

01 设计语境 Design Context
Weiyang District, as one of the main urban districts of Xi’an, has developed rapidly in recent years and has gradually become a new economic center of Xi’an. With the increasingly prosperous regional economy and the continuous inflow of regional population into Xi’an, the contradiction between the surge in education demand and the shortage of land has intensified. The Weiyang Road Primary School Comprehensive Building Construction Project is a challenging design task born against this backdrop. The project is extremely small and irregular, with existing teaching buildings on the site and surrounded by high-rise residential buildings, making the conditions very complex. The design team has to overcome a series of difficulties to complete a seemingly “unreliable” design task.
▼校园鸟瞰,Aerial view of the campus© 张晓明摄像团队
02 直面诉求 Face the demands
学校现有的校舍容量已经无法承受激增的学位需求。因此,业主对项目的诉求非常简单、直白,需要帮学校增加至少 24 间教室和一些配套办公。从设计、施工到整体交付都需要在半年内完成,设计极具挑战。
▼设计任务,Design assignment© 屈培青工作室
The existing school building capacity cannot cope with the surging demand for school places. Therefore, the owner’s appeal for the project is very simple and straightforward. It requires helping the school to add at least 24 classrooms and some supporting offices. The design, construction, and overall delivery need to be completed within half a year, and the design is extremely challenging.
▼高密度城市下的校园更新,Campus renewal in high-density cities© 张晓明摄像团队
原有校园已然十分局促,仅有一块操场和篮球场地。此次扩容之后,整个学校需容纳近 50 个班级,室外活动场地也就显得更加弥足珍贵。如何在增加一座教学楼的情况下不缩减操场的面积便是设计团队直面的主要矛盾。
项目设计受到日照规范、建筑退让、消防间距等诸多条件的严苛制约,设计团队对复杂的用地进行了精细的剖析,测算出可建设用地的范围仅有约 1500㎡。团队经过缜密的方案推演,决定采取一些“非常规手段”来应对如此“棘手”的难题。
▼建筑生成,Space generation© 屈培青工作室
The original campus is already very cramped, with only one playground and basketball court. After this expansion, the entire school needs to accommodate nearly 50 classes, making outdoor activity space even more precious. How to increase the area of the playground without reducing the area of the teaching building is the main contradiction faced by the design team.
The project design is subject to strict constraints such as sunshine regulations, building setbacks, fire separation distances, and many other conditions. The design team conducted a detailed analysis of the complex land use and calculated that the available construction land area is only about 1500 square meters. After careful planning, the team decided to adopt some “unconventional methods” to deal with such a “difficult” problem.
▼错动书架式的西立面,The west facade is designed to be misaligneds© 张晓明摄像团队
03 设计策略 Design Strategy
空中学堂——功能与环境的平衡 Floating campus —— balance between function and environment
在如此紧张的场地中,置入任何建筑物都会显得十分强势,同样也会挤压有限的地面空间。出于对教学功能需求和室外空间感受的平衡,设计团队决定将建筑的半边悬浮起来,把更多的场地还给孩子们。经过日照计算,新建教学楼的位置选定于校园东侧,以保障教室获得充足的日照采光。我们将新建教学楼的西侧部分出挑约 8m,挑空两层(高度约 9m),上方 3-5 层承载普通教室和社团活动室等功能,满足了学校的使用需求。建筑挑空下方则是穿越而过的操场跑道。建筑的“悬空”使完整的操场得以保留,让每一个孩子享有“运动权”。
▼空中学堂,Floating campus© 屈培青工作室
In such a tight space, any building will appear very strong, which will also squeeze the limited ground space. In order to balance the functional requirements of teaching and the experience of outdoor space, the design team decided to suspend half of the building, leaving more space for children. After calculating the sunshine, the location of the new teaching building was selected on the east side of the campus to ensure sufficient sunlight for classrooms. We raised the west side of the new teaching building by about 8 meters, leaving two empty floors (about 9 meters high), with 3-5 floors above for ordinary classrooms and club activity rooms, meeting the needs of the school. Below the empty floor is a running track passing through the playground. The “floating” of the building allows the complete playground to be preserved, allowing every child to enjoy “the right to exercise”.
▼“大挑檐”下遮风避雨的场所,A shelter for wind and rain under the “large cornice”© 张晓明摄像团队
▼运动的学生,Students in sports© 张晓明摄像团队
▼向操场上空悬挑,Hanging over the playground© 屈培青工作室
The “floating” building intervenes in the site with a relatively modest gesture, reducing its oppressive presence on the site through the use of cantilevered treatment, creating a campus exterior environment that is friendly enough for children. The outdoor space below the cantilevered building is tall enough for children to hold various activities, and also serves as an outdoor playground for them to enjoy shade and shelter.
