
2023/11/01 17:38:10
从 2019 年至今,事务所深度参与了西安欧亚学院校园景观改造,陆续从场地到校园的总体景观提升规划,然后根据计划逐年再到具体场地、道路的改造。在这个过程中,我们意识到,一个项目的改造需要从整体出发,评估在未来某个时间段其总体风貌的走向,并且与学校各方需求达成一致,是动态长效的;另一方面,校园改造的过程牵涉到系统的基础设施、步行车行交接转换、施工时间(在西安只有暑假两个月)等等现实条件,是非常务实的。关键是,景观(设计)本身就是一个动态事件(过程),无论在总体规划还是具体的设计中,都需要弹性——既有对过去即成事实的包容度,对未来不确定性的可变度,还有使用功能中的多样性,材料的永久性与临时性之间的衡量,维护的深度与精度的考量。
Since 2019, Z&T LA Studio has worked on several campus landscape renovation projects including the landscape master plan at Xi’an Eurasia University. It was during this process we realized that the development of a sustainable campus landscape requires a strategic plan which compromising aspects from every department of the institution. More than that, it also requires a responsive and resilient design method tailored to the dynamic physical and educational environment in which it is implemented. Landscape regeneration is an inclusive working process merging its existing infrastructure and its past with all of the uncertainties and possibilities of its future, including considerations of its flexibility and maintenance of the materials and plants.
Here we share four of our renovation projects on the campus: The Hongqiao Cafeteria center, Skateboard sunken court, Campus Jogging Track, and Maze garden.
▼餐饮大厦鸟瞰,Bird eye view of Dining Hall Plaza © Zhang hai
▼轮滑广场与迷宫花园的鸟瞰,Bird eye view of Skateboard Court and Maze Garden ©Zhang hai
▼慢跑道鸟瞰,Bird eye view of the jogging trail ©Zhang hai
餐饮大厦前广场与周边景观改造 Dining Hall Plaza and Surrounding Landscape Renovation
规模:9000 平方米 设计内容:景观、装置 项目时间:2019—2021 Scale: 9,000 square meters Design Elements: Landscape, Installations Project Timeline: 2019—2021
餐饮大厦(现更名为虹桥餐厅)位于校园西南角,是两层地上与一层地下的独栋餐饮建筑,与两栋宿舍、校园超市、校医院围合出约 100X50 米的场地空间。场地主要承担了进出周边建筑的交通功能,另外也承办部分社团活动。在户外场地内有将近一半的空间为组团式植物种植,既遮挡餐厅的室内采光,同时也不能满足日益增加的校园社团活动。
Occupying the southwest corner of the campus, the Hongqiao Cafeteria is a standalone complex consisting of a subterranean space beneath two visible floors. The site covers an area of 100×50-meters, enveloped by two dormitories, a grocery, and the infirmary. The site primarily serves as a transit hub for nearby buildings while also hosting a variety of club activities. Nearly half of the outdoor area is designated for clustered plants tall enough to shield the internal lighting of the restaurant.
▼餐饮大厦前广场鸟瞰,Bired eye view of Dining Hall Plaza ©Zhang hai
With growing enrollment, the university decided to expand the dining hall by transforming the basement-level supermarket into cafeteria space. The new scheme has diversified culinary offerings while offering a greater variety of seating arrangements, study areas, and multi-use spaces.
▼原始场地及功能分析,Site analysis©Z+T STUDIO
▼平面草图构思,Sketches ©Z+T STUDIO
▼模型研究,Physical model©Z+T STUDIO
The intertwining of circulatory pathways and versatile configurations maximizes the space’s ability to accommodate a variety of uses. By remaining flexible, the space can easily accommodate a variety of campus activities while still allowing for clarity during bustling campus activities such as the movement of students to class or recruitment fairs. The design also ensures flexible use of the space by blending large, spacious areas with smaller, intimate spaces, such as the restaurant’s entrances and scattered dining niches. For the landscaping, we replaced previous hedgerows with perennial herbaceous flowers while also adding a four-season garden to enhance the diversity of the campus’s botanical landscape. At all time, the goal was to create a campus environment with the rich sensibility of a garden.
