

项目陈述 Project Statement
莫克利公园(Moakley Park)的再规划是波士顿继奥姆斯特德“翡翠项链”(Emerald Necklace)之后投资的规模最大的项目。随着城市与港口关系的转变——重新发现港口的资源属性,同时为海平面上升做好准备——莫克利公园将作为波士顿最大的海滨公园发挥关键性的作用。
The reimagining of Moakley Park represents Boston’s greatest open space investment since Olmsted’s Emerald Necklace. As the city transforms its relationship to its Harbor–rediscovering it as a resource while preparing for sea level rise–Moakley will play a key role as Boston’s largest waterfront park.
Moakley Park sits at the intersection of multiple neighborhoods which lack open space and currently feel disconnected from the park and adjacent waterfront. These neighborhoods are at risk of flooding from rising seas and increasing coastal storms. The renewed and reprogrammed park will form a resilient buffer between rising seas and adjacent residents, in particular two public housing developments. Recreational capacity will be increased through stormwater management on frequently flooded fields while new programming such as adventure play, community gardens, and barbeque areas will welcome a more diverse audience.
The plan responds to pressing needs by addressing climate change, biodiversity, inclusion, and access. The future park will be a resilient open space that protects residents while connecting Boston to its greatest natural resource, the Harbor.
▲莫克利公园鸟瞰图:莫克利公园是波士顿最大的海滨公园,为不同的社区提供服务,并且有潜力成为城市范围的旅游目的地。公园还位于重要的洪水通道上,作为防洪基础设施发挥着至关重要的作用。Aerial view of Moakley Park. Moakley Park is Boston’s largest waterfront park, serving diverse neighborhoods and with the potential to act as a citywide destination. It is also located on a critical flood pathway and therefore has an essential role to play as resiliency infrastructure. ©Stoss Landscape Urbanism
项目说明 Project Narrative
莫克利公园(Moakley Park)的再规划是波士顿继奥姆斯特德“翡翠项链”(Emerald Necklace)之后投资的规模最大的项目。随着城市与港口关系的转变——重新发现港口的资源属性,同时为海平面上升做好准备——莫克利公园将作为波士顿最大的海滨公园发挥关键性的作用。本次计划通过解决气候变化、生物多样性、包容性和可达性等问题来满足城市的迫切需求。未来的公园将成为一个有弹性的开放空间,能够在保护居民的同时,将波士顿与它最重要的自然资源——海港连接起来。
经过更新和重新规划的公园将为与之毗邻的多切斯特、罗克斯伯里和南波士顿社区的广大居民提供服务,这些社区目前普遍缺乏开放空间。得益于便利的交通,莫克利公园还将成为可供所有波士顿居民享受的海滨胜地——事实上在波士顿,人们平时并不经常接触海岸。此外,公园还将在波士顿港和两个主要的公共住宅项目(Mary Ellen McCormack 和 Old Colony Houses)之间形成一个弹性的缓冲区,在未来几十年内保护其免受洪水的侵袭。随着周边社区的城市化,保护这些建筑群对于在城市中心维持多样化的社区有着至关重要的意义。在此背景下,全面且包容的沟通和参与过程成为了规划过程中的重要一环。设计团队优先考虑了能够吸引最广泛受众的设计策略,以满足不同居民的需要。这传达出了一个明确的信号:公园将服务于每一个人。
吸引新的、多样化的用户来到公园是公众参与过程的主要驱动力。项目团队建立了重要的合作伙伴关系以扩大影响力,其中包括非营利组织 Boston Harbor Now 以及代表南波士顿邻里之家等组织的社区领袖。在疫情爆发之前,社区开放日和现场活动被作为公众参与战略的基础,包括持续一整天的社区活动“探索莫克利”——通过当地供应商、街道激活工作以及社区意见和抗灾教育的展示活动为公园赋予趣味与活力。线上和线下调查、一对一访谈和测绘活动进一步拓展了工作成果,使团队能够与社区成员就公园的使用方式展开对话,并更好地了解他们对公园未来的期望。疫情的大环境要求对工作形式进行调整,这促使团队产生了新的想法,利用在线调查、虚拟观览和互动视频会议等策略,扩大了实际的工作范围。
为了增强规划的影响力,设计团队还发起了一系列以气候适应性和经济发展为关注点的专题会议,旨在协调其他正在附近地区开展工作的人员。会议所涉及的对象包括:附近重建项目(Mary Ellen McCormack Houses 和 Bayside Expo Center)的开发商;来自麻省大学波士顿分校、马萨诸塞州自然保护和娱乐部门、波士顿规划和发展局的利益相关者;以及正在为附近的莫里西大道和 Climate Ready Dorchester 项目制定规划方案的咨询团队。
