位于美国印第安纳州哥伦布市的 Sylvan Scrapple由After Architecture为哥伦布展览的第4期展览设计,主题为 “公共设计”(Public by Design),它将建筑中的废料与烹饪中的厨余垃圾进行类比,向公众展示了循环利用的无限可能。该装置的灵感来源于哥伦布市独特的建筑遗产,其中包括超过80栋重要的建筑作品。
COLUMBUS, INDIANA, USA – Designed by After Architecture for the 4 cycle of Exhibit Columbus, themed Public by Design, Sylvan Scrapple draws parallels between waste in cooking and construction to position circular construction for a public audience. Columbus has a unique architectural legacy and collection of over 80 significant works of architecture.
▼项目概览,overall of the project © Hadley Fruits
After Architecture 联合创始人Kyle Schumann解释说:“尽管哥伦布拥有悠久的历史,但它仍面临着许多城市共同面临的挑战:如何在疫情后激活市中心、如何调整上世纪中期城市空间的宏大规模来适应当代需求,以及如何进行可持续建设。” After Architecture Cofounder Kyle Schumann explains: “Despite its rich history, Columbus faces challenges activating its downtown post- pandemic, adaptingthe grand scale of mid-century urban spaces to fit contemporary needs, and building sustainably –issues shared by many cities. ”
▼项目概览,overall of the project © Leonid Furmansky
Sylvan Scrapple通过灵活的策略来回应场地的特殊条件:包括激活城市、降低碳排放、机械式构造和公众参与。场地位于Kevin Roche设计的哥伦布游客中心(1995)和贝聿铭设计的CleoRogers纪念图书馆(1971)之间。蜿蜒曲折的木墙被嵌入其中,勾勒出一系列抬高的座位区域,并沿着 2000 英尺长的巨大景观带形成一片林间绿洲。
Sylvan Scrapple responds to the specific site conditions with transferable tactics: urban activation, carbon reduction, robotic construction, and public engagement. Sited between the Kevin Roche-designed Columbus Visitors Center (1995) and I.M. Pei-designed CleoRogers Memorial Library (1971), snaking wood walls are inserted to frame a series of elevated seating areas and a wooded oasis along a massive, 2000 ft landscape planter.
▼装置概览,overall of the installation © Leonid Furmansky
After Architecture 联合创始人Katie MacDonald评论道:“木结构降低了结构对环境的影响,木材不仅可以分解碳,是可再生的资源,而且在许多地区都可以就地取材。尽管如此,48%的已砍伐树木因不合规的形状、高强度的加工需求和含有害化学物质而无法被加工。然而,非线性的木材同样可以作为一种建筑材料。” After Architecture Cofounder Katie MacDonald remarks: “Wood construction offers many benefits to reducing the environmental impact of construction: its equesters carbon, is renewable, and able to be sourced locally in many regions. Still, 48% of harvested wood is unusable as lumber due to irregularities, requiring intensive processing and toxic chemicals to become other products. Nonlinear wood represents an untapped resource for construction. ”
▼装置近景,closer view of the installation © Leonid Furmansky
该项目通过专门处理非线性木材的电动机器锯木厂,来推进循环型建筑的发展。设计团队改装了一台模拟锯木机,配备了传感器、电机和由数字工具路径编排的导轨。弧形原木被切割成 3 英寸宽的弧形木板并拼接在一起,利用曲率制造出超薄的结构板。回收的木材经过重新加工,被切割成 3 英寸宽,以最大限度地利用常见的 2×4 木材(1.5 英寸 x 3.5 英寸)。
The project advances circular construction through the development of an electric, robotic sawmill forprocessing non-linear logs. The team modified an analog sawmill with sensors, motors, and guideschoreographed by digital toolpaths. Curved logs were cut into 3” wide curving boards and stacked, leveraging curvature to create thin structural panels. Reclaimed lumber was collected, refinished, and cut to 3” widths to maximize the common dimension of 2×4 lumber (1.5 inches x 3.5 inches).
▼回收木板组成的座位区,snaking wood walls are inserted to frame a series of elevated seating areas © Leonid Furmansky
The curvy mass timber walls were designed to avoid toxic adhesives and allow for easy disassembly. Stacked boards were post-tensioned with threaded rods, eliminating the need for adhesives (as is conventional in mass timber construction) and allowing for disassembly. Integrated springs permit fluctuations in the wood’s moisture content.
▼弧形木板细节,curving boards detail © Leonid Furmansky
该项目收集了这座充满故事的城市中重要建筑的边角料。砖块来源于在2022年被烧毁的哥伦布市Irwin Block(1892-2022)。最近刚刚被修复的由Eliel Saarinen设计的第一座基督教教堂钟楼(1942)的部分用料,也被收集到定制的石笼中。这些石笼也构成了城市家具。当这座装置被拆除时,这些元素将成为城市中的独立街景。
The project collects scraps from significant buildings across the storied city. Bricks salvaged from Columbus ’Irwin Block (1892-2022), which burned down in November 2022, and Eliel Saarinen-designed First ChristianChurch (1942) tower, which is currently being restored, are collected in custom gabion cages which doubleas urban furniture. These elements will become standalone furniture pieces when the installation is deinstalled.
▼回收的砖块,recycled bricks © Leonid Furmansky
用生物树脂和建筑废料制作的餐桌构成装置的基座。在 “I spy”的游戏中,我们发现了来自Saarinen设计的钟楼的面板和Michael Van Valkenburgh设计的Mill RacePark(1993 )的树枝。
A dining table formed with bio-based resin and construction scraps anchors the installation. A game of “I spy”uncovers panels from Saarinen ’s tower and branches from the Michael Van Valkenburgh designed Mill RacePark (1993).
▼回收的树枝和面板,recycled branches and panels © Hadley Fruits
与该装置同时举办的还有一个由设计师策划的展览。Table Scraps 收集了来源于公众的利用厨余垃圾的食谱,并将每份食谱作为真人大小的餐垫展示。
The installation is accompanied by an exhibition curated by the designers. Table Scraps collects recipes that make use of food waste (sourced from the public) and displays each recipe as life-size placemat.
▼将食谱做成餐垫展示,the recipes-made placemat © Leonid Furmansky