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Puigmoltó 周末度假屋丨西班牙丨Aramé Studio

2024/01/02 10:01:05
The project is located in Puigmoltó, a built-up area from the mediaeval near San Pere de Ribes. It is composed by several traditional weekend houses with white façades, thick walls and narrow windows with controlled views to the streets but opened to their backyard garden.
▼入口门厅,entrance hall © DEL RIO BANI
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The aim of the refurbishment at the Weekend House was to accommodate an old village house to the needs of the clients by reorganizing its spaces, allowing more flexibility in its inhabitation and providing more natural light and ventilation. The pre-existing house was based on closed spatiality with segregated and predetermined uses, based on traditional domestic privacy. The project aims to recognize and enhance the hidden spatial potentiality of the existing construction and volume, giving to the interior of the house a complete different spatial perception.
▼通向起居室的开洞,opening to the living room © DEL RIO BANI
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▼从起居室望向门厅,view from living room to the entrance hall © DEL RIO BANI
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▼楼梯间与厨房,stairwell and kitchen © DEL RIO BANI
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空间围绕着现有的石墙展开,它支撑着房屋,并划分了等级分明的不同功能: 首层分为三个区域,即入口门厅、厨房以及起居室,它们通过石墙上的开口相互连接,为宽敞的多功能房间赋予了空间连续性。
The space evolves around an existing stone wall that structures and hierarchies all the different uses of the house: The ground floor is divided in 3 areas, the entrance hall, the kitchen and the living room, all interconnected by openings in the main wall, providing spatial continuity with large versatile rooms.
▼厨房概览,kitchen overview © DEL RIO BANI
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▼厨房一角,a corner in the kitchen © DEL RIO BANI
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▼起居室概览,living room overview © DEL RIO BANI
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▼家具细部,furniture detail © DEL RIO BANI
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▼楼梯间一瞥,a glimpse at the stairwell © DEL RIO BANI
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The main stair and a skylight that baths the entrance hall with natural light, transforms a daily act into a more poetic moment, connecting both floors.
▼沐浴在自然光中的楼梯间,stairwell bathed in natural light © DEL RIO BANI
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▼二层楼梯间,upper floor stairwell © DEL RIO BANI
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The floor plan is mainly composed by two rooms with their own bathroom, offering always a spatial continuity where the differentiation between rooms is marked by threshold with sliding doors that allow this continuity at the same time that they give privacy. The wet rooms are thought as a prolongation of the rooms, with generous space, natural light and comfort giving importance to those more intimate moments in the daily life.
▼推拉门分隔空间,sliding doors divide the space © DEL RIO BANI
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▼衣帽间,walk-in closet  © DEL RIO BANI
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▼主卧卫生间,wet room in master bedroom © DEL RIO BANI
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The materiality of the project tries to reinforce the main concepts, proposing a wood floor that changes direction in every different room separated by marble pieces remarking all the thresholds of the wall. The main stonewall is painted in white, leaving it with texture and differentiating it from the rest of the walls.
▼材质细部,materiality detail © DEL RIO BANI
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▼首层轴测,ground floor axon © Aramé Studio
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▼二层轴测,upper floor axon © Aramé Studio
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▼首层平面,ground floor plan © Aramé Studio
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▼二层平面,upper floor plan © Aramé Studio
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Puigmoltó 周末度假屋丨西班牙丨Aramé Studio-58
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