从会议中收集的反馈意见直接影响了公园的设计——包括球场的数量、活动空间的位置,以及最靠近当地居民的公园边界处的活动场地类型。在得知民众对市政府维护公共设施的能力抱有疑虑之后,非营利组织“Boston Harbor Now”与公园的工作人员和设计团队共同发起了每月一次的公园清洁活动。这些初期阶段的努力获得了来自社区志愿者的肯定并鼓励了一部分人的参与。
莫克利公园最初是一片盐沼和泥滩,自 1909 年以来一直是未正式使用的休闲设施,并且曾经被用作垃圾场和游乐场。1919 年,这块场地通过疏浚港口得到的粘土进行了填埋,其平整且不透水的土壤如今已逐渐暴露出问题:轻微的雨水天气也会经常导致洪水泛滥,使娱乐设施无法使用。为了解决渗水问题,本次规划建议在整个场地内实施绿色基础设施策略,包括修建雨水草地、走廊、树沟和多孔路面。事实证明,公园现有的洪水问题是一个有价值的切入点,使设计团队可以将长期防洪和雨水管理的需求传达给公园目前的使用者——他们已经切实感受到了洪水带来的影响。
从更长远的时间线来看,海平面上升的预测指出波士顿港的水位将在 50-60 年内上升 21-40 英寸。当达到最高水位时,百年一遇的暴风雨将使进入莫克利公园的洪水与另外两条洪水通道汇合,这将导致附近的住宅区被淹没,同时还会使洪水流入波士顿南端地区的深处。本次规划提议建造一道与公园地形和功能空间相结合的工程防洪墙,并且保证其不会造成社区与海滨区域的隔绝。防洪墙的部分段落可以用作露天剧场的座位空间,人们可以从这里欣赏到海景。
在海岸的边缘,经过修复的沙丘将减缓海浪的冲击力,同时提供必要的栖息地。海岸边缘地带是一处既令人兴奋,同时又充满挑战的景观,为此设计团队需要考虑随时间推移而产生的物种演替生长、地下水上升和盐水泛滥等问题。同时,这也是一次增加生物多样性的机会:规划建议引进 500 多棵新树,利用其减少热量并改善波士顿城市森林的健康状况。其他被引进的本地植物还包括沿海沼泽植物、海洋灌木林以及分散在公园各处的林地群落。
▲莫克利公园的历史:公园的历史可追溯到 20 世纪初,曾被用作垃圾填埋场和游乐场。1970 年代,这里成为了一处抗议种族歧视的活动场所。History of Moakley Park. The park’s history stretches back to its use as a landfill and playground in the early 20th century, and as a site of protest against racial discrimination in the 1970s.©Stoss Landscape Urbanism
▲限制与机遇分析:设计团队试图去解决当下存在的主要问题,包括交通不便、缺乏多样化的功能空间以及时常发生的水灾。Constraints and Opportunities Analysis. The design team sought to address major existing issues including difficulty of access, lack of diversity in programming, and regular flooding.©Stoss Landscape Urbanism
▲发现:社区参与。项目的参与过程具有广泛性和包容性,它采取了现场活动和线上外展活动相结合的方式,得到了社区领袖们的支持。Discovery: Community Engagement. The engagement process was broad and inclusive, centered around a combination of in-person events and digital outreach with support from embedded community leaders.©Stoss Landscape Urbanism
▲从社区中学习:公众的意见直接影响了市政府和项目团队对于公园的设计和规划决策。Learning From The Community. Input from the public had a direct influence on the City and team’s design and programming decisions for the park.©Stoss Landscape Urbanism
▲公园规划前后对比:重新设计后的公园兼具了包容性、通达性和安全性、公共健康和社区感,以及复原力和生物多样性。如今的公园不仅提升了自身从气候冲击中复原的能力,还变得更具生物多样性。Before and After: Inclusion, Accessibility and Safety, Public Health and Community, Resiliency and Biodiversity. The renewed and reprogrammed park will more programmatically inclusive and accessible, more resilient to climate shocks, and more biodiverse.©Stoss Landscape Urbanism
▲朝向城市一侧的边界:社区通达性和专属的功能空间。规划方案提出了一个活跃且多孔的边缘,使公园延展至附近的社区并改善了通达性。City Edge: Community Access and Inclusive Programming. The plan proposes an active, porous edge that extends the park out into the surrounding neighborhood and improves accessibility.©Stoss Landscape Urbanism
City Edge: Community Programming, Canopy and Stormwater Management. The park edge will be programmed with activities proposed by nearby residents, maximizing the park’s appeal to people of all ages and abilities. In addition, stormwater management features and a biodiverse, shady canopy are integrated into the design.