▼地面到屋顶的立体化活动场地,Three-dimensional activity space from ground to roof© 张晓明摄像团队
▼“大挑檐”下的教学楼入口,The entrance of the teaching building under the “large cornice”© 张晓明摄像团队
▼“大挑檐”下的跑道,The track under the “large cornice”© 张晓明摄像团队
立体乐园——塑造立体化校园活动空间 Stereoscopic park —— shaping a stereoscopic campus activity space
设计通过“悬浮”的方式,将建筑占地做到最集约化。考虑到学校未来长远的发展,仅靠地面难以承载 2000 余名师生的教学与运动需求。因此,设计不止于保留操场,我们试图将学生引导至教学楼各个楼层的室外平台,使校园外部空间立体化、分散化,从而解决活动场地不足的问题。
▼立体乐园,Stereoscopic park© 屈培青工作室
The design uses a “floating” approach to maximize the building’s footprint. Considering the long-term development of the school, it is difficult to meet the teaching and sports needs of more than 2,000 teachers and students on the ground alone. Therefore, the design not only preserves the playground, but also attempts to guide students to outdoor platforms on various floors of the teaching building, making the campus’ external space three-dimensional and dispersed, thus solving the problem of insufficient activity space. Therefore, the design team conducts horizontal staggered design on the spaces on each floor of the complex building, forming outdoor activity gray spaces of different scales and suitability, and placing the basketball court occupied by the new teaching building on the roof. Through outdoor stairs, students’ activity lines are changed from a flat plane to a three-dimensional one, creating a continuous and three-dimensional external space from the ground to the roof, creating rich and multi-dimensional activity spaces in a campus with limited land use. The west classroom windows adopt a form of angled windows to reduce the impact of west sunshine on the classroom. The angled windows dotted with gradient orange yellow break the monotony of the horizontal facade, forming an image of “stacked bookshelves”, reflecting the vitality of the campus.
▼层层错动的室外活动平台,Outdoor activity platforms with layers of staggered movement© 张晓明摄像团队
▼“大屋檐”下的多层平台,Multi-level platforms under the “large eaves”© 张晓明摄像团队
▼东侧校园活动角,East campus activity corner© 张晓明摄像团队
▼彩色渐变的折角窗,Color gradient corner window© 张晓明摄像团队
The interior design of the complex building of Weiyang Road Primary School hopes to continue the architectural design language. Especially in terms of color use, the interior color scheme is dominated by off-white, with orange and yellow accents, making the space atmosphere more natural and lively. Due to the extremely tight construction schedule, the school was completed and delivered directly to the school for use by the children, making environmental protection of materials a top priority. The design team ensured safety and environmental protection in material selection, maximizing the design effect. Almost all materials used in the interior are natural and inorganic materials, creating a healthy learning environment for students and ensuring that the school can be opened as soon as it is delivered.
▼学生交流角,Student communication space© 张晓明摄像团队
▼教学楼走廊,Corridor of teaching building© 张晓明摄像团队
▼舞蹈教室,Dancing classroom© 张晓明摄像团队
技术应用——适宜性结构形式 Technological application – suitable structural form
▼结构一跨典型剖面,Typical section of structure one span© 屈培青工作室
In addition to solving functional needs through unconventional design techniques in a limited amount of land, the renovation of Weiyang Road Primary School also faced the challenge of tight construction schedules. Since the project plan was confirmed, there were only three months left before the completion and opening of the school. The design team faced the challenge of rapid construction. The cantilever structure and extremely short construction period determined that the project was suitable for using steel structure, as it not only met the structural characteristics of cantilever, but also allowed for the production and processing of components in factories and on-site assembly, thereby reducing the time spent on on-site operations and maximizing the construction period.