▼场地改造后的三个典型状态,Typical images of the sitea©Zhang hai
The design features a parabolic pathway to optimize ground circulation and provide efficient access to the restaurant and other areas. Distinct materials and focal points demarcate transitional spaces. At the ground level, a “broad bridge” connects to the restaurant’s main entrance, ensuring the subterranean space functions seamlessly as a complete venue.
▼用了 7 公分厚的植草格控制石子效果很好,7cm thick geo grid mesh for gravels © Tang Ziying
The once enclosed pockets of greenery near the building have been reconfigured to create open areas, promoting student relaxation and post-meal leisure, enhancing transparency, and reducing visual obstructions.
A rain garden has been introduced along the subterranean area’s edge to enhance drainage and biodiversity.
The secluded woodland to the south was retained in order to maintain the privacy of student dormitories, while the space below serves as a versatile activity area.
▼不同方式的座位空间,Sittings at different places © Zhanghai
The team also incorporated various deciduous trees, mid-level vegetation, and perennial herbaceous plants to create diverse plant habitats suitable for different environmental conditions. Ongoing monitoring ensures that the landscaping offers a range of aesthetic values through the seasons without plant degradation or overgrowth.
▼这里的现浇混凝土坡道是 Forme(非木)公司,一家意大利混凝土团队的作品,
Cast-in-place concrete path made by Forme © Tang Ziying
▼台地尽端的雨水花园里,湿生植物因某一年的大旱被更替,又被今年的连绵湿雨激活,Rain garden at the bottom of the terrace ©Tang Ziying
▼有的草花长势旺盛,有的始终矮矮小小。它们需要的修剪时间不同,修剪程度也不太一样。显然需要专业一点的养护,Perennials and grasses require professional maintenance ©Tang Ziying
不同类型的休息空间有不同类型的座位方式,例如与台阶结合的石凳、与吧台结合的 HPL 板高凳、还有钢木结合的木座凳,不同的高矮、材料、质感、触感,为不同的行为提供多种可能性。
The restaurant’s main entrance bridge has been uniquely designed as a wedge shape to facilitate the flow of students from dormitories and classes. This design reduces the crammed sensation of a narrow, linear bridge.
A stone sculpture has been incorporated into the bridge’s center, alleviating the spacious sense of the wideness. This sculpture, a focal point symbolizing the “Eight Rivers Surrounding Chang’an,” utilizes black and white granite to represent the school’s fusion of Eastern and Western cultures. It features an abstract landscape inspired by natural terrains and includes mist sprayers, offering a cooler and more temperate environment.
Various relaxation areas offer seating options to cater to a spectrum of activities, such as stone benches integrated with steps, HPL high stools along bar counters, and steel-wood hybrid seating, each providing diverse heights, materials, textures, and tactile experiences.
▼石材雕塑的泥膜研究,Clay models for the sculpture ©Tang Ziying
▼石材雕塑从选样到加工过程,Sampling and processing of granite © Z+T STUDIO
▼石材雕塑,Granite Sculpture © Zhang hai
该项目荣获“2022-2023 年度 AEEDA 亚洲教育环境设计奖”-校园景观环境设计金奖。
The project has been honored with the “2022-2023 AEEDA Asian Educational Environment Design Award” – Gold Award for Campus Landscape and Environmental Design.
▼改造后的校园日常使用状态,Daily use of the site ©欧亚学院
景观提升总体规划 Landscape improvement masterplan
规模:900 亩 设计内容:规划、景观 项目时间:2019—2021 Area: 148 Acre Type: Planning, Landscape Duration: 2019-2021
As the modifications to the Cafeteria Center were commencing, we began organizing the framework of landscape improvement for the campus. The original campus plan is organized around the centrally-located library. Student dormitories are arranged to the west with logistic service buildings to the east. To the North and South sit buildings for education and research. The South and West parts of the campus are largely built-up and the East portion of the campus is designated as the main entrance. Open areas, including green space, squares and sports venues, are scattered throughout the campus.