©Stoss Landscape Urbanism
▲朝向城市一侧的边界:花园大门和社区聚集。公园多孔的边缘吸引着过往的行人,一条多式联运小径在公园和马路之间创造了缓冲区,同时也为社区提供了更多交通和福利选择。City Edge: Garden Gateway and Community Gathering. The park’s porous edge invites in passersby, while a multimodal pathway creates a buffer from traffic and provides transportation and wellness options for the community.©Stoss Landscape Urbanism
Active Core: Public Health Through Recreation and Play. The existing park is dedicated primarily to active recreation; the plan maintains recreation as the park’s core program, while modernizing facilities and diversifying options for play and sports.
©Stoss Landscape Urbanism
▲活跃的核心:休闲和游戏促进公众健康。规划拟建了全年运营且功能灵活的设施,使波士顿居民可以在一年四季使用该公园。Active Core: Public Health Through Recreation and Play. The plan proposes year-round, flexible amenities that can serve Bostonians through all seasons.©Stoss Landscape Urbanism
Coastal Edge: Resilient Ecology and Waterfront Connection. Due to the park’s prominent waterfront location, flood mitigation is a major goal of the plan. The future park will incorporate restored coastal dunes, an engineered flood-protection berm, and extensive stormwater management features.©Stoss Landscape Urbanism
▲朝向海港一侧的边界:降低洪水风险。设计团队提出了防洪护堤的设计方案,使其在发挥最大功效的同时,又不会在城市和海港之间形成障碍。上图中,护堤的一个关键片段为露天剧场提供了海景座位。Coastal Edge: Flood Risk Reduction. The design team proposed an alignment of the flood protection berm that would maximize its effectiveness without creating a barrier between the city and the Harbor; above, a key section of the berm provides amphitheater seating with ocean views.©Stoss Landscape Urbanism
Coastal Edge: Resiliency and Biodiversity.
The proposed coastal edge will provide a unique experience of the Boston waterfront through the restoration of dunes and coastal plant communities.
©Stoss Landscape Urbanism
▲朝向海港一侧的边界:弹性生态和海岸连接。规划建议在公园与港口看似“脱节”的位置加强空间连接,使整个公园与卡森海滩形成更加统一的体验。Coastal Edge: Resilient Ecology and Waterfront Connection. Where the current park feels disconnected from the Harbor, the plan proposes to strengthen spatial connections to create a more unified experience across the park towards Carson Beach.©Stoss Landscape Urbanism
▲朝向海港一侧的边界:旧海港和社区烧烤场地。根据社区的反馈和建议,规划提出新建一个可以欣赏到海港美景的烧烤场地,为人们提供聚会和庆祝的空间。Coastal Edge: Old Harbor Overlook and Community BBQ Area. A new barbeque area with Harbor views was proposed in response to community feedback, and will provide a space for gathering and celebration.©Stoss Landscape Urbanism
Project Narrative
The reimagining of Moakley Park represents Boston’s greatest open space investment since Olmsted’s Emerald Necklace. As the city transforms its relationship to its Harbor–rediscovering it while simultaneously preparing for sea level rise–Moakley will play a key role as Boston’s largest waterfront park, and a new link that connects the Necklace to the Harbor. The plan responds to pressing needs by addressing climate change, biodiversity, inclusion, and access. The future park will be a resilient open space that protects residents while connecting Boston to its greatest natural resource, the Harbor.
The renewed and reprogrammed park will serve a broad audience from the immediately adjacent neighborhoods of Dorchester, Roxbury, and South Boston, all of which are currently lacking in open space. Accessible by transit, Moakley Park is also poised to become a beachfront destination for all Bostonians, in a city where everyday interactions with the waterfront are rare. In addition, the park will form a resilient buffer between Boston Harbor and two major public housing developments, Mary Ellen McCormack and Old Colony Houses, protecting these from flooding for the coming decades. As the surrounding neighborhoods gentrify, the preservation of these complexes will be essential to maintaining a diverse community at the heart of the city. Within this context, thoughtful and inclusive communication and engagement were essential to the planning process. The team also chose to prioritize design strategies that will attract the broadest possible audience to the park and serve the needs of diverse residents–sending a clear signal that the park is for everyone.
Stakeholder and Community Involvement
The goal of attracting new and diverse users to the park was a major driver of the public engagement process. The team formed critical partnerships to expand reach, including with the non-profit Boston Harbor Now, as well as community leaders representing organizations such as the South Boston Neighborhood House. Prior to COVID-19, the foundation of the engagement strategy was Community Open Houses and on-site events, including ‘Discover Moakley!’–a daylong community event organized to bring fun and energy to the park with local vendors, an activated street, and booths for community input and resiliency education. These efforts were amplified with digital and physical surveys, one-on-one interviews, and mapping activities; this allowed the team to initiate conversations with community members about how the park is used, and better understand their hopes for its future. The pandemic demanded a rapid transformation, pushing the team to generate ideas that in fact expanded the reach of the effort, using strategies such as online surveys, virtual tours, and interactive video meetings.
