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唐山街头不期而遇的城市更新设计丨中国唐山丨SY 工作室

2024/01/04 13:50:04
Design Creating:进行时的状态代表着SY Studio对现在与未来的态度,在设计整个生命周期中,持续的想象和创造力具有无限的价值,它能长期整合所有相关事物,使设计产物达到最优化。
Design Creating: The present tense status represents SYStudio's attitude towards the present and future. Throughout the lifecycle of design, continuous imagination and creation hold infinite value, as they can integrate all relevant things over the long term to maximize the perfection of design outcomes.
- Brief -
The design project is located in a street-side public space on National Defense West Road in Tangshan City. It was originally a neglected fitness plaza. Surrounded by fences, it gives people a feeling of being forgotten, and most of the fitness equipment is also severely damaged due to neglect of maintenance.
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- Scene photos -
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- Surrounding -
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The design hopes to endow this area with new spatial value, and coordinate the relationship between various spaces by injecting cultural elements. A bold adjustment has been made in the overall layout, with flexible space as the leading factor, promoting the combination of topography in the area.
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- Concept -
"Unexpected encounters" is the concept of this design, which aims to enhance the interaction and sense of participation between citizens and urban public spaces, and enhance their connection. We hope to explore possible changes through this design, so that citizens can feel that beautiful encounters always happen inadvertently here.
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- Design -
In the design of the entire site, the design cleverly utilizes the topographical relationship of high and low, creating a unique spatial flow and visual change. In areas with significant elevation differences, I innovatively introduced the concept of "urban gymnasiums" to enhance the value of urban public space.
In addition, the design enhances the openness between the city and the university. By removing some of the walls between the university and the urban green spaces, and skillfully utilizing the height difference, barriers, and plants to handle the spatial relationships, a viewing platform is created for more residents to enjoy. This also provides new possibilities for communication and interaction between the city and the university.
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- Analysis -
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- Site structure -
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- Section -
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- Renderings -
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- Future development-
This design is not an end point, but a brave exploration and breakthrough of the boundaries of urban spaces. It actively seeks new possibilities, and realizes its design concept through the overlapping of composite functions and the clever softening of the distance between spaces. The core goal of the design is to narrow the distance between people, people and spaces, and people and nature.
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唐山街头不期而遇的城市更新设计丨中国唐山丨SY 工作室-56
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