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a park 深圳数字艺术公园丨中国深圳丨JC DESIGN 界汐设计

2024/01/24 15:16:57
▼a park 鸟瞰,aeiral view © 曾天培
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这是一个有态度的公园 This is a park with attitude。城市的商业属性决定了它的商业目的,看似群居实则孤岛的时代需要社区感,文创的本质更接近真实和松弛。a park 试着找回那种开放自由、建筑与城市没有边界的烟火气和公共属性。用开放立体的公共空间、大量的公共座椅和可以席地而坐的平台与踏步来构建一种模糊边界回归生活的公园式社交场所,以先锋美学和文创的形式来建立一个共情的社群。这里平日已是附近居民们的公共客厅,周末的午后和傍晚更是年轻潮人们青睐的网红打卡地,也是商业广告拍摄和明星节目录制的热门场所。这是我们一直在践行的公园概念的商业模型,也是我们始终秉持的社会价值与商业价值共存共生的设计理念。
The commercial attribute of a city determines its commercial purpose. The era of seemingly living in groups but being isolated requires a sense of community, and the essence of cultural creation is closer to the truth and relaxation. A park tries to recover the fireworks and public attributes of openness and freedom, with no boundary between the building and the city. With open three-dimensional public space, a large number of public seats and platforms and steps that can be sat on the floor, a park-like social place is constructed to blur the boundary and return to life, and an empathic community is established in the form of avant-garde aesthetics and cultural creativity. On weekdays, it is a public living room for nearby residents, and on weekends in the afternoon and evening, it is a popular place for young hipsters to punch in, and it is also a popular place for commercial advertising shooting and star program recording. This is the business model of the park concept that we have been practicing, and it is also the design concept that social value and commercial value coexist.
▼外观概览,appearance overview© 曾天培
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▼建筑外观及前庭广场,Exterior and forecourt square © 曾天培
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坐落于深圳福田 CBD 后花园的 a park 前身为成丰电子有限公司,建于 1994 年。经过三十年的岁月变迁,其原始功能难以再符合城市发展的需求,相较于将它推倒重建,我们更希望为这座建筑赋予新的角色定位和历史使命,以保留工业文明的时代记忆。
Located in the back garden of Futian CBD, Shenzhen, a park was formerly known as Chengfeng Electronics Co., LTD., built in 1994. After 30 years of changes, its original function can no longer meet the needs of urban development. Instead of tearing it down and rebuilding it, we hope to give this building a new role positioning and historical mission, so as to preserve the memory of the era of industrial civilization.
▼区位总图,Location map © JC DESIGN 界汐设计
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▼a park 鸟瞰,aeiral view© 曾天培
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▼历史照片,Historical photograph
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▼改造前,Before modification
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在城市更迭的浪潮之下,存量时代考验着我们对建筑生命周期的挖掘与延续,正如建筑大师柯布西耶在《光辉城市》一书中,试图对工业化本身的弊病进行克服,强调建筑与自然对立中的相互包容和建筑作为人类居住文化总容器的艺术之美。建筑作为人类活动的物质载体,承载的是时代的记忆与精神。a park 从旧厂房蜕变成艺术、生态、人文于一体的潮流文创公园,我们将其历史意义与现代功能相结合,在延续原有建筑基因的同时也赋予了它新的面貌和意义。
Under the tide of urban change, the era of stock tests our excavation and continuation of the life cycle of architecture. Just as the architect Le Corbusier tried to overcome the disadvantages of industrialization in his book Shining City, he emphasized the mutual tolerance between architecture and nature and the artistic beauty of architecture as the total container of human living culture. As the material carrier of human activities, architecture carries the memory and spirit of The Times. A park has transformed from an old factory into a trend-setting cultural and creative park integrating art, ecology and humanity. By combining its historical significance with modern functions, we have given it a new look and significance while continuing the original architectural gene.
▼设计手稿,Design manuscript© JC DESIGN 界汐设计
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▼体块生成,Bulk generation© JC DESIGN 界汐设计
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▼建筑外观,Appearance© 曾天培
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整个厂房项目由 JC DESIGN 界汐设计建筑、室内一体化设计改造而成。其外在的工厂印迹尚存,但内在却已截然不同,让时尚与历史融合,打造极具想象力的公园式商业运营体系与社交场域,激活旧的建筑空间,为深圳正在兴起的存量改造风潮树立了典范。
The whole plant project is transformed by JC DESIGN design architecture and interior integration design. Its external factory imprint is still there, but the internal has been completely different, so that fashion and history integration, to create a very imaginative park style business operation system and social field, activate the old architectural space, for Shenzhen’s rising stock transformation trend set a model.
▼前庭广场,forecourt square© 曾天培
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a park 在充分挖掘商业价值的同时,首层架空形成公园式商业,使建筑让位城市,模糊建筑和城市的边界,实现“社区公园”属性与商业价值的平衡,将其打造成一处集创意、商业、办公等多重功能于一体的艺术生态综合体。从城市设计的角度来规划园区,打开原厂房封闭的盒子空间,将室内延伸至室外,有机链接周边,使原本封闭的厂房变成开放的多功能多业态的公共社区。
While fully exploiting the commercial value, the first floor of a park forms a park-like business, making the building give way to the city, blurring the boundary between the building and the city, realizing the balance between the attribute of “community park” and the commercial value, and building it into an artistic ecological complex integrating multiple functions such as creativity, business and office.Planning the park from the perspective of urban design, opening the closed box space of the original factory, extending the indoor space to the outdoor space, organically linking the surrounding area, turning the originally closed factory into an open multi-functional and multi-business public community.
