

总统博物馆和图书馆的建筑是开塞利Sumerbank纺织厂众多建筑中的两座,如今得到了翻新。纺织厂的生产设施最初建造于1933-1935年,由俄罗斯建筑师Ivan Nikolaev设计,是土耳其共和国时期工业化和现代化最重要的标志之一。
The buildings that were renovated as the Presidential Museum and Library are just the two of the many units that formed Sumerbank Textile Factory, in Kayseri, Turkey. Built between 1933-1935 and designed by Russian architect Ivan Nikolaev, this production facility has been one of the most significant symbols of industrialization and modernization in Republican period of Turkey.
▼建筑外观,Exterior view © Cemal Emden
在1999年关闭后,这一作为俄国构成主义建筑范例的工业建筑群成为了现代的纪念碑,并在2012年归AGU所有,作为该大学的主校区使用。同年,Emre Arolat受到Abdullah Gul总统的委任,为整个建筑群制定设计和再利用战略。2013年,园区内的两座建筑——发电站和蒸汽厂——被确定改造成总统博物馆和图书馆,EAA事务所负责建筑设计。
▼建筑原貌,Factory Before EAA’s Interventions
After its close down in 1999, the industrial complex, containing unique examples of Russian Constructivist Architecture, has gained modern monument status and in 2012 registered to AGU, a new established university to be its main campus area. The same year Emre Arolat was invited by President Abdullah Gul to execute the architectural design and re-use strategy for the whole Complex. In 2013 two buildings within the Campus, the Power Station and Steam Plant were decided to be regenerated as the Presidential Museum and Library and EAA was assigned to execute the architectural design.
▼改造后的建筑,The factory after renovation © Cemal Emden
▼功能分区示意,Zoning © EAA
Each building, surviving years of neglect and decay, boasted generous volumes of spaces while preserving some of the authentic patina. The general approach was to conserve whatever substance has survived over time and preserve the original features. The architectural strategy of combining old with new was not trying to emphasize the contrast between parts that belonged to different eras but rather to create a coherent architectural whole. In this sense, a great deal of effort was paid to maintain existing elements and find the best way of dealing with the building services while meeting the necessary safety and accesibility codes. The principle of preserving the buildings to the highest extent possible depicted the selection of the materials.
▼发电站和蒸汽厂被改造成博物馆和图书馆,The Power Station and Steam Plant were regenerated as the Presidential Museum and Library © Cemal Emden
▼从建筑内望向园区,View from inside the building © Cemal Emden
▼主厅剖面图,Section of the main hall © EAA
The interiors of the Power Plant were organized according to its new use as a museum and simultaneously designed to let the visitors experience the origins of the building. Hidden under several layers of cladding was found the original ash pits which left visible to become a significant part of the exhibition experience.
▼大厅接待区,Lobby and reception area © Cemal Emden
▼室内细节,Interior detailed view © Cemal Emden
▼主厅区域,Main hall © Cemal Emden
▼展览空间,Exhibition area © Cemal Emden
▼保留下来的灰坑,The remained ash pits © Cemal Emden
▼图书馆剖面示意,Diagram: library © EAA
▼书架区剖面示意,Diagram: bookshelf structure © EAA
The Steam Plant was renovated as a modern information center with library and archive sections that are in a strong relation with the museum. With a bolder intervention, a 3 storey bookshelf structure positioned neatly in the main hall of the Steam Plant, combining plausibly with what is already there, both in form and spatially. Similar to the ash chambers in the power station, existing concrete silo bases have been preserved, now in relaxed reading rooms accentuating the volume of the space.
▼书架和阅读空间,Bookshelf and reading area © Cemal Emden
▼原有的混凝土筒仓基座被保留在阅读区域 © Cemal Emden
Existing concrete silo bases have been preserved in the reading rooms
The exhibition design was led by using semi-discrete spaces to create a thematic visitor journey, the exhibition design took inspiration from elements of Turkish values, tradition, and culture with a respectable stance for the building’s inherent features, such as its volumes, texture and natural light.
▼展厅,Exhibition hall © Cemal Emden
▼黄昏中的建筑,Exterior view at dusk © Cemal Emden
▼场地平面图,Site plan © EAA
▼首层平面图,Ground floor plan © EAA
▼二层平面图,First floor plan © EAA
▼剖面图,Sections © EAA
AG Presidential Museum and Library, Kayseri
Concept Design: EAA-Emre Arolat Architecture
Architectural Project: EAA-Emre Arolat Architecture
Responsible Architects:
Concept Project: Emre Arolat, Natali Tombak
Restoration Project: Emre Arolat, Natali Tombak
Team: Cenk Aykut, Hilay Erkin, Ceyhan Gönen, Cem Şahin,
Didem Sağlam, Taner Arıkan
Restoration: Assist. Prof. Dr. Gülsün Tanyeli
Conservation: Dr. Erkan Kambek
Fire Safety: Prof. Dr. Abdurrahman Kılıç
Acoustics: Sey Consulting
Structural Engineering: Prof. Dr. Feridun Çılı
Material Specialist: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bekir Pekmezci
Facade: Axis
Location: Kayseri-Turkey
Project Date: 2013
Construction Date: 2014-2016
Cultural: Presidential Museum & Library
Area Information:
Parcel Area: 28.000 m²
Gross Area: 5423 m²
Footprint: 2732 m²
Functional Area:
Secondary Areas:
Atelier Building: 177m2
Technical Building: 877 M²