transition zone into a ringed Japanese rock garden, with the gravel as water and the stone grouping as a boat. The teahouse is like a floating island that interacts with the lake in the garden, offering a most humanistic and natural scene.
▼枯山水意象,Japanese rock garden ©风合睦晨空间设计
Light and shadow: bidding darkness adieu
Architecture is also a carrier of spirit, and that of the lakeside teahouse is closely related to nature. To introduce ample natural light, the designer opened the central roof of the building to remove the darkness and inserted a vertical core tube to accommodate stairs.
▼室内概览,Overall view of interior space©风合睦晨空间设计
The space for the original stairs was changed to two groups of private compartments, one above and one below. The upper layer features a glass roof covered with bamboo mats for shade. When sunny, flowing shadows adorn the space. When gloomy, a nuanced aura pervades.
▼开放的二层空间,Open second floor space ©风合睦晨空间设计
同时,环绕建筑立面打开 5 扇纵向条窗,框起室外景致做画轴上墙。无论在室内任何角落,自然之光都生机涌动,它成为空间的基石与精神的寄望,将建筑、人与天地紧紧相连。
Five longitudinal windows were also installed around the building’s façade to frame the outdoor scenery. In every corner, there is vibrant natural light, the cornerstone of space and hope, linking structure, people and nature.
▼室内的自然之景,Natural scenery of interior space©风合睦晨空间设计
Tea and people: enjoyed in a bright, clean space
The concept of teahouses has been developing for more than a thousand years. Chinese tea ceremonies are therefore vastly diverse. We continue to create our own ceremony, but no matter which direction we have gone, leisure and freedom have remained the most pleasant stage of Chinese tea. That is why YI+MU focuses on a neat, simple, cozy and pleasant interior space. Beige, gray and wood define the tone. Steel columns serve as the skeleton, and the solid wood fencing divides yet connects the space, jointly creating an “empty buzz” of an environment.
▼茶品展示架,Tea products display stand ©风合睦晨空间设计
The core cylinder of the staircase is surrounded with solid wood grilles. The side facing the front door and the scattered seats is concave. A hollowed strip connects the inside and outside. The staircase comes with only solid wood pedals, without vertical plates, and is outlined by black metal, which is light and flexible. Those who are having tea and those going up and down form contrasting images. The concave grille gathers spirit and serves as a feng shui barrier between the two doors.
▼楼梯核心筒,The core cylinder of the staircase ©风合睦晨空间设计
Further inside the space, the irregular array of shaped wire mesh lamps hangs down from the empty roof, and the thin grille descends all the way from the ceiling like a waterfall, serving as the background of the bar-shaped tea table. The strokes are simple yet powerful.
▼异形丝网灯,Shaped wire mesh lamps ©风合睦晨空间设计
二层过渡空间以展陈为主,向内设回廊卡座,楼板由原来的 2.3 米向挑空处推进至 3 米,以获得落座区更为松弛的尺度。
The transition space on the second floor is mainly for exhibition purposes, and there are booths along the inside corridor. The floor slab has also been extended from the original 2.3 meters to 3 meters toward the empty space to offer a more spacious seating area.
▼茶室,Tea room©风合睦晨空间设计
▼茶桌细部,Details of tea table©风合睦晨空间设计
At the terrace, the designer retained the original skylight and turned it into a glass tea pavilion with a tea table and some futons for sitting. The trees inside Lidu Garden are straight, with leafy canopies that surround the terrace. Outside the tea pavilion, the seasons are clearly discernible. Young visitors come in endless streams. While lively, it is also clear that the Chinese spirit’s draw toward humanism is also allowed the forum to grow here.
▼茶亭,The glass tea pavilion ©风合睦晨空间设计
从 2014 年罗兰湖餐厅建成,到次年罗兰湖会所,再到湖边茶室,风合睦晨用十年时间完成了一组空间实践。它们是这个城市公园积极发展的见证,共享这一历程的艰辛和荣光,也将作为新起点,迈入城市的明天。在风合睦晨看来,如今我们不必从喝茶里喝出一番高深的哲学,而恰恰是对喝茶本身有了一种先验的彻悟,这让我们松弛下来,让设计得以建立直白的意愿,进而完成深入人心、有说服力的建筑。
From Blue Lake Restaurant in 2014 to Blue Lake House the following year and then to the lakeside teahouse, YI+MU has completed a group of spaces over the past ten years. They have borne witness to the positive development of this urban park, sharing the hardships and glory along this journey. They will also serve as a new starting point, ushering in the city’s tomorrow. In YI+MU’s view, one does not have to derive some profound philosophy from having tea, but it is precisely a transcendental, thorough understanding of tea itself that allows one to relax so that design turns wish into popular, compelling architecture.
▼01 层平面图,01 floor plan©风合睦晨空间设计
▼02 层平面图,02 floor plan©风合睦晨空间设计
▼03 层平面图,03 floor plan©风合睦晨空间设计
▼建筑原貌,Original view©风合睦晨空间设计
项目面积|室内 340 平米、户外 170 平米
完工时间|2023 年 3 月
主要材料|白橡木木饰面 白橡木木地板 实木格栅 竹木地板 米白色肌理漆 黑色哑光钢板 灰色地砖 灰色岩板 灰色石子
原建筑设计|Luca Nichetto