

位于波兰卢布林新建的从大都会车站已正式启用。这座现代化设施是该地区政府正在进行的多个综合交通中心项目的重要组成部分,位于城市中心,连同其配套的从基础设施,共同组成连接城市、地区和国家之间交通的重要枢纽。本项目也是波兰同类基础设施中最为环保的建筑之一,由Tremend Studio负责。
The new Metropolitan Station in Lublin, Poland has been officially opened. The modern facility is the main element of a multi-phase, complex project of the Integrated Transportation Center being built in the capital city of the region. Located in the center of the city, along with the accompanying infrastructure, it is a transport hub connecting urban, regional and national transport. It is also one of the most eco-friendly facilities of its kind in Poland. The Tremend Studio is responsible for the project.
▼项目概览,Overall view © Bartek Barczyk
▼鸟瞰,Bird’s eye view © Bartek Barczyk
On January 12, 2024 the new Metropolitan Station in Lublin, Poland received the first passengers. The new Metropolitan Station was built in the central part of the city, in close proximity to the historic 19th-century building of the Lublin Central Railway Station. The Metropolitan Station itself is a major component of the concept of the Integrated Transportation Center, an extensive infrastructural project designed to connect metropolitan, regional and national transport. The project, therefore, not only had to propose optimal and as functional as possible ways to manage traffic, but also to fit into the historical architectural and urban context of the place.
▼远观站前广场,Distant view © Bartek Barczyk
▼站前广场,Station square © Bartek Barczyk
本项目的设计概念由波兰著名建筑工作室Tremend Studio提出——一个简单的现代主义展馆,与原有的中央过车站不拘一格的历史形式形成鲜明的对比,并且应为使用不同的建筑语言,所以并不与其形成竞争状态。这座建筑的显著形式是极具特色的穿孔柱,作为建筑钢结构和雨篷部分的组成元素,同时也起到了装饰的作用。这些柱子的线性形态和有机的形式能够让人们联想到一种藤蔓——卢布林的象征之一,并且能够使整个结构更加的轻盈。设计者还使用了玻璃、不锈钢等其它材料。
The concept was created by architects from the well-known Polish architectural studio Tremend, whose portfolio includes the design of the Łódź Fabryczna Railway Station. The authors of the projects proposed a simple, modernist pavilion, which is supposed to be a contrast to the eclectic, historical form of the Central Railway Station, while at the same time – due to its visibly different architectural language – not competing with it. The architectural expression is given by characteristic perforated pillars, which are elements of the station’s steel structure and platform canopies, which also play a decorative function. Their linear, almost organic forms are reminiscent of vines – one of the symbols of Lublin – and give the impression of lightness to the whole structure. Materials such as glass and stainless steel were used in the design.
▼车站近景,Close view © Bartek Barczyk
Along with the Metropolitan Station building, platforms with stops for urban and regional vehicular transportation, underground parking for cars, cab parking spaces and bicycle racks were also built. The project includes a green roof that is open to users. The project will also modernize the city’s plaza with surrounding green space and build a new traffic system to improve communication.
▼车辆运输站台,Platforms with stops © Bartek Barczyk
设计者的意图是打造一个能够体现可持续发展的公共设施项目,对于Tremend Studio来说,首要任务是减少碳排放,最终本项目符合了可持续发展类别中的最高标准。
The idea of the project’s authors was to create a facility that exemplifies public investment in the spirit of sustainable development. For the architects from Tremend studio, minimizing the carbon footprint is a priority. The project complies with the highest standards of sustainability.
“本项目采用的环保理念和使用的节能减排材料、技术使其成为波特兰同类设施中最具可持续性的项目之一。”Tremend Studio 首席执行官、建筑师 Magdalena Federowicz-Boule 强调道。 “The environmentally friendly and emission-reducing materials and technologies used in the project make it one of the most sustainable facilities of its kind in Poland.” – emphasizes architect Magdalena Federowicz-Boule, CEO of the Tremend Studio.
▼室内大厅,Interior space © Bartek Barczyk
▼下行电梯,Down elevator © Bartek Barczyk
大都会车站的设计还采用了许多其它环保方案,例如,玻璃幕墙中参数为“box in box”的技术能够减少能源消耗;混凝土作为一种低碳排放的材料,是本项目的主要建筑材料之一;除此之外,设计者还打造了近300平方米的室外垂直花园。
The Metropolitan Station features a number of pro-ecological solutions, such as “box in box” technology with glass facade parameters that reduce consumption of the energy. Concrete, which is one of the main materials used, is a low-emitting material. Nearly three hundred square meters of space has been allocated for an outdoor vertical garden.
▼车站启用现场发布会,Press conference © Bartek Barczyk
Name: Metropolitan Railway Station / Integrated Communication Center Location: Lublin, Poland Client: Lublin City Hall Architect: Tremend Studio Design: 2016 Realization: 2021-2023