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Gensler 助力 Western Union 全球总部打造协作创新环境

2023/09/19 02:24:24
As Western Union began planning the relocation of its global headquarters to Denver, the company engaged Gensler to tailor a design strategy that enhances their business goals and improves the employee experience. The move to a highly visible, 15-story building in Denver offered the opportunity to rethink the company’s workplace, and create a world-class headquarters that encourages a collaborative, innovative environment, emphasizes sustainability, and embeds employees into their community. Central to the design strategy is an emphasis on connecting people. All major design features were thoughtfully crafted to physically connect employees throughout their vertical campus, and to embody the global spirit of Western Union.
Gensler 助力 Western Union 全球总部打造协作创新环境-1
Gensler 助力 Western Union 全球总部打造协作创新环境-2
Gensler 助力 Western Union 全球总部打造协作创新环境-3
Gensler 助力 Western Union 全球总部打造协作创新环境-4
Gensler 助力 Western Union 全球总部打造协作创新环境-5
Gensler 助力 Western Union 全球总部打造协作创新环境-6
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