

Building upon the prior success of its 4WTC headquarters, Hudson River Trading collaborated with Gensler to reimagine its office environment in order to accommodate the need for additional space due to growth and continue to provide an amenity-rich, hospitality-driven employee experience. Situated across three floors at the neighboring 3 World Trade Center, the new HRT headquarters is an enhanced version of its existing workplace — implementing many of the successful architectural design elements and amenity support spaces from its initial workplace with new, strategic ways of working integrated into the programming.The full-service cafeteria and bleacher stair remain the social anchors of HRT’s culture while game lounges, an oak room for whiskey-tasting, and a fitness center provide moments of respite. Adjoined to the all-hands area is a 5,000-square-foot terrace with sprawling views of the city’s skyline. The trading firm’s new headquarters further HRT’s industry-defining approach to employee experience through enhanced amenity offerings and progressive hybrid work strategies, allowing for adaptability and continued success for years to come.