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杭州 33 COFFEE丨中国杭州丨杭州壹山建筑设计有限公司

2023/12/21 13:24:22
项目概况 Project Overview
The project is located in the Daqing Valley Village within the Longwu Scenic Area of West Lake District, Hangzhou. The site is a small flat area between the road and the mountains. The surrounding vegetation is lush with sporadic village self-built houses covered by plants, and the predominant view consists of verdant low hills and extensive trees.
▼项目概览,overview © 壹山设计
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▼入口景观,landscape near the entrance © 壹山设计
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设计策略 Design Strategy
The existing buildings on the site are simple brick-and-wood structures. The design involves reinforcing the structure, and showcasing the roof’s wooden framework as part of the spatial decoration. The mountain walls are treated as triangular skylights, creating a disconnection between the roof’s wooden structure and the surrounding walls. Windows are strategically placed around the walls to adhere strictly to structural modules, bringing the surrounding garden landscape into the interior. Lighting is designed around the wooden structure, and as night falls, the illuminated building glows like an amber gem in the dark, emitting a dazzling and naturally charming light that warms and heals the soul.
▼屋顶木结构展示成为空间装饰的一部分,showcasing the roof’s wooden framework © 壹山设计
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▼建筑山墙处理成三角形天窗,the mountain walls are treated as triangular skylights © 壹山设计
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The entire design uses only 3 materials. Birch plywood is used for doors, windows, and furniture. Terrazzo is employed for the floor steps, while the walls are treated with beige artistic paint, leaving them intentionally blank. The design exhibits restraint in material usage from the outset, resulting in a unified spatial atmosphere.
▼墙面使用米色艺术涂料进行留白处理,the walls are treated with beige artistic paint © 壹山设计
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▼地面台阶采用水磨石,terrazzo is employed for the floor steps © 壹山设计
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结语 Conclusion
It has been a full year since the opening of 33coffe, and even in good weather, the place remains bustling with people. It is a welcoming and open space with minimal design language, characterized by simplicity and plainness. Perhaps it is precisely this well-balanced simplicity that makes everyone willing to linger a little longer in this space.
▼包容且开放的空间,welcoming and open space  © 壹山设计
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▼中央的柜台,central counter © 壹山设计
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▼傍晚窗边,seat area near the window at dawn © 壹山设计
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▼夜景,night view © 壹山设计
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▼平面,plan © 壹山设计
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▼立面1,elevation 1 © 壹山设计
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▼立面2,elevation 2 © 壹山设计
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▼立面3,elevation 3 © 壹山设计
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▼立面4,elevation 4 © 壹山设计
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▼剖面,section © 壹山设计
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项目名称:33 COFFEE 设计单位:杭州壹山建筑设计有限公司 设计团队:朱凯、王新、黄晓玲 设计内容:建筑改造、室内设计、庭院设计 导视设计:黄行 竣工时间:2022年10月 项目地址:杭州西湖区大青谷777号 项目面积:200㎡(建筑)400㎡(庭院) 空间摄影:壹山设计
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杭州 33 COFFEE丨中国杭州丨杭州壹山建筑设计有限公司-49
杭州 33 COFFEE丨中国杭州丨杭州壹山建筑设计有限公司-50
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杭州 33 COFFEE丨中国杭州丨杭州壹山建筑设计有限公司-53
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