▼景观规划总平,Landscape masterplan © Z+T STUDIO
经过 20 年的发展建设,学校构建了“一轴、一区、两带、多中心”景观风貌,功能结构清晰,划分明确,绿化量大,空气清新,是难得的大学校园环境。随着校园教学、宿舍、食堂的逐步更新和建设(infill),原有规划中存在的问题逐渐显露,比如道路系统使用了市政道路的一般做法,人车分流式将人行道抬高(但园内主要道路是服务人行,禁止非功能的机动车辆通行);郁闭的绿化造成空间的封闭,降低了参与性以及未来使用的复合型要求;原有的基础设施在容量、功能上不能满足校园未来的要求。经过与校方不同部门的深度沟通,整体景观规划针对欧亚学院校园环境发展的目标、方向做出定位,在现有的道路骨架、空间结构的基础上做出设计方向的探讨,局部(如停车场、路牙)做出施工深度的细致调整。
Beginning in 1995, the campus has developed a well-designed layout with efficient zoning and abundant green spaces appropriate for a campus environment. However, following the architectural infill and renovation, certain deficiencies in the original masterplan began to emerge in daily operations on campus. A few examples are instructive: campus roads adopt the municipal transportation design of elevated sidewalks separated from vehicles, which is contradicted with the campus use where automobiles are strictly restricted on road; overcrowded plantation engenders enclosed spacial pattern, diminishing user participation and impairing flexibility for future multi-function use; the original infrastructure design fails to anticipate future growth and shifting uses growth. Through discussions with various academic departments, the new masterplan reevaluates the goals for developing the campus environment and explores different design options based on current spacial structures and construction.
▼欧亚学院现状与规划总平面的图底关系,Building footprint of current Euroasia University layout and new masterplan © Z+T STUDIO
Inspired be “biophilic’ principles, the masterplan proposes a vision of ‘organic growth” for its long-term development. Different functions, such as academics, sports, open space, cafeterias and campus focal points are grouped into different compositional cells. One functional space could be reduced in size and mixed with others, such as a half-size basketball court within a garden near a dorm building. The growth and needs of the campus and students interact with each other in a dynamic and sustainable manner. The masterplan also expands the functions of green spaces to facilitate teaching progress and improve green infrastructure while also stabilizing spaces against extreme weather conditions by using existing or prospective green space on campus.
▼细胞的概念及校园未来的发展像是细胞的生长,每一个核心组团都是复合的功能系,Future development of campus in the form of multi-functional cells© Z+T STUDIO
The proposal lays out a zoned, phased strategic plan that holistically arranges landscaping and architecture while formulating specific strategies for the daily operations of each site.
▼现状道路按照市政道路的规范与模式规划设计,Existing roads adopt municipal design © Z+T STUDIO
人行系统,根据使用频率和功能的需求,将原本过于宽敞的道路进行瘦身。规划后有 6 米、4 米、2.4-3 米几种尺寸。6 米宽为校园人行主路,满足双向通车与后勤需求;4 米宽人行步道满足建筑消防与后勤需求;2.4-3 米宽人行步道满足日常校园使用功能,实现开放、轻松、共享的步行体验。
The masterplan also reorganizes the road system, prioritizing future needs of the space and the need to circulate people and vehicles. Through curb removal, the construction of athletic tracks and pavement renewal, the experience on the road is greatly diversified. Roads and parking lots are increased but placed on the periphery. Permeable materials are used for parking lots in keeping with the need to improve overall drainage and use. For pedestrians, the width of the roads was reduced to provide greater and safer walking spaces.
▼场地剖面研究,Sections © Z+T STUDIO
图书馆西侧核心区域 Library West
这个核心景观既能承载校园多种活动内容,例如:建造节、校庆、社团活动等,还要给未来不可预见的发展留有可能性。具体的设计需要是开放式的,适合学校未来 5-10 年的发展。
The green space to the west of the library anchors the landscape on campus. The design objective is to connect the central landscape with the public green land to the north, and to enhance the effect of the campus having a “green heart”. This core landscape not only accommodates a variety of campus activities such as the Construction Fest and School Day, but also leaves room for future development which may be useful to meet heretofore unanticipated needs. We studied a number of options in terms of visual connection, spacial organization, and materials through multiple rounds of workshops with the school board.