▼纵向结构及业态分析,Longitudinal structure and mode analysis© JC DESIGN 界汐设计
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▼首层架空生态分析,Ecological analysis of first floor overhead© JC DESIGN 界汐设计
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▼建筑模型,Model© JC DESIGN 界汐设计
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Planning the park from the perspective of urban design, opening the closed box space of the original factory, extending the indoor space to the outdoor space, organically linking the surrounding area, turning the originally closed factory into an open multi-functional and multi-business public community.
▼建筑外观 Appearance ©陆军
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▼首层架空 Ground level raised© 曾天培
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▼工业风架空层,Industrial air shelf ©黄懿
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前庭的开放式广场,植入宽敞的阶梯架空平台,打造惬意社交街区,汇聚精致好味的轻食咖啡,有酒、有生活,带上宠物肆意“躺平”享受繁忙都市中的生活美学巷道。基于兴趣标签,a park 将频繁举办各类社群活动,与同好一起,奔赴热爱。
The open square in the vestibule is implanted with a spacious elevated platform of stairs to create a comfortable social block, bringing together fine and delicious light coffee, wine and life, and enjoying the aesthetic laneways of life in the busy city with pets. Based on the interest label, a park will organize various community activities frequently, and go to love together with friends.
▼前庭广场,Vestibular square © 陆军
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▼前庭拍摄活动现场,Vestibular shooting event scene
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▼架空阶梯及入驻商铺,Elevated staircases and settled shops © 黄懿
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The original second floor of the building is low, unable to provide sufficient space for the merchants to build relevant equipment, so we will open up the second and third floors, retain the texture of the original inner layer of the building, adopt the form of a duplex town, to provide more space for the merchants to imagine, multiple business forms and the street scene of the intersection.
▼立面效果图,Elevation rendering © JC DESIGN 界汐设计
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▼红砖小镇,Red brick town© 曾天培
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▼多元业态,multiple business forms© 曾天培
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Diffuse oxygen park with “Oxygenated oasis” as the design theme, strategically through the retreat terrace, walking stairs, vegetation preservation and other means to form a micro climate in the courtyard, bring more sunshine and breeze, reduce the reliance on air conditioning, to create a “one core, one park, one belt” multi-axis commercial landscape activity group.
▼立面景观,Elevation landscape© 曾天培
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▼局部视角,Local perspective © 黄懿
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Spring factory with “natural, comfortable, flexible” as the design concept, a new generation of ecological technology creative office space came into being. Here, creative workers can communicate and inspire each other in a natural, comfortable and flexible space, so as to maintain a more efficient work state.
▼发条工厂 ,Windmill © 陆军
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▼走廊,corridor © 陆军
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“All things live, and only know their roots”, the meaning of the old reform is not to overthrow and rebuild, do not need to let the people who use it to strip away the original familiar life circle, but to find a balance between urban development and the retention of the memory of the era, in the continuation of the original architectural genes to do in line with the development of society and the era of intervention.
▼施工过程,Construction process
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▼平面总图,General plan© JC DESIGN 界汐设计
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▼立面图,elevation© JC DESIGN 界汐设计
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▼爆炸图,Explosion diagram© JC DESIGN 界汐设计
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项目名称:a park 深圳数字艺术公园
设计时间:2021-2023 年
建设时间:2022-2023 年
业主单位:SIG 世杰集团
设计单位:JC DESIGN 界汐设计
图片版权:JC DESIGN 界汐设计
Project name: a park Shenzhen Digital Art Park
Project location: Futian, Shenzhen, Guangdong
Design period: 2021-2023
Construction time: 2022-2023
Construction area: 52885㎡
Owner unit: SIG Group
Owner design management and manager: CAI Jindong
Services: Architectural design/Interior Design
Chief Designer: Huang Yi
Architectural team: Liu Yuancai, Zhang Wenquan, Luo Yanrong, Zheng Shukai, Cao Jiahui, Zhong Xuefeng, Huang Rui
Indoor team: Cheng Zhou, Xu Mengchao, Huang Sichi, Luo Zhi, Rong Wofeng, Guo Fuqiong, Li Haoming, Huang Fuqiang
Electromechanical team: Dong Visiting, Wu Rehui, Qiu Renguan, Ye Zuojing
Steel structure Consultant: Zhang Binxi
Cooperative design Institute: Guangzhou Yatai Architectural Design Institute Co., LTD
Landscape Design: Shenzhen Pannuo Landscape Planning and Design Co., LTD
Lighting Design: Shenzhen Tiangong Lighting Technology Co., LTD
Logo design: Langtu Design
Building materials: terracotta red brick, texture texture paint, metal iron mesh, cement hollow brick, glass, metal plate, terrazzo
Copyright: JC DESIGN
Photography is by Zeng Tianpei, Lu Jun, Huang Yi
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