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绿意盎然 · 丹麦 Køge 市南港社区景观设计丨SLA

2023/12/01 14:04:13
Once an industrial harbor that separated the city from its coastline, The South Harbor of Køge is now a resilient, nature-based neighborhood. Planned with a network of lush commons and an encircling promenade, the area is now well-connected, protected, and full of life.
▼项目概况,project overview © SLA/Mikkel Eye
绿意盎然 · 丹麦 Køge 市南港社区景观设计丨SLA-3
对于工业港口的改造持续了13年。2010年,SLA 赢得了Køge Kyst-Køge港口工业区及旧铁路改造项目。该项目的总体目标是创造一个港岸边的充满活力与持续性的社区,希望以此来巩固Køge在哥本哈根大都市区和Oresund地区的中心地位。
The transformation of the former industrial harbor has been 13 years in the making. Back in 2010, SLA contributed to the winning development plan for Køge’s former industrial port and railway area, Køge Kyst. The overall vision was to create a social, vibrant, and sustainable district by the coast that would strengthen Køge’s role as an important center in the Copenhagen Metropolitan Area and the Oresund region.
▼郁郁葱葱的景观将该地区紧密联系,ties the area together with a network of lush commons © SLA/Mikkel Eye
绿意盎然 · 丹麦 Køge 市南港社区景观设计丨SLA-7
SLA为Køge Kyst的第一个社区—南港—制定的景观规划,是通过一个郁郁葱葱的区域网络将该地区紧密联系在一起。这些景观网络用于控制地表的雨水径流,增强了生物多样性,且都连接到环绕社区的公共长廊。长达1.4公里的长廊充当连廊和保护屏障,将居民与相邻的盐渍草地、港口和海滩连接起来,同时也保护该地区免受风暴潮的影响。
SLA’s landscape plan for The South Harbor – the first neighborhood of Køge Kyst – ties the area together with a network of lush commons for community. The commons handle all rainwater runoff, enhance biodiversity, and all connect to the public promenade that encircles the neighborhood. The 1.4 km long promenade acts as a connector and protector, linking residents to the adjoining salt meadow, harbor, and beach while also protecting the area from future storm surges.
▼郁郁葱葱的公共区域,a network of lush commons © SLA/Mikkel Eye
绿意盎然 · 丹麦 Køge 市南港社区景观设计丨SLA-11
公共区域 The commons
The semi-public commons serve as the residents’ green refuges with areas for picnics, fitness, and hammocks amongst interesting plantings. When it rains, a winding waterway develops through the commons, as all rainwater runoff in the area is handled here. Designed to be slightly raised in the middle, The South Harbor’s rainwater will either run directly into the harbor or to the salt meadow. Thus, the entire area is equipped to handle a 100-year cloudburst event in a 2100 climate – comparable to a 500-year cloudburst event today.
▼雨水径直进入盐渍草地,rainwater will either run directly into to the salt meadow © SLA/Mikkel Eye
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绿意盎然 · 丹麦 Køge 市南港社区景观设计丨SLA-17
自然设计 The nature design
The public space design in The South Harbor is focused on bringing nature close to people. Here, this goes hand in hand with sensuous nature experiences, a high biodiversity, and a low need for maintenance. The promenade’s planting is inspired by the salt meadow and the coastal planting – that can withstand sun, wind, and salt – while the nature design for the commons is inspired by the forest edges you find along Denmark’s east-facing coasts. A mix of space-creating plantings, bushes, trees, and areas with low-cut grasses creates varied and eventful routes among species chosen to provide habitats for wildlife and seasonal experiences. Overall, the plants are robust, long-lived, and require low maintenance.
▼灵感来自海岸植被,inspired by the salt meadow and the coastal planting © SLA/Mikkel Eye
绿意盎然 · 丹麦 Køge 市南港社区景观设计丨SLA-22
景观长廊 The promenade
The coastal areas near Køge are at high risk of flooding during storm surges. Besides being a recreational amenity, the elevated promenade around The South Harbor therefore also serves as a tidal dike. The wide promenade is envisioned as the connector to the surrounding nature, sea, and harbor. Along its south-facing edges are stairs and recreational spaces for residents and visitors to enjoy the sun or access the footpaths of the large salt meadow.
▼景观长廊也是一个防潮堤坝,also serves as a tidal dike © SLA/Mikkel Eye
绿意盎然 · 丹麦 Køge 市南港社区景观设计丨SLA-27
In the coming years, the promenade will extend to Køge’s harborfront. From here, you can access the beach, experience traces of the area’s industrial heritage, and enjoy the view over the waters of the bay.
▼Køge的港湾前地区意向,reference image for Køge’s harborfront © SLA/Mikkel Eye
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绿意盎然 · 丹麦 Køge 市南港社区景观设计丨SLA-32
▼场地平面,site plan © SLA
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▼景观平面,landscape plan © SLA
绿意盎然 · 丹麦 Køge 市南港社区景观设计丨SLA-36
Location: Køge, Denmark Size: 15 hectares Year: 2010 — 2030 Client: Køge Kyst P/S Landscape architect: SLA Collaborators: Vandkunsten and Rambøll
绿意盎然 · 丹麦 Køge 市南港社区景观设计丨SLA-38
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绿意盎然 · 丹麦 Køge 市南港社区景观设计丨SLA-41
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