知末案例   /   教育空间   /   幼儿园


2020/08/17 10:16:28
"Shaanxi Pre-school Normal College Kindergarten" is located in Chang'an District, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, located in the hinterland of Guanzhong Plain, south of Qinling Mountains. The area has unique natural resources, abundant scientific and educational resources, obvious geographical advantages and huge development potential. Facing the multiple relationship between function, space and environment, KIDS designers break through the double restrictions of surrounding environment and architectural space to create a healthy, environmentally friendly and sustainable growth space for children.
KIDS host designer: "We want to create an indoor space, but can break the regular, orderly and interesting exploration space of indoor space."
活动教室内部主要采用木色和白色色调,明亮又温馨。设计师巧妙运用木色系软装搭配,考虑自然与现代相容的新关系,选择低调的极简、自然却又有禅意的混搭,展现幼儿学习空间的低限美,静定且不动声色,但却精彩无比,自成一格的木色森林感。 The interior of the activity classroom mainly adopts wood and white tones, which are bright and warm. The designer skillfully uses the wood color system soft clothing collocation, considers the new relationship between nature and modern compatibility, chooses the low-key simple, natural but Zen like mix and match, and shows the low limit beauty of children's learning space, which is static and motionless, but it is wonderful and unique wood color forest sense. 原木色的空间主题色,搭配顶面的白色不规则吊灯设计、简约绿植,让幼儿空间呈现出一种清新简约的效果。 Log color space theme color, with the top of the white irregular chandelier design, simple green planting, so that children's space presents a fresh and simple effect.
室内小木屋造型设计成为小孩子玩耍、看书的小世界。阅读区相对安静,将原本的地面抬高,形成犹如星球表面的坑洞般一个下陷的圆洞,孩子可以在里面看绘本、讲故事。 The interior cabin design has become a small world for children to play and read. The reading area is relatively quiet, raising the original ground to form a sinking hole like a hole on the surface of the planet, where children can read picture books and tell stories.
平面规划的核心为四个主要空间的衔接点:一个多功能房间和三间教室。学生需要养成健康的饮食习惯来提高身体素质,因此一个半开放的室内烘焙室便显得非常重要。设计师将烘焙室安排在多功能空间中,这种半开放半封闭的厨房形式,通过一系列不同的环境营造方式,打造出不同的活动空间。 The core of the plan is the connection of four main spaces: a multi-functional room and three classrooms. Students need to develop healthy eating habits to improve their physical fitness, so a semi-open indoor baking room is very important. Designers will arrange baking room in multi-functional space, this semi-open and semi-closed kitchen form, through a series of different ways to create the environment, create different space for activities. 既能增进亲子感情,又能锻炼幼儿的动手能力,烘焙坊是一个不错的选择。 Bakery is a good choice for children who can not only improve their parents'and children's feelings, but also exercise their hands-on ability.
设计师保留了建筑原有的结构,并在其基础上对空间进行了调整,分隔出了一块洽谈区,墙面上以字母的造型设计设计,呈现出一种语言的交织,让人与人之间的距离不断的拉近,呈现出一种友好相处的意境。 Designers retain the original structure of the building and adjust the space on the basis of it, dividing a negotiation area. The design of the wall with letters presents a kind of language interweaving, which makes the distance between people keep closing, and presents a kind of friendly mood.
纯净的室内空间让孩子们拥有更多创造的空间,他们可以在墙面柔和的色调中自由绘画。入口处的“涂鸦墙”成为迎接孩子们的娱乐空间,成为从家庭生活到学校生活的理想过渡。墙面上圆形的洞口又可以使走廊与教室形成视觉上的交流,在走廊便可以看见小朋友上课的情形。 Pure indoor space allows children to have more creative space, they can freely paint in the soft tones of the wall. The
天花板的吊灯装饰与地板软垫的合适距离,给孩子提供安全感;爬网体能游戏屋与一楼贯穿,顺流而下,快乐不言而喻。空间的设计,一二楼的连接,互动性的可能达到最大。墙面的体能训练,更是将室内设计的理念呈现的淋漓尽致。 The appropriate distance between ceiling chandelier decoration and floor cushion provides children with a sense of security; the crawling physical game room runs through the first floor, downstream, happiness is self-evident. The design of space, the connection of the first and second floors, the interaction may reach the maximum. Physical training of the wall is the most vivid idea of interior design.
原木色的地面搭配顶面小射灯,使室内空间呈现一种温馨明亮的感觉,在这种环境下对幼儿的走、跑、跳基本动作的协调、灵活和动作的美感起到良好的作用。 The log-colored ground with the top small spotlight makes the interior space present a warm and bright feeling. In this environment, it plays a good role in the coordination, flexibility and aesthetic feeling of children's basic movements of walking, running and jumping.
教室采用柔和的色彩和材料,创造像家一样安全、温馨的氛围,鼓励孩子们激发自我的潜能。幼儿园的设计过程结合专业的蒙特梭利理念和知识,在确保自然和安全的基础上,把童年最珍贵的自由还给孩子。设计与爱,让阳光照进童年。 Classrooms use soft colors and materials to create a safe and warm atmosphere like home, encouraging children to stimulate their own potential. The design process of kindergartens combines professional Montessori ideas and knowledge to return the most precious freedom of childhood to children on the basis of ensuring nature and safety. Design and love, let sunshine into childhood.
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