Teemaa茶空间坐落于赫尔辛基市中心老街一隅,两位主理人满怀热忱冀望将中国文化中韵味深远的茶文化,引入芬兰-一个全世界人均咖啡消耗量最高的北欧国家。Yatofu也兜设计在接到Teemaa空间与品牌设计的委托后,以此为契机深入研究,挖掘制茶工艺背后的过程与故事,致力打造立足于北欧 、启承于中国传统茶文化的新兴茶品牌与概念茶空间,供当地居民体验和探索。
▼视频,video ©MARK VICUÑA
Teemaa is a teahouse situated in the center of downtown Helsinki, established by a pair of founders who are passionate in bringing tea culture to a country known for its highest of consumption of coffee in the world. When tasked with the complete redesign of Teemaa’s branding and teahouse interior, Yatofu Creatives took it as an opportunity to delve into the stories embedded in the craft of tea-making and create a brand and space which allows people from all walks of life to experience and explore the culture of tea.
▼项目外观,exterior of Teemaa Teahouse ©Aleksi Tikkala
With a strong emphasis on sourcing ethically and forming close relationships with their suppliers, Teemaa’s products are curated to represent their commitment to honesty, transparency, and quality. In defining the concept of Teemaa’s branding and interior to reflect these values, Yatofu wanted to reference both the rawness of tea as an ingredient, as well as reflect the sophistication and complexity of the tea through modern and refined lenses.
▼零售区域室内概览,overall of the retail area ©Aleksi Tikkala
▼位于零售区中央的特制小茶台,Special small tea table in the middle of the retail area ©Aleksi Tikkala
▼货架围绕在小茶台周围,Shelves surround the small tea tables ©Aleksi Tikkala
Street-facing window provide good natural lighting for the interior ©Aleksi Tikkala
▼货架细部,Shelves details ©Aleksi Tikkala
设计师构想通过现代设计的手法体现空间内原始与精致的对比与转化,将茶文化的质朴与精致切实传递给每一位来者。空间设计从制茶的工艺与材料出发,运用制茶过程中所涉及的材料:如氧化的黑铁 、天然陶土砖和实木等朴实而有质感的材料,通过当代的设计手法重新诠释,强调制作的手工质感,让材料本身与来访者和流动的时间进行对话。
A grounded palette of honest and textural materials was extracted from those used in the process of tea-making itself, such as weathered steel, textured bricks and wooden surfaces. These were reinterpreted into a contemporary space through the use modern forms, with a focus on handmade qualities to create a visual dialogue which speaks to the markings of time and craftsmanship.
▼茶室前端空间,entrance part of the tea house ©Aleksi Tikkala
▼设计采用了氧化的黑铁 、天然陶土砖和实木等朴实而有质感的材料,
weathered steel, textured bricks and wooden surfaces used in the project ©Aleksi Tikkala
▼临街茶室,tea house facing the street ©Aleksi Tikkala
▼茶室座位区细部,details of the seating area ©Aleksi Tikkala
Yatofu也兜设计和Teemaa品牌达成共识,在设计过程中倾注对环境保护的责任的思考,这一重要要素也直接决定空间材料的选择和使用策略。在采购和生产过程中,我们尝试尽最大限度地减少边角料和剩余材料的浪费,精心计算材料使用量,如回收多余的砖块以用作地台和展示陈列道具 ,对黑铁进行氧化处理延长其寿命 ,并用其边角料制作小茶台。甚者,在零售区的木柱设计中, 设计师耐心而巧妙地沿着橡木外表皮层进行手工切割与拼接 ,旨在对材料进行充分利用,赋予其更多的故事感。
It was also important for both Yatofu and the clients that environmental responsibility was prioritized in designing the space, leading to many definitive material and production decisions. In the sourcing and production process, one of the main goals was to eliminate an excess of off-cuts or leftover materials. Towards this goal, material quantities were calculated meticulously, excess bricks were recycled, and metal fixtures were oxidized post- fabrication to avoid unusable discarded offcuts. In the retail section of the teahouse, large wooden columns serve as support for the wall shelves are hand-crafted with live-edged seams running down the outer faces, creating both a layer of nuanced detail as well as allowing maximum usage of the planks.
▼边角料制作的小茶台,small tea table made of scraps ©Aleksi Tikkala
▼接待台细部,details of reception desk ©Aleksi Tikkala
▼展架细部,detail of the display shelves ©Aleksi Tikkala
▼置物台细部,Details of the shelf ©Aleksi Tikkala
▼木柱细部,details of the wooden columns ©Aleksi Tikkala
Teemaa茶空间的室内设计营造平宜闲适、远离都市生活的休憩庇护场所氛围,在品牌设计上,Yatofu 也兜设计则将年轻活力、平易近人的现代元素嵌入品牌形象中 ,包括产品包装在内的整体视觉设计上采用具有辨识度的色彩以匹配茶叶类别,并在中性之感的黑色可回收包装上搭配手绘图形。通过清新的品牌视觉形象与宁静隽永的室内空间相辅相成,Teemaa茶空间向来访者暖怡温煦地诠释了当代茶文化与北欧生活方式的自然融合,更通过茶连结着人们的日常情感。
While the overall atmosphere of the interior was designed to create a calm yet sleek sanctuary, Yatofu Creatives wanted to embed an element of playfulness and approachability into the brand itself. The overall visual identity, including the product packing, utilizes bright and sophisticated colors, paired with playful hand-drawn shapes over a neutral and minimal black base. In combining the refreshing brand visuals with the raw yet refined interior, Teemaa Teahouse offers its customers a warm and approachable interpretation of contemporary tea culture for the Nordic lifestyle.
▼产品包装设计,Product packaging design ©Aleksi Tikkala
▼材料,material ©Aleksi Tikkala
▼平面图,plan ©Yatofu Creatives
▼零售区的木柱设计示意图,diagram of the wooden columns ©Yatofu Creatives