To increase the impact of the plan, the design team also initiated a set of topical meetings focused on climate resilience and economic development to coordinate with ongoing efforts of others working on adjacent properties. These included conversations with developers currently working on the adjacent redevelopment sites at Mary Ellen McCormack Houses and Bayside Expo Center; stakeholders such as UMass Boston, the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation, and the Boston Planning and Development Agency; as well as other consulting teams working on City-led plans for nearby Morrissey Boulevard and Climate Ready Dorchester. Feedback directly informed the park design–from the number of ball fields, to the location of event spaces, to the types of programming located along the park edge closest to local residents. After hearing concerns regarding the City’s ability to maintain amenities, a monthly park clean-up was initiated by Boston Harbor Now, Parks staff, and the design team. These early efforts have already been met with appreciation and even participation by some volunteer community members.
Climate change, resilience, and sustainability
Originally a salt marsh and mudflat, Moakley has been unofficially used for recreation since 1909 when it served as first a garbage dump and a playground. Filled in 1919 with harbor-dredged clay, the site’s flat, impermeable soil already presents problems today, as mild rain events often cause flooding and leave recreational amenities unusable. To address infiltration issues, the plan proposes to incorporate green infrastructure strategies across the site, including stormwater meadows, corridors, tree trenches, and porous pavement. The park’s existing flood issues proved to be a useful entry point for the design team in communicating the need for long-range flood protection and stormwater management to the community of current park users, who have already experienced their impact.
On a longer-term timeline, sea level rise projections predict a 21-40” water level increase in Boston Harbor within 50-60 years. At the top of this range, floodwaters entering through Moakley in a 100-year storm would join two other flood pathways, not only inundating the adjacent housing complexes but also sending water deep into Boston’s South End. The plan proposes an engineered flood-protection wall which is embedded into the park’s topography and programming such that it doesn’t cut the community off from the waterfront–for instance, one segment of the wall serves as an amphitheater seating space with views to the water.
At the coastal edge, restored dunes will soften the impact of wave action and provide essential habitat. This coastal edge is an exciting and challenging landscape, forcing the team to consider successional growth, rising groundwater, and saline inundation over time. It also presents an opportunity to increase biodiversity: the plan proposes introducing over 500 new trees that will contribute to heat reduction and the health of Boston’s urban forest, alongside a mix of native plants including coastal marsh species, maritime shrublands, and woodland communities dispersed throughout the park.
Finally, the plan also proposes a community resource center or ‘resilience hub’ within the park. The resilience hub will provide nearby residents with a space to connect and celebrate important events; as well as accessing essential services such as wi-fi, emergency relief, vaccinations, medical testing (including for COVID-19), and mobile City Hall services. A network of cooling stations and water play features will also provide respite during extreme heat events.
Access, equity, and inclusion
Currently, pedestrian access to the park is challenging; the site is cut off from the neighborhood by a multi-lane street with few safe crossings. Along the edge of the park, the design team therefore focused on critical issues of access and connectivity. The proposed edge is a tree-lined community path, running trail, and raised cycle track that creates a linear element around the perimeter of the park and promotes safe connections for pedestrians, cyclists, and people arriving from bus or train.
The existing park is primarily dedicated to active recreation, and is well-utilized by local sports leagues; with input from league leaders, the city and design team saw an opportunity to modernize the park’s beloved recreational amenities while also expanding and diversifying programming to serve a broader community. A central waterfront plaza and amphitheater were designed for year-round use (fountain in summer, ice skating in the winter) and will be able host festivals, performances, and food trucks. Play is expanded and distributed throughout the park, not just in one or two existing playgrounds, with proposed spaces for water play, playgrounds, a skate plaza, street hockey, basketball, a fitness plaza, bocce, table games, event space, and active community centers for neighborhood activities. This new programming was driven by community input on desired activities: a community garden was added at the entry plaza adjacent to public housing complexes, where residents currently have limited space to grow food; and a new barbeque and picnic area was created overlooking the harbor, at the highest point along the protective barrier wall. The diversification of activities also reflects the goal of creating free, accessible spaces that promote wellness for residents of all ages and abilities.
The reimagining of Moakley Park represents an opportunity to create a future-ready park that addresses pressing issues of social, ecological, and infrastructural resiliency. The planning process has been responsive to community needs and will result in a park that is safer, more biodiverse, culturally richer, and recreationally diverse.