▼新旧教学楼之间的通道,The passage between the old and new teaching buildings© 张晓明摄像团队
在结构设计方面,未央路小学综合楼改扩建项目为 8 度区重点设防类建筑。结构整体采用钢框架结构体系,结构一侧 9m 外挑区域采用“多层悬挂结构”,同时还设置剪切型金属阻尼器、屈曲约束支撑(BRB)两种减震装置,以及质量调谐阻尼器(TMD)楼板减振装置。设计团队分别基于小震、中震、大震进行性能化结构设计。结果表明,该结构在大震下的主要抗侧力构件及顶层悬挑桁架均基本保持弹性,且大震下的桩基抗拔承载力可满足结构抗倾覆的要求,结构具有良好的抗震性能,达到了预期的性能目标。在此基础上,设计团队针对悬挂区域进行防连续倒塌分析、楼面舒适度分析及施工次序模拟分析等专项分析,结果均满足相关设计目标。
▼结构计算模型示意,Schematic diagram of structural calculation model© 屈培青工作室
In terms of structural design, the Weiyang Road Primary School Complex Building Reconstruction and Expansion Project is a key fortification building in the 8-degree zone. The overall structure adopts a steel frame structure system, and the “multi-layer suspension structure” is used in the 9m overhang area on one side of the structure. At the same time, two shock absorbers, shear-type metal dampers and buckling restrained braces (BRB), as well as mass tuned dampers (TMD) floor vibration absorbers are also installed. The design team conducted performance-based structural design based on small, medium and large earthquakes. The results show that the main lateral force-resisting components and top cantilever trusses of the structure remain basically elastic under large earthquakes, and the uplift bearing capacity of the pile foundation under large earthquakes can meet the requirements of structural anti-overturning. The structure has good seismic performance and meets the expected performance objectives. On this basis, the design team conducted special analyses such as continuous collapse prevention analysis, floor comfort analysis, and construction sequence simulation analysis for the suspension area, and the results all met relevant design objectives.
▼新旧教学楼之间立体连廊,Three-dimensional corridor between the old and new teaching buildings© 张晓明摄像团队
▼新旧教学楼之间的展示墙,The display wall between the old and new teaching buildings© 张晓明摄像团队
04 总结 Summary
The design of the renovation and expansion of the comprehensive building of Weiyang Road Primary School is a design challenge under the dual constraints of extreme environment and time, as well as a design attempt and exploration in the context of urban renewal. The team deduced a scientifically feasible design strategy through rational analysis, and completed the design finalization and engineering design in a very short period of time. With the joint efforts of the owner, designer, and construction party, the final result was satisfactory and exciting.
The completion of the comprehensive building of Weiyang Road Primary School has solved the core contradiction between regional demand and supply of school places, which is its social significance and value. For the school itself, the renovated campus has preserved precious activity venues for children, effectively improving the environmental carrying capacity of the campus, providing children with diverse and three-dimensional outdoor activity venues, and stimulating the vitality of the campus public space. We hope that this “beautiful campus” can ” radiate unique charm” and give children wonderful memories and growth experiences.
▼“钢筋混凝土森林”中的儿童乐园,Children’s playground in the “reinforced concrete forest”
© 张晓明摄像团队
▼场地现状,Current situation of the site© 屈培青工作室
▼工作模型,Working model© 屈培青工作室
▼插画鸟瞰图,Aerial view of illustration© 屈培青工作室
▼总平面图,General layout plan© 屈培青工作室
▼一层平面图,First floor plan© 屈培青工作室
▼二层平面图,Second floor plan© 屈培青工作室
▼三层平面图,Third floor plan© 屈培青工作室
▼四层平面图,Fourth floor plan© 屈培青工作室
▼五层平面图,Fifth floor plan© 屈培青工作室
▼西立面图,west elevation© 屈培青工作室
▼南立面图,south elevation© 屈培青工作室
总建筑面积:7100 平方米
交付时间:2023 年 8 月
设计团队:中国建筑西北设计研究院有限公司 屈培青工作室
主创建筑师: 高伟、汤海涛
Project name: Comprehensive Building Construction Project of Xi’an Weiyang Road Primary School
Project type: educational building/primary and secondary school building
Construction unit: Weiyang Road Primary School, Weiyang District, Xi’an City
Construction Agency: Xi’an Weiyang Urban Construction Group Co., Ltd.
User: Weiyang Road Primary School, Weiyang District, Xi’an City
Designer: China Northwest Architectural Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd.
Construction unit: China Railway 20th Bureau Group Co., Ltd.
Gross floor area: 7100 square meters
Delivery time: August 2023
Design team: Qu Peiqing Studio, Northwest Design and Research Institute of China
Construction Chief architects: Gao Wei, Tang Haitao
Complete list of design team
Architectural Design: Gao Wei, Bai Xue, Tang Haitao
Structural Design: Pan Yingbing, Yao Conglin, Liu Wei, Liu Chao, Wang Jun, Gui Heyang
Water supply and drainage design: Chen Yi, Xin Jinshang
Electrical design: Feng Xiaohua, Shen Hongzhuo
HVAC design: Zheng Mingjie, Li Junfeng
Intelligent design: Chabo, Nie Chengfei
Interior Design: Guo Wei, An Yuxin, Lihao
Construction Group Co., Ltd.
Landscape design: Liu Jing, Ji Cheng
Photographer: Zhang Xiaoming
Project address: Mingjing Jiuhuiyuan Community, Weiyang District, Xi’an City, Shaanxi Province