

全新的M-I-D概念店“maison m-i-d 1985”位于大阪最豪华的百货公司之一——阪急百货梅田总店内。新概念店 “light house”为品牌增添了现代感与活力感。通过在各种装饰表面采用深浅不一的黄色,打造了独一无二的鲜明个性,将空间的整体感受统一起来。
The new mid-concept store “maison m-i-d 1985” is located in Hankyu Department Store Umeda Main Store, one of the most luxurious department stores in Osaka. The “light house”, a new concept, was created to give the brand a contemporary and vibrant feel. The unique identity is created using shades of yellow in a variety of finishes and surfaces to unify the overall feel of the space.
▼项目概览,project overview © SATOSHI SHIGETA
The different yellow materials, developed specifically for the project, define the different areas according to the characteristics of the collections.The garments, mostly in black and white, stand out in the monochrome environment. The space is laid out like a labyrinth, with large transparent partitions in yellow glass bricks that reflect and divert the layered space.
▼玻璃砖构成的展台,fixtures composed of glass brick © SATOSHI SHIGETA
▼展台近景,close-up © SATOSHI SHIGETA
The first impression of the store is that of a balance between an art installation and a magical space that catches the eye even from a distance.
▼空间概览,space overview © SATOSHI SHIGETA
▼玻璃砖细部,detail of glass bricks © SATOSHI SHIGETA
As if the line reflects upside-down, the louver on the ceiling is organized with the same pitched lines as the glass laid on the floor. The order created by the well-organized line completes a striking yet comfortable impression on your eyes.
▼天花板百叶,louver on the ceiling © SATOSHI SHIGETA
Transparent glass on the walls, soft tones of the floor tiles and metal louvers on the ceiling create a rhythmic yet unified space. Light from the ceiling is diffused through latticed metal slats, bathing the entire store in a soft, fresh yellow.
▼统一又富有韵律的空间,louver on the ceiling © SATOSHI SHIGETA
As the largest concept store, the space offers the customers plenty of relaxing space to carefully browse selected items, with original comfortable chairs.
▼座椅,chairs © SATOSHI SHIGETA
▼展示的商品,displayed goods © SATOSHI SHIGETA
The composition of glass brick surfaces and monolithic abstract volumes creates an unexpected, iconic, and memorable retail environment.
▼玻璃砖细部,glass bricks details © SATOSHI SHIGETA
Store: m-i-d