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2023/12/08 17:30:00
Stavros Tis Minthis 塞浦路斯葡萄园环绕着的奢华度假胜地伍兹贝格修复并重新演绎了一座历史悠久的塞浦路斯村庄,将其打造成为奢华的地中海山地度假胜地 Stavros Tis Minthis ,包括住宅、别墅、套房及健康配套。在这里,古老传统与现代辉煌完美平衡。
Woods Bagot restores and reinterprets an historic Cypriot village as luxury Mediterranean mountain resort, comprising residences, villas and suites that balance tradition and antiquity with contemporary splendour.
项目位于塞浦路斯 Paphos 葡萄酒产区的 Tsada 社区外围,在葡萄园环绕的山谷之中。场地原址为一座修道院,始建于 1520 年。
Stavros Tis Minthis sits outside the community of Tsada in the wine-producing region of Paphos, Cyprus, located in a mountainous valley context nestled among the vineyards. The monastery and its courtyard were founded in 1520.
这座 16 世纪的修道院及其附属建筑均采用当地采集的石灰石建造而成,是拜占庭建筑的典范。伍兹贝格团队在修复现有建筑的同时,新建了 10 个度假广场,50 间酒店套房和 2,400 平方米的健康设施,并与周边历史地貌融为一体。
The 16th-century monastery and accompanying existing structures are built from locally sourced limestone in an example of the architecture of the Byzantine era. As the most recent custodians of the site, the Woods Bagot project team has revived the existing buildings while introducing ten new village square premises, 50 hotel suites and 2,400-square-metres of wellness that sit sympathetically within the historic context.
伍兹贝格全球首席执行官和项目负责人 Nik Karalis 表示,重建工作由“现代遗迹”的概念所启发,旨在致敬逝去的时代,同时昭示出一个世界一流的度假目的地。
Woods Bagot chief executive officer and project leader Nik Karalis said the redevelopment was informed by the concept of the “modern relic”, celebrating the anachronisms of a bygone era while boasting the latest in world-class amenity.
Pitched rooves, terracotta tiles, cypress timber, sandstone bricks are reinterpreted from the traditional Cypriot architecture in a timeless expression of simplicity and functionality. The design of the new masterplan community with its associated villa clusters, new village square or “Plateia”, and adjunct wellness building, leans on centuries of courtyard tradition and the connection to the ideal of sequential layering of spatial sanctuary. Revolving around a central body of water, this planning concept is believed to lead to a deep restorative and spiritual connectivity to cleansing water derived from a well or spring considered holy.
Minthis 之旅是一场对现代性的重构,一场对历史细腻与敏感的再现。围绕着新建度假广场 Plateia 的众多建筑规模各异、错落有致,让人们由此能够一窥有着数百年历史的传统规划原则。
The Minthis experience is deeply rooted in resistance to modernity, revelling in the benevolence of subtlety and sensitivity to history. The varying scale and clustering of the numerous buildings that surround the newly created village Plateia harks back to the distant and centuries-old traditional planning principles.
The task of recreating a village aggregation of buildings is inspired by principles of community assembly. For a viable village to function, the components usually include a central water well; a village church around which rituals and celebrations occur; various trading buildings with essential food offerings; and, in some cultures, communal bathing amenities.
因而,Minthis 在融入现代便利性的基础上回归传统。教堂作为村中最高建筑的传统,被重新诠释为露天酒吧和餐饮区,同时形成以梧桐树为焦点的中央庭院广场。
Plateia 隐形的边界。广场两侧为手工艺品画廊、时尚精品店、精品葡萄酒窖、高档食材铺及餐厅,为人们提供在室内或露天棚顶之下品尝正宗希腊美食的绝妙体验。
The Minthis village buildings revert to the past, sub tradition, influence of 21st-century influence and amenity. However, the master-planning re-interprets the tradition of the church structure as the tallest building in the village, in its place flaunting a bar and alfresco dining area. It demarcates the boundary of the hidden central courtyard square defined by a central plane tree. This Plateia is flanked by art and crafts galleries, fashion boutiques, a fine wine “cava” or cellar, a providore, and restaurant where authentic Greek food is served indoors or outside under a covered cross-laminated timber beam trellis.
The mythology of the cross is resurrected in the cruciform planning of the double-height spa building, concealed under a planted wild grass roof. At its epicentre is a verdant courtyard defined by another deep well and surrounded on all four sides by staggered and elevated potted herb planters, each containing aromatic mint, geranium and other local species, selected for their essential oil extraction.
Emanating from this core are cruciform circulation corridors around which various treatment amenities are contained within articulated cantilevering timber boxes, hovering over the surrounding valleys. These treatments range from an internal lap pool, yoga studio, gym, hydrotherapy, various therapeutic and beauty applications, and treatment rooms.
Every treatment room incorporates an indoor massage bed zone and an outdoor foot massage space, each defined with a different species of tree ranging from citrus, pomegranate or fig, exuding intoxicating scents and considered in medieval iconography to represent rebirth. This ritualist circuit begins and ends through an oversized staggered concrete planter wall-scape, planted with creeping Bougainvillea, leading to an outdoor performance amphitheatre.
This five-million-square-meter mountain community embraces the old to re-imagine the future and our place in a constantly changing landscape of epic scale. The final centrepiece, the main new village and spa building, is now settled, and the project will evolve graciously over the next centuries to establish itself overtime as a destination that has emerged out of sensitive contextual positioning, tradition and pathos.
竣工时间:2023 年
摄影:Trevor Mein,Minthis Hills
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