It is a promotion of 8 homes located in the expansion area of the city of Granada, forming two rows of 4 houses on a square plot that has two streets frontage. A distribution scheme has been developed that allows you to maximize the relationship with your own outdoor space, the kitchen area will have a direct relationship with the front yard, the living area located on a higher level, will be turned over to the backyard, and the basement, usually low-skilled, will have a patio that will give natural light and ventilation, while qualifying the entrance.
The car is located on the porch next to the front garden. The kitchen and the hall are also open to the patio. The bedrooms will also be staggered, differentiated by levels the area of children of the parents, getting some privacy between them.
El uso de celosías de madera para dar privacidad y los caminos a través de patios, darán singularidad a las viviendas. El zócalo de hormigón y el ladrillo de hormigón blanco completarán la materialidad. Los materiales interiores se modificaron en función de las preferencias de los compradores finales. La escalera, se propone lo mas liviana y transparente posible, para favorecer la relación entre los niveles.