知末案例   /   商业空间   /   美容院


2023/10/17 11:22:00
古有“云想衣裳花想容,春风佛槛露华浓”,在现代社会快节奏下,人们逐渐缺失自我感知,人越来越向往一份松弛感,在聒噪的都市里为人们创造一个心灵安放的空间,是设计师一直坚守的设计灵感。In ancient times, there was a saying that clouds think of clothes, flowers think of appearance, and spring breeze, Buddha sills, and dew are thick. In the fast-paced modern society, people gradually lack self-awareness, and people increasingly yearn for a sense of relaxation. Creating a space for people to place their hearts in the noisy city is a design inspiration that designers have always adhered to.
室内入口处设计师用大量的曲面构建形态,内藏的灯带,皮质柔软的吊灯,无不在体现着曲线分明,或柔软,或坚强,金属材质的接待台,大理石茶几与绿意满满的软体沙发相互碰撞,倡导着温柔且坚定的女性力量。The interior entrance designer uses a large number of curved surfaces to construct shapes, with hidden light strips and soft leather chandeliers, all reflecting clear curves, softness, or strength. The metal reception desk, marble coffee table, and green soft sofa collide with each other, advocating for gentle and firm female strength.
由一楼转向二楼的楼梯也随性而上,楼梯颜色延续空间主色,在色彩的带入下进入另一空间。在入口处原来的直角空间经过设计拆解,组合,化直为曲,将空间软化,美甲区极简的墙面和浪漫元素相互交织相融,塑造出不一样的体验空间。The stairs that turn from the first floor to the second floor also follow the trend, and the color of the stairs continues the main color of the space, entering another space with the introduction of color. The original rectangular space at the entrance has been designed, disassembled, combined, and straightened into a curved shape, softening the space. The minimalist walls and romantic elements in the nail salon intertwine and blend to create a different experience space.
二楼形态自然,墙面勾勒出一处有趣的收纳空间,兼具实用性又与空间形态相得映彰,视觉焦点由此突出,创造出戏剧化的空间延伸感。The second floor has a natural form, with the walls outlining an interesting storage space that is both practical and complements the spatial form, highlighting the visual focus and creating a dramatic sense of spatial extension.
美容间内整洁干净,极简的设计下,橙色成为最夺目的存在,让人感受到空间的奔放的热情,设计师巧妙的在各细节处体现柔和的弧线与空间线条相互呼应,如同小心呵护着女性内心深处敏感的小心思。The beauty salon is clean and tidy, and with its minimalist design, orange has become the most eye-catching presence, making people feel the unrestrained enthusiasm of the space. The designer cleverly reflects soft curves and spatial lines in every detail, echoing each other, as if carefully caring for the sensitive and cautious thoughts in womens hearts.
入口外立面,设计师已标明主题,具有引导性的前奏空间,为进入室内空间做好铺垫,加强空间的层次感。随性的设计,温和流畅的的线条,无不在体现着空间的宗旨:我们生活只是为了去发现美,其他的一切都是等待的种种形式。精致,是我们应该有的生活态度。On the entrance facade, the designer has indicated the theme and provided a guiding prelude space, laying the groundwork for entering the indoor space and enhancing the sense of hierarchy in the space. The casual design and gentle and smooth lines all embody the purpose of space: we live only to discover beauty, and everything else is a form of waiting. Exquisite is the attitude we should have towards life.
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