▼核心景观与周边的关系,Relation between the core landscape and its context © Z+T STUDIO
▼核心景观可能出现的地景,Possible land art © Z+T STUDIO
校园内主要的落叶行道树为悬铃木,占 60%;主要常绿行道树大叶女贞,占 25%;主要常绿孤植、片植乔木雪松,龙柏,占 55%等。除雪松外,所有的树都不是大型乔木,可能是树种的选择原因,也可能是气候和土壤的原因。另外,在西安这样的气候条件下,大比例的常绿树保证了学校在冬季时也绿意盎然,大雪松的体量也为校园提供了绿色背景、塑造了空间;同时,大量常绿植物比较缺乏四季变化。
The majority, 60%, of street trees on campus are Planetrees and with a quarter of trees being Ligustrums. Cedars and Junipers are commonly used as an attractive background. All mature trees, except Cedars, are small in size due either to species selection or poor soil conditions. The high proportion of evergreens on campus provides a green background all year round, even as it blurs seasonal distinctions. There remains an unresolved tension between the preservation of green spaces on campus and the need for species diversity. Future developments propose preserve Cedars and transplant Junipers while introducing more native deciduous species.
In addition to increasing plant diversity by introducing native trees and shrubs, perennials and grasses are used to build bio-swales and gardens. This includes various specimens with colored leaves such as Quercus nuttallii, Acer rubrum, or Quercus palustris. The transplantation and plantation plan will be carried out at the same time as the landscape and architecture modification.
▼核心景观的研究过程,Process drafts© Z+T STUDIO
To build an effective and efficient eco-system on campus, both green and grey infrastructure need to be integrated from the very beginning of the masterplan. A retention marsh is proposed in the “green heart” to work with multiple linear rain gardens in Euroasia Avenue, Qingliang Mountain Trail, Stadium Central Avenue, and Southwest Living Room. Rather than conceal the ecosystem, our plan has decided to celebrate it through landscape design in green space as an educational opportunity for ecology, low-carbon life, and extreme weather. Signage designs and experimental education around the green infrastructure can also coordinate with pedagogy from relevant disciplines, providing students with outdoor practice experience and enhancing a global vision.
▼生态策略:强化源头管理、灰绿基础设施共建,Ecological strategy to integrate green and grey infrastructure from the beginning© Z+T STUDIO
A methodical development goal slowly developed through discussions with the school board. Large scale construction, small scale renovations, and minor refurbishments comprise the three budget-controlled operations. The daily life of college is not interrupted by the massive construction sites at the same time. Our design work routine is also shifted to coordinate with the different phases, small-scale construction process taking place one at a time. After years of cooperation, we have finished several renovations for the jogging trail, skating rink, and maze garden. Each of the sites has their own budget and schedule, and each requires designers from different backgrounds to cooperate with professional subcontractors.
▼校园中可能形成的汇水方式,Bioswales with different conditions© Z+T STUDIO
慢跑道 Campus Jogging Track
面积:2800 平方
Scale: 2800 square meters
Design Elements: Landscape, Graphic design
Project Timeline: 2022—2022
在规划更新的交通体系中,校园内的各条道路有各自的特点。我们结合道路周边的景观特征,在校园横纵交错的道路上整合出一条舒适、便捷、安全的具有欧亚特色的慢跑道。以操场的主要入口作为节点,用“let’s run”以及欧亚学院的校训“EURASIA”组成的图案结合场地现状铺装,形成场地运动与跑道之间的链接。
The design incorporated a unique Eurasian-themed jogging track into the existing campus road network, prioritizing comfort, convenience, and safety. The track begins at the main entrance of the sports field and effectively links sports activities with the jogging track. This design is inspired with “let’s run” and the Eurasia College motto “EURASIA”, creating a pattern which blends seamlessly with the existing terrain.
