

Casa Estudiantes是一座为来自低收入家庭的学生修建的住所,以便他们在未来继续大学生活。该项目涵盖了以下功能:带浴室的女生和男生房间、客厅、厨房、餐厅、宿管住房、洗衣房以及停车区域。建筑的场地位于一条次要街道和主要街道的交汇处, 两侧长度分别为13米和16米,距离大学校园有15分钟的步行路程。校舍还邻近公交车站和杂货店,在位置上具有优越性。
Rancho Santa Martha, is a Casa Hogar that provides studies to low-income children, Casa Estudiantes is the lodging for them to continue their university studies. The architectural program is as follows; Women’s room with bathroom, men’s room with bathroom, living room, kitchen, dining room, caretaker’s room with bathroom, laundry room and parking. The property is 13 meters on a secondary street and 16 meters on a primary street, with a 15-minute walk to the university, close access to bus stops and grocery stores, it is the ideal location for the development of the project.
▼项目鸟瞰,Aerial view © Francisco Palacio
▼建筑外观,Exterior view © Francisco Palacio
▼入口立面,Entrance facade © Francisco Palacio
The program included 4 bunk beds per room and a Queen bed for the caretaker’s room, comfortably accommodating a maximum of 18 people, so we took great care of the feeling of overcrowding. To this end, all the spaces were given high ceilings. The rooms have independent terraces and planters that help keep the air clean and fresh; the main axis are the stairs, connecting all the spaces, uniting them visually and working as a passive stack ventilation, keeping the house fresh.
▼公共区域,Public area © Francisco Palacio
▼楼梯,Stairs © Francisco Palacio
One of the most important indications was that the men’s and women’s rooms were not directly connected, this to avoid any incident that represented a risk for the young people and the people in charge. The solution, two independent stairs that are located in the same space, but in opposite directions, keeping access to the women’s stairs in front of the caretakers room and the men going up first to the study and then to their room, connecting the spaces and promoting coexistence without neglecting the safety of all its inhabitants.
▼共享厨房,The shared kitchen © Francisco Palacio
▼客厅和浴室,Living room and bathroom © Francisco Palacio
We seek the greatest economic and constructive simplicity that will be integrated into the concept of the project. This is because it was built through donations. The walls are made of brown adoblock and common block covered by a plaster of the same color, the finish is thick and rough with the intention of not requiring maintenance and achieving a natural appearance. All the plants are from the region, some natives and others adapted for years to the local climate, so they need minimal watering and can support some native wildlife. The interior floors are made of polished concrete and the exteriors are made of earth and gravel, permeating rainwater to the subsoil and keeping the building cooler without solar reflection.
▼建筑外墙和花池,The facade and planters © Francisco Palacio
▼外观局部,Building facade partial view © Francisco Palacio
We took great care of the scale of the building as well as its urban impact in terms of materials and colors, being the only three-story building in the area, we wanted it to integrate into its surroundings from the first day it was completed, for these reasons the staggered construction moving away from the main avenue and with the minimum of solid perimeter fencing, only in the spaces where greater privacy is needed, the rest was covered with mesh and vines, taking care of the visual scale of the pedestrians who cross its sidewalks.
▼沿道路视角,View from the avenue © Francisco Palacio
The facades are covered by different planters that emphasize the staggering of the building, embellish the interior views of windows and cover its facades, protecting from the sun and bathing its walls with vines, shrubs, flowers and regional agaves, all low maintenance and with a system of irrigation, giving the building different colors each season. We firmly believe that gardens are an indispensable part of architectural work, which is why they are anchored to the structure of the project and to the basis of how Casa Estudiantes is inhabited.
▼建筑与周边环境,The building and its surroundings © Francisco Palacio
▼一层平面图,Ground floor plan © Brutal Taller de Arquitectura
▼二层平面图,First floor plan © Brutal Taller de Arquitectura
▼三层平面图,Second floor plan © Brutal Taller de Arquitectura
▼剖面图01,Section 01 © Brutal Taller de Arquitectura
▼剖面图02,Section 02 © Brutal Taller de Arquitectura