

In past perceptions, bookstores were seen as retail spaces centered around books, typically located in high foot traffic traditional commercial areas, with compact display methods and scenes. In recent years, bookstore operations have diversified, moving towards complex retail, to the extent that in many bookstore spaces, books have become display props and tools for creating imagery – bookstores have gradually lost their specialized role as cultural nucleus spaces. However, returning to their essence, for both people and the entire city, bookstores should bring forth imagination and a sense of spirituality beyond material aspects, offering cross-medium experiences from different places and cultures. The existence of bookstores embodies rich urban information, growing gradually alongside the development of cities.
店铺门头,Shop front door©朱雨蒙
▼檀谷单向空间位置示意图,spatial location diagrame© BUZZ 庄子玉工作室
When bookstores are reconsidered as carriers of diverse content and as cultural markers linked to urban scenes, they might veer away from the city and move towards the countryside. They could resemble architectural structures in places like Tuscany, Italy, or act akin to churches in small town centers. In doing so, they become the genesis of a space’s content and potentially even the spiritual nucleus.
▼室内空间概览,Overall view of the main interior space ©朱雨蒙
▼场景生成分析图,scenario generation analysis © BUZZ 庄子玉工作室
One Way Space started its expansion from the inaugural store in Beijing’s Wangjing area, gradually expanding within the city and gradually extending to various cities, even overseas. This time, the location is set far from the urban area of Beijing, situated in an emerging town that blends historical and contemporary cultural values, positioned near Beijing west mountain Tanzhe Temple region. In such a new context, the bookstore is more than just an urban commercial setting – it escapes from the hustle and bustle of the city, creating a pure collision of culture and spirit, becoming the spiritual core of a small town. It also functions as an inn, a comprehensive dining place, and a cultural salon interwoven together. People can spend their entire day in this bookstore, which becomes a gathering point for cultural life, shaping a new declaration of our understanding of urban space – “Towards a natural cultural renaissance”.
首层咖啡区,Bar area at first floor©朱雨蒙
不同于当下书店流行的以传播为前提来建立视觉吸引的方式,BUZZ 在项目之初就试图重新审视如何让书籍回归到和阅读者的实体关系中,来创造一个让人和书本、和阅读在线下空间内产生直接互动的场所,以延展两者之间的对话性,以重构想象中新时代书店该有的形态和样子。
Unlike the prevalent approach in bookstores today, which focuses on visual appeal for dissemination purposes, BUZZ, from the project’s inception, aimed to re-examine how to bring books back to a physical relationship with readers. It sought to create a space where people and books, along with reading, engage in direct interaction within offline spaces, extending the conversational aspect between the two. The objective was to reconstruct the envisioned form and appearance of a new-era bookstore.
▼吧台近景,Close view of the bar ©朱雨蒙
For instance, by removing the stereotypical book scenes, could space reconstruct a series of interactions between readers and books through reading itself? People might read by a lake, on a mountain, or on a bench; they might enjoy coffee with friends while discussing what they’ve read, or sit in a bar relishing certain passages from a book… These extensions of the reader-text relationship are mediated by the space, amalgamating fragments about books and bookstores. Can these interactive methods, returning to the role of the bookstore as a space, generate more content to accommodate greater multifaceted functionalities?
▼首层书架与阅读空间,Bookshelf and reading space on the first floor ©朱雨蒙
▼一层轴测图,first floor axonometric © BUZZ 庄子玉工作室
The design seeks to redefine free space within a given place by blurring boundaries and reconfiguring the site, aiming to bring the building itself and its interior spaces closer to nature and to people’s exploration and aspirations for the external world. Further, it aims to dissolve the sense of boundaries in architecture and the relationship among interior spaces, the building, and nature. Simultaneously, the project offers a series of reimagined scenarios related to reading, contemplation, and interaction, prompting individuals to reconsider the relationship between text reading and their own lives.
窗边阅览空间,Reading space next to the window©朱雨蒙
项目空间受限于场地既定的纵深,整体平面基本呈 u 字型的布局,包含两部分主要运营空间——单向空间和十三邀小酒馆,两个独立内容之间加以融合及连接。建筑主体为两层,鲜有垂直方向上的调整余地,U 字排开的平面布局也仅能提供相对较“薄”的使用空间。
The project space is constrained by the established depth of the site, and its overall plan is primarily U-shaped, consisting of two main operational spaces—the One Way Space bookstores and the the 13th Bistro. Efforts are made to blend and connect these two independent contents. The building has two main levels with limited vertical adjustment options, and the U-shaped layout only offers a relatively narrow utilization of space.