▼慢跑道图案,Patterns of the jogging trail © Zhang hai
从流线上,我们考虑跑道的连结性,即跑道的选址既要足够的便捷,让学生不需要拘泥于从哪里出发,同时作为“运动“纽带未来可以将校园内的各个”运动细胞“贯穿起来。从材料上看,安全性很重要,6mmEPDM+8mmPU+6mmETPU 的塑胶材料可以有效吸收冲击力,增加人体的抓地力,材料的柔软性可以降低在跑步时对关节的损伤。跑道的位置会与现有的步行道路有一定的重叠,最终铺设了 1.5 米的宽度。
The jogging track is strategically located for convenience, providing students with easy access from multiple points and linking various sports facilities on campus.
The design utilizes a resilient material composition of 6mm EPDM, 8mm PU, and 6mm ETPU, which absorbs impact, enhances traction, and minimizes joint stress during jogging.
This 1.5-meter-wide track has been seamlessly integrated with existing pedestrian pathways.
Borders of the jogging trail
© Zhang hai
带有学校特色的标识性,是事务所专业的视觉空间导视小组团队做了专门的研究:通过对校园 logo 及其内涵进行了分析、解构,又再重组,放大欧亚学院国际化,提倡健康的学习生活的校园特点。通过反转图底关系,对“Eurasia”以及 E 所代表的“Education”“Energy”“Economic”的正负形进行延展,增强其图形感。整体设计以蓝色为基调,辅以 logo 中用到的翠绿和百搭灰,不脱离教育机构的属性,又在理性中增添了活力。
Our environmental graphic design team developed an iconic visual identity, through analysis, deconstruction, and subsequent reassembly of the school’s logo, with a focus on magnifying Eurasian Academy’s international character. The design reimagined the term “Eurasia”, extending the letter ‘E’ to “Education,” “Energy,” and “Economics”, amplifying their visual impact over a variety of design elements. The overall design features a predominantly blue color palette, complemented by the green and gray hues derived from the logo. This approach bolsters the institution’s brand identity while also injecting a sense of vitality.
▼字体和图形研究,Graphic design with the school slogan © Z+T STUDIO
滑板广场 Sunken skateboard court
面积:780 平方米
Scale: 780 square meters
Design Elements: Landscape
Project Timeline: 2022—2023
场地为阶梯式下沉广场,1.5 米的高差与镶嵌的斜坡绿地形成场地的独特性。原有场地被周边植物包裹,大小适宜,但是由于位置不靠近任何功能性建筑,属性定位不清晰,导致使用率不高。根据前面的规划定位以及与校方体育部、工程部等多方讨论,决定将这块小场地变更为滑板广场使用。
The site is a tiered sunken plaza, featuring a 1.5-meter elevation differential and embedded sloping green spaces. Originally, the site was enveloped by appropriately sized vegetation, yet its ambiguous positioning and distance from any functional structures led to its underutilization.
Following consultations with various stakeholders, including the sports and engineering departments, it was decided to repurpose this compact space into a skateboard plaza.
Existing skating rink © 欧亚学院
The design drew inspiration from origami, creating “folds” and three-dimensional spaces for skating. The design incorporated the existing terrain, and defined skateable and non-skateable zones, each characterized by its specific angles and slopes. Simultaneously, the design harmonizes the visual aesthetics and practical utility by preserving the existing stone materials and integrating steps within the natural gradient. While emphasizing aesthetics, the design met the demands of the skateboarding community through expert evaluation.
▼立体几何型滑板,Geometric Skateboard court © Zhang hai
区域设置为初、中、高三种不同难易程度的陡度。例如,部分保留的原始场地作为初学者的练习区域;专业滑杆道具与有一定陡度的直坡滑道作为中级滑板区域,供掌握了一定技能的学生使用;增加 u 型滑道等具有一定专业难度的滑行区域,供熟练掌握滑行技能的学生使用。在场地周围设置了休息区和滑杆区,便于交流与休息。
The area is segmented into three distinct zones based on varying difficulty levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced.
Beginners can utilize a portion of the original terrain for practice.
Intermediate skateboarders are provided with specialized equipment and moderately steep downhill tracks.
Advanced features, such as U-shaped ramps, are also incorporated.
The surrounding space incorporates rest areas, promoting interaction and relaxation.
