

Slightly drunk in the psychedelic of Yūgō Bistro
微醺在Yūgō Bistro的迷幻陆离
主打无国界融合菜的 Yūgō 是一家面积极小的特色小酒馆。丰富的佐酒餐食,是他们最有力的特色之一。于是,在这七十余平米的建筑空间里,除了应有的接待与就餐区域外,我们还需重点解决一个完整且齐备的厨房备餐空间,以及其配套的交通动线关系。
Specializing in borderless fusion cuisine, Yūgō is a specialty bistro with small noodles. The abundance of food and drink is one of their most powerful features. Therefore, in this more than 70 square meters of architectural space, in addition to the reception and dining area, we also need to focus on solving a complete and complete kitchen preparation space, as well as its supporting traffic flow relationship.
但除开应有的功能空间以外,如何让 Yūgō 成为辨识度极高,且能让顾客细品的独特小店,是我们需要解决的主要问题。
But in addition to the functional space, the main problem we needed to solve was how to make Yūgō a unique shop that is highly recognizable and allows customers to savor it.
Since it is going to be a unique borderless tavern. First of all, we need to liberate our own design style and expression; At the same time, through the reconstruction of space, the boundaries of each functional area are weakened, so that the spatial relationship is more integrated and the level is richer. Finally, the walls that constrained the spatial relationship were torn down and replaced by flexible sliding doors.
This not only enriches the decorative effect of the space, but more importantly, when the sliding doors are fully opened, the boundary between interior and exterior disappears. A small store of more than 70 square meters will get the best visual experience of the space. The customer experience, under the premise of this setting, is the most open and free, which is undoubtedly the most needed posture for a tavern.
In my opinion, destylization does not mean getting rid of all decorative elements.
如果面对大型空间,我认为运用干净、纯粹的线条与体块去解决空间的关系,是极佳的方式之一。但当我们面对如此之小的深度体验空间时,流行的极简主义,并非是最佳的解决办法。我认为,小而美、小而精才是 Yūgō 的主旋律。
If you are dealing with a large space, I think it is one of the best ways to use clean and pure lines and volumes to solve the relationship between the space. But when we are faced with such a small space for deep experience, popular minimalism is not the best solution. In my opinion, small but beautiful, small and fine is the main theme of Yūgō.
As a result, a large number of classic and traditional decorative elements have been given new vitality. They will also merge and reorganize in this spatial relationship. The result is a space montage effect with a unique temperament. Even in different use environments, it shows different style perception effects.
设计的过程就如同 Yūgō 的菜系一样。我们将西方的、东方的,传统的、当代的,以及那些最为日常的装饰元素、材质、手法按照一定的比例融合在了一起。从而形成了独特且诱人的视觉效果。吸引着那些过往的目光,让他们愿意停下来,坐下去,去享受一场空间与美味的盛宴。
The design process is like the cuisine of Yūgō. We combine Western, Oriental, traditional, contemporary, and the most everyday decorative elements, materials, and techniques in a certain proportion. The result is a unique and enticing visual effect. Attract the eyes of those who pass by, make them willing to stop, sit down, and enjoy a feast of space and deliciousness.
And isn't that what we designed to be?