首层其它客座区,Guest seating area©朱雨蒙
Therefore, regarding the renovation of the One Way Space’s Tanggu Store, the primary focus is on returning to the building’s facade. Utilizing the inherent characteristics of the architectural volume, the aim is to extend the boundaries of the space outward, intending to explore the “thickness” of the walls themselves as a medium connecting the interior and exterior, along with the dimensions they can expand into. The building’s “facade” maintains multiple scenic relationships and external connections with its surrounding environment. It corresponds to the internal park area, the street front, the nearby Man Shan Park and water bodies, as well as the distant mountain landscapes. This correlation is externalized and reintroduced into the internal space, creating various visual compositions that interweave with seated areas or reading scenes indoors. These elements are interlinked, forming a complete picture characterized by an Eastern scattered narrative relationship.
通向二层的楼梯,Stairs leading to the second floor©朱雨蒙
故此墙体由单纯的室内外分隔,演变为室外外摆空间的延伸和室内停留空间的载体,成为内外之间的具有移步异景的散点叙事关系的窗口和一个个特质化的空间变量。每个窗口框定出截然不同外部空间的视域。对内,为店内的人营造出一种环绕关系各异的阅读氛围,窗口框定的外部景别和窗内的人则成为内部空间动线上的丰富视觉画面;对外,浸入外摆区和室外形成直接的互动,共同构成了单向书店与周边商业环境及外部景观之间的连通。▼二层轴测图,second floor axonometric © BUZZ 庄子玉工作室
Therefore, the walls have evolved from mere separators between indoors and outdoors into extensions of outdoor display space and carriers of indoor resting spaces. They become windows of scattered narrative relationships between the interior and exterior, each possessing distinctive spatial variables. Each window frames distinctly different external spatial perspectives. Internally, they create diverse reading atmospheres, surrounding the store’s visitors. The external views framed by the windows, along with the people inside, contribute to rich visual scenes along the interior’s pathways. Externally, they immerse into the outdoor display area, fostering direct interaction with the outdoors, collectively forming a connection between the Unidirectional Bookstore and the surrounding commercial environment and external landscapes.
二层空间概览,Overall view of the second floor©朱雨蒙
The 13th Bistro on the ground floor and the One Way Space bookstore form an interconnected and shared scene. Due to the diversity of the space, different individuals can combine their reading habits and define their preferences for alcohol or beverages. They can choose a space, whether open or private, that suits their needs. This allows them to experience different communicative environments within the place.
二层沙发区,Sofa area©朱雨蒙
This area not only establishes a vertical relationship between the first and second floors but also creates a synesthetic experience beyond visual connections: an opening beside the staircase provides a view towards the first-floor counter. The mist from the coffee machine and the aroma of coffee rise through this opening, creating a sensory link between the floors. Although the reading area on the second floor faces a wall, the experiential sensation remains connected to the first floor. This involves a series of pathways transitioning from external to internal, placing individuals within a complex, multi-layered spatial experience.
The central point of the building houses a full-height counter, catering to the operational facets of the bookstore reception, coffee service, dining, and bar. Paired with a staircase that serves as vertical access, it becomes the visual focal point of the entire space. Positioned around the void space enclosed on the second floor are designated reading areas.
二层展厅,Exhibition area ©朱雨蒙
Ascending the stairs, passing by an iconic book wall, the second-floor space and the open terrace establish an improved relationship between borrowed scenery and framed scenes with the distant Tanzhe Temple and surrounding mountains. While reading, individuals can experience a sense of elevation, appreciating a new landscape and a different perspective. This, to some extent, provides a greater medium and setting for spatial experiences.
▼二层展厅内部,Inside the exhibition area©朱雨蒙
Simultaneously, the second floor exhibits a differentiated relationship from the ground floor, whether in the choice of materials or the application of color tones. Traffic flow can be interconnected through the central vertical staircase or through the courtyard’s spiral staircase leading to the open terrace. The outdoor scenery establishes a direct connection in the vertical direction, enabling individuals to constantly engage with the natural landscape within the site. This environment within the valley offers a completely new reading and interaction experience, fostering a strong sense of interaction and freedom generated by such spatial narrative relationships.
▼夜览外摆区,Night view of the swing area©朱雨蒙
▼夜览门头,Night view of the front door©朱雨蒙
Compared to the ground floor, the new setting combines novel functional uses and definitions, encompassing a multifaceted state that includes exhibitions, creative cultural displays for sale, and public events. Additionally, a separate salon area has been specifically designed to maintain a consistent open-scenery relationship. The layout of the second floor also leans towards more flexible movable furniture, providing greater potential for redefining the usage scenarios within the space.
▼檀谷单向改造前现状,Current situation before transformation © BUZZ 庄子玉工作室
一层平面图,1F floor plan© BUZZ 庄子玉工作室
▼二层平面图,2F floor plan© BUZZ 庄子玉工作室
▼东立面,east elevation© BUZZ 庄子玉工作室
▼西立面,west elevation © BUZZ 庄子玉工作室
▼南立面,south elevation© BUZZ 庄子玉工作室
建筑面积:1000 平方米
建筑(及室内)设计单位:BUZZ 庄子玉工作室