

混凝土仓内的三进院落 The courtyard in concrete boxes.
封闭而沉闷的混凝土仓,仅有一个 7mX3m 的洞口与外界发生联系,地面之上,则是两万年轻人的字节跳动总部。
The outpouring youth has formed a strong conflict with the introverted negative space, which forces us to reshape the internal and external spatial relations of the concrete warehouse, give them strong spiritual power, and rebuild their due public life.
Therefore, we chose the most typical spatial prototype of Beijing residential buildings -- Sanjin Courtyard -- as the initial spatial concept. Relying on this starting point, we transformed the original depressed inner space into a positive outer space, built the interior space, introduced the external courtyard sense into the interior, and made people feel like sitting in their own yard chatting.
With the removal of closure, we have the possibility of rebirth.
Entrance of Tiaohai
场地初始情况 Site
场地位于大钟寺广场 1733 商业街区 B2 层,隶属于地铁上盖物业,与商业区内其他商业单位共享同一下沉广场,但均不相邻,这为跳海后续的内容活动呈现提供了有利的物理空间优势。
The site is located in B2, 1733 commercial block of Dazhong Temple Square, which belongs to the subway construction property, and shares the same sunken square with other commercial units in the commercial area, but none of them are adjacent, which provides favorable physical space advantages for the subsequent content activities of the Tiaohai.
More than a month after our first survey of the site, the concrete silo was poured in its entirety. The expected closed and dark underground space is very concrete in front of us. Empty and silent.
轴侧关系 Axis
The spatial concept of "three courtyards" is taken as the starting point to sort out the whole spatial sequence. Construction process
混凝土仓的净高达到 5m,为室内空间的建筑化提供了尺度前提。
The net height of the concrete bin reaches 5m, which provides a scale premise for the architecture of the interior space.
“前院”Front courtyard
We take the main bar area directly opposite the entrance as our "front yard", which is also the transition area for people from the outside to the inside. The whole courtyard faces the entrance, and the internal and external interfaces are set up folding doors that can be fully opened, which can be fully opened in the sunny season of Beijing and integrated with the sunken courtyard outside.
中岛吧台 Midisland barcounter
On the west side of the "front yard", around the core logistics space, a "hand gallery" is set up, which uses the migration line to connect the external corridor with the internal traffic space, becoming our unique exhibition space. Here, the spatial properties of inner and outer virtual and real are inverted. Entrance the core courtyard.
The east side of the "front yard" is our core yard. When you enter the core courtyard from the "front yard", you need to pass through a "wing room", thus, the internal and external logic of the space is reversed again, and the architecture of the interior space is finally completed.
The side of the "wing room" facing the core courtyard is completely opened, and the internal and external boundaries of the "house" become more blurred.
The core courtyard
The three directions of the core courtyard are enclosed by a continuous floating roof. Under the roof is a "veranda" space. The height of the lower eaves of the roof gradually changes with the elevation of the ground, forming a richer spatial level. At the same time, the most inner elevation part forms a small stage space, which is convenient for the holding of various performances and activities in the late stage of the sea jump.
Display and projection interface
The three levels of horizontal components that run through the courtyard and the "wing room" are the main display space for the sale around the tavern. The white interface separated from the original concrete wall is mainly used as a projection area in daily use scenes. There are three parallel metal poles hanging over the courtyard, which can be used as hanging exhibits when arranging exhibitions.
Scattered roof
客座区 Guest area
核心院落看向“前院” From core courtyard looking into the "front yard"
The wall of the "wing room" is opened with a horizontal window, connecting the "inside and outside". People could sit "by the window" drinking and chatting.
细部 Details
There are black houses on the prairie.Square time flow out of the window.Wild horses trod galaxy.I turned off all the starlight.It’s the last night the sun goes down.
首层平面图 Ground Plan
设计机构:M.S.A.A. 不山建筑事务所
Designer: M.S.A.A. atelier
Area: 148㎡
Project location: Dazhong Temple, Haidian District, Beijing
Photo credits:Hirono