知末案例   /   餐饮空间   /   西餐厅


2023/12/18 17:07:05
“凯珍餐厅”位于北京市最繁华的商业区三里屯,我们改造的项目位于#024 商业综合体的一个配楼部分。项目坐落于三里屯使馆区对面,道路旁两侧树木环绕,更因为喧闹的街道,造就了闹中取静的用餐体验。餐厅不同于普通商业街道用封闭的幕墙把室内私人空间与室外公共空间完全分隔开的沉闷布局,而是让室内延伸到室外,室外景观与室内融合一体,同时相对隐私、安静的形态,在闹市区拥有一份宁静的场所,形成有“深度”的城市一角。
Kai Zhen (Karry’s Peral) Restaurant is located in Sanlitun, one of Beijing’s busiest commercial districts, and our renovation project is in an annex building of the #024 commercial complex. The project is located across from the Sanlitun Embassy District, surrounded by trees on both sides of the road, and because of the hustle and bustle of the street, it creates a quiet dining experience in the middle of it all. The restaurant is different from the ordinary commercial streets with closed curtain walls to the indoor private space and outdoor public space wholly separated from the dull layout, but let the indoor extension to the outdoor, outdoor landscape and indoor integration of one, and at the same time, relative privacy, quiet form, in the downtown area to have a calm place, the formation of the “depth” of the city’s corner.
▼项目外观,Exteriorview© 金伟琦
商业城市更新 CommercialUrbanRenewal
In Beijing’s most prosperous and trendy commercial landmark neighborhoods, retaining the commercial trend attributes while incorporating new cultural community attributes is essential. In a vital urban environment, the renovation of the old land should also study how modern commerce should coexist with the urban landscape, and the goal of the experiment is to explore the variety of patterns of arrangement of nature and light without interfering with the existing natural environment, which has a close relationship with the regional climate. The design hopes that we can continue the urban fabric in the development through the juxtaposition of old and new buildings. Transforming this commercial building can make the north of Taikoo Li Sanlitun North to Landmark River an excellent urban landscape texture. At the same time, it also greatly enhances the creation of a new commercial value continuation. It serves as an essential supplement to the north of Taikoo Li North. Also, it enhances the retail atmosphere and connectivity of the whole area while bringing new vitality to the old urban fabric of the Sanlitun community, realizing the perfect transformation of the city’s stock of spatial resources with its unique character.
▼原建筑外观,Overall view© 钟贺
▼改造中期建筑外观,Renovate the medium-term building appearance © 钟贺
We have explored deeply the community and commercial culture of the trendy and bustling Sanlitun neighborhood, and created a simple and introverted retail space that allows people to pause by reversing the traditional commercial design and simplifying the complexity into simplicity. We want people to walk on the street, occasionally see the faint warm light, smell the aroma of food, and feel the space of the people and places – this is the hustle and bustle of a prosperous city. As a street-front store renovation project, the symbiosis and harmony between people and place is the starting point of the design; we hope that the restaurant is not just an inherent dining space that provides a seat but an area that offers a sense of belonging and exudes social attributes.
店铺门头,The door© 钟贺
设计灵感 Design Inspiration
凯珍(凯里的珍珠)出自电影《地球最后的夜晚》导演 :毕赣,以珍珠为设计概念,母贝里包裹着记忆中最珍贵的部分,时间、空间、味道、失去的爱,永不复返的一切事物,来营造出有着记忆的一家贵州餐厅。
Pearl is a design concept, a mother of pearl wrapped in the most precious part of memory, time, space, taste, lost love, never come back all things, to create a Guizhou restaurant with memory.
▼主要空间概览,Overall view of main interior space © 金伟琦
Ceiling: The ceiling is considered a shell, covered with Chinese “white porcelain” craftsmanship to reflect the changing light and shadow of the surrounding things, presenting intertwined, hazy, natural, and dazzling colors. At the same time, it embodies greatness, breadth, and tolerance. The people, light, furniture, and dishes in the space are regarded as pearl-like warmth. The whole space is mixed with concrete and shells, which are polished to present a rugged and natural feeling so that the people in the area welcome the dawn with the feel of looking forward and protecting. I hope everyone who comes here will leave a unique memory.
▼座位区看街道,View of street from seating area © 金伟琦
▼包间,Private room © 金伟琦
▼反射多彩的屋顶,Reflected ceiling © 金伟琦
社区属性 Community Properties
走入空间的猫 :我们看到到附近社区的流浪猫每日都会经过这里,我们观察猫的行动路线 ,然后在室内外空间营造出可以观看猫行走的视觉,(室内与室外墙体相同高度)这会让用餐者更加亲切,放松,留下记忆。
Cats Walking Arounding You:We see stray cats from the neighborhood pass through here every day, and we observe the cats’ movement routes and create a visualization of the cats’ walks in the indoor and outdoor spaces, (The interior and exterior walls are the same height) which will make the diners more intimate and relaxed and leave memories.
走入空间的猫,Into the space of the cat ©钟贺
▼窗外和门前的猫,Cat outside the window and in front of the door © 钟贺
温暖的光 Warm light 整体屋顶像贝壳微微张开的小口般形态,屋顶与四周墙体留出空隙,让自然光穿过空隙,可以照进室内,同时产生光的反射,让人们感受到一天的光阴变化。
The overall shape of the roof is like the slightly open mouth of a shell, leaving a gap between the ceiling and the surrounding walls, allowing natural light to pass through the hole and shine into the room, and at the same time generating a reflection of the light, so that people can feel the change of time and light throughout the day.
▼客座区温暖的光,Warm light of guest seat area© 钟贺
▼客座区桌椅,Guest seat details© 金伟琦
灯光设计 Lighting Designs
The lighting is as simple as the design of the space, with no direct lighting, simulating the rustic light environment of under the shell “under the bridge – movie scene” so that the guests can relax and experience the feeling of walking by the side of the road and eating at food stall. The roof “shell,” like an exhibit, is illuminated from the bottom up, and the light shines on the top and reflects the bottom space, creating a sense of wrapping with the curved shape of the roof at the same time.
▼客座区灯光设计,Guest area lighting design © 金伟琦
▼水纹感的屋顶,Water texture of the roof © 金伟琦
材料 Materials 整体空间还原材料本质属性,人们可以看到和摸到天然的贝壳,这样可以感受到室外。
The overall space keep the essential properties of raw materials, where one can see and touch the natural shells to feel the outdoors.
混凝土浇筑卡座与材料细节,Concrete is poured for furniture and material detail© 钟贺
Outdoor environments
The remodeled building is like shells, left in the barren grass and waiting for us to pick it up. This unique design brings a marvelous effect in winter, as the grass is as desolate as a yellow reed field. Considering the outdoor environment, we hide the main body of the building so that only the upper body of the restaurant can be seen, and through the winding reeds, we can see its entirety.
▼室外景观,Outdoor landscape © 钟贺
▼后院,Backyard © 金伟琦
The dining room breaks the boundaries between indoor and outdoor spaces through the translucent floor-to-ceiling glass, which allows you to see the roof and floor of the interior extending to the outdoors.
拉手 Door handles
Handcrafted in metal, the same material as the floor of the reeds, it brings a cold and rigid feeling.
▼拉手,Door handles © 钟贺
入口 Entrance
Rustic concrete booths in the waiting area welcome guests like a living room.
▼等候区,Waiting area© 钟贺
▼平面图,Plan © 钟贺
▼剖面图,Cross-section © 钟贺
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