▼滑板社团活动,Skaters in the court © Zhang hai
In the process of refining the safe distances between skateboarding props, the school and designers conducted comprehensive consultations with various stakeholders, including professional construction firms, skateboarding training organizations, and enthusiasts. It aimed to keep balance between terrain design, challenge, and safety. As both domestic and international standards often lack uniform guidelines, the skateboard park was thoughtfully established while prioritizing safety. It includes protective railings at the starting platforms and buffer zones to ensure appropriate length-to-protection ratios. The design also integrated features like bowl pools and ramps, offering a spectrum of challenges.
▼滑林下休息空间,Wood deck under the woods © Tang Ziying
This design involved intricate details in transitioning between new and old materials, balancing aesthetics with functionality. Expansion joints or the addition of metal trim are employed to highlight the separation between new concrete and pre-existing stone.
▼交接现状不同的铺装和排水盖板,different paving and drainage cover plates
©Tang Ziying
▼新旧材料交接,Transition of old and new materials ©Tang Ziying
The completed project is widely popular among students, attracting not only the school’s clubs but also enthusiasts from nearby schools. Safety protocols and organized club activities were established, and external participants were required to undergo off-site testing before accessing the facility.
▼斜切角交接对现状石材台阶拆旧切割要求比较高,Oblique cutting of existing granite stairs ©Tang Ziying
▼充分做好安全提示,Safety signs ©Tang Ziying
迷宫花园微改造 Maze garden
Adjacent to the skateboard park, there was formerly a green hedge matrix with no defined use. During the phase of planning, a pathway was designed to link eastern campus to the academic buildings in the south. Parts of the matrix are selectively open, forming semi-enclosed spaces. The green hedge is transformed into an immersive experiential garden with various enclosure for contemplation, conversations, and relaxation. This subtle overhaul, devoid of construction noise and barriers, produced remarkable results for the campus environment.
▼小径的介入、绿篱局部打破,为场地带来了“呼吸”,Maze garden with path and sitting © Zhang hai
After years of communication with school administration, faculty, and student organizations, we understood the institutional landscape design should strive toward understand elegance. The design language was minimized; the landscape materials were introduced by simple solutions; more multi-functional spaces were added. In the absence of accurate existing drawings and records, there were situations which led to “uncertainty” during every step of the design and construction process. We embraced the “uncertainty” by consistently adjusting our design to the site specific “here” rather than anywhere else. By cooperation with the department of campus management, the renovation work continues with new dormitory infill, street restoration, and planting replacement.
▼安静的座位空间,Place of serenity©Tang Ziying
餐饮大厦建筑改造设计团队:Blond et Roux Architectes SARL Ltd.
艾德艺术设计学院:副院长 王瑛;教师:陈斐
Client: Xi’an Eurasia University
Landscape Design: Z+T Studio
Design members: Tang Ziyin, Zhang Dong, Zhang Yanan, Chen Yifan, Wang Qi, Pan Zhaoyan, Ren Yiming, Li Yilin, Yao Yu, Fang Lerao, Yuan Shuai, Qian Qinhe, Bao Lixia, He Xiaoqi
Installation Design and Construction: Z+T Hapitor Art Studio
Installation members: Tang Ziyin, Zheng Jialin, Sun Chuan
Dinning Hall Plaza Building Renovation: Blond et Roux Architectes SARL Ltd.
Eurasia University Chairman of the Board: Prof. Hu Jianbo
Director of Infrastructure Dept. Lei Chunni; Deputy Director: Yang Haiyan
Design Manager: Liu Siyu; Construction Manager: Zhao Yang
The Aide School of Design: Deputy Dean: Wang Ying; Lecturer: Chen Fei
Landscape Construction: Shaanxi Xindi Landscape Engineering Ltd.
Shanghai Shangfang Horticulture Co., Ltd: Shen Ruixue
Flower border expert: Zhao Yi
Concrete Construction: Hangzhou FORME3 CO., LTD
Skating Rink Construction: Xi’an Zhitong Building Engineering Ltd.
Site Location: Xi’an
Photograph: Zhang Hai; Tang Ziyin
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