

湘郡礼德学校是一所面积 10.7 万平方米的 K12 学校,一期 3~12 岁学段建筑已大部交付使用,二期 13~18 岁学段预计于 2022 年秋季交付。学校校址位于沈从文先生笔下纯美的湘西山水之间。场地初始仅东北角一条原生小径能够进入,沿山麓蜿蜒向南,连接场地南侧尚在规划中的城市道路,并将占据场地 3/4 面积的丘陵与相对平缓的谷地区隔开来,实测场地高差约 52M。场地东、南连天继日的山系间,杭瑞高速从崖壁贯出,逶迤南去。
▼山雾中的校园,Campus in the Mist ©崔旭峰 时差影像
Xiangjun Lide School is a K12 campus with an area over 107,000 square meters. Phase I of the campus has already been delivered, which is for ages 3 to 12. Phase II for ages 13 to 18, is expected to be delivered in next autumn. The site is located in a beautiful landscape of western Hunan as written by Mr. Shen Congwen. The site is initially accessible only by a native path in the northeast corner, which winds southward along the foothills of the mountains, connecting the city road which is still under planning. The path separates the hills, which occupy 3/4 of the site, from the valley. The measured site drop is about 52 meters. Among the mountain in south and east of the site, the Hang-Rui Expressway runs out from the cliff and winds southward.
▼原生小径勾勒出山体的自然样貌 Native trails outline the natural appearance of the mountain©象外营造工作室
With such a naturally created site, we firmly believe that the environmental matrix created by these endless rocky mountains is the fundamental teaching that makes the children grow up to be real local residents. The core consideration in design is how to fully respect and maintain the original landscape, while implanting the buildings, which considered to be intrusive man-made object to form a positive dialogue and symbiosis with the natrual landscape.
▼校园鸟瞰,书香正浓,Aerial view of the campus, the Fragrance of Books©崔旭峰 时差影像
The native trail sketches the natural appearance of the mountain and is the controlling cue for the entire campus plan. After renovated, the trail becomes the main traffic path through the campus, and the nodes at both ends that connect to the city roads are flattened as the main entrances for the junior and senior sections separately. The valley on the west side of the trail is used as the cultural, sports and living area, while the hills on the east side are left to be absorbed by teaching space.
Generation of building volume©象外营造工作室
小学、初中、高中三组主要线性体量平行于等高线,贴伏于山体半高处伸展,让出完整的丘顶。同时,在每组体量内部通过垂直方向 2 层高度的扭转变化进一步消化地形起伏,寄望于观者从建筑本身亦能够清晰地阅读出山形地势。
The three main linear volumes of the primary, middle and high schools are parallel to the contours and stretch out halfway up the hills, preserve the top of the hills. Within each group of volumes, meanwhile, the topography is further digested through the twist in vertical direction, hoping that the viewer can read the mountain topography from the building itself.
▼随山势起伏的教学综合楼,Teaching complex that undulates with the mountain©崔旭峰 时差影像
▼教学综合楼出入口,Entrance and exit of the teaching complex©崔旭峰 时差影像
▼入口阶梯近景 Closer view to the stairs at the entrance©崔旭峰 时差影像
▼教学综合楼一隅,A corner of the teaching complex©崔旭峰 时差影像
满足百余个教学班使用需求的大量室外运动场,一度是我们保留原生环境基质的重大挑战。谷地区域地形平整,但尺度有限,必须劈除 1/3 以上的山体方能容纳。权衡之下,高龄学段的 400M 运动场被安置在场地东南起伏较小的台地上。清表、台地平整、基础开挖产生的土石方被填置于谷地中。标高整体抬升后的谷地,除了文体活动和生活区的建筑场地外,还提供了低龄学段的运动场和丰富的球类场地。
To lay out the sports fields which can meet the demand of over a hundred classes’ usage was once a challenge for us. The topography of the valley was flat, but is restricted in scale, while more than 1/3 of the hill had to be destroyed to accommodate. On balance, the 400M sports field for the senior section was placed on a less undulating terrace at southeast of the campus. The earth and rock caused by terrace leveling were placed in the valley, and the elevation of the valley is therefore raised as a whole. In addition to construction sites for living areas, it also provides a playground for young students and a variety of game venues.
▼教学区与生活区通过“Y”字形连桥相连。The teaching area is connected to the living area by a “Y” shaped bridge©崔旭峰 时差影像。
▼连桥外观,External view of the bridge©崔旭峰 时差影像
▼土方工程分析计算,Earthwork analysis and calculation©象外营造工作室
The site is adjacent to the highway tunnel, which limits the application of destructive site treatment means such as blasting. We repeatedly compared site treatment options through different software simulations in order to minimize the amount of leveling work. Meanwhile, in order to reduce the difficulty of foundation processing in the filled area, the design combined with students’ common rooms, garage, transfer stations, which have no necessary demand for natural light, to maximize the usage of the overhead space formed in the raised valley area.
▼生活区,Living area©崔旭峰 时差影像
In order to eliminate the usage and experience problems caused by the long moving lines inside the linear volumes, and to further optimize the dialogue between the building and the mountain landscape on the west side, each group of teaching volumes generates several groups of “branches” in the direction perpendicular to the contour line, facing the mountain in the west.
▼朝向西侧山体延伸的“枝杈”,The “branches” extending towards the west side of the mountain©崔旭峰 时差影像
▼剖面分析,Profile Analysis©象外营造工作室
The gable of each “Branch” is a viewfinder that integrates a traffic box and a platform. The enclosed area between the “branches”, which opens up to the hill, is the “own land” of each department. In the free volume that folds down along the slope of the mountain, there are scenario-based and project-based teaching spaces. On top of the platform is place for children to relax, which is closer to the original valley experience; it is also an enjoyable pathway from the living area to the teaching area.
▼“枝杈”围合的活动空间,The activity space enclosed by “branches”©崔旭峰 时差影像
▼楼梯与阳台之间形成视觉联系 Visual connection between the staircase and the balconies©崔旭峰 时差影像
The corridors between floors is an efficient way to link teaching, sports and living spaces during the compact teaching period; it is also a place to sense by oneself after school. The large openings and elevated staircase on the main body of the building are where the kids reading over “here” and the trees talking over “there” reverberate. The vertically twisted roof is the teaching site for the children’s outdoor sketching classes, and the “faraway” place where they can look at the world beyond the mountains together above the mist.
The elevated corridor connecting the living and teaching areas©崔旭峰 时差影像
▼综合楼上的连廊,Corridor connecting different parts of the teaching complex©崔旭峰 时差影像
▼连桥与操场,Bridge and the play ground©崔旭峰 时差影像
▼开敞楼梯间,Open stairwell©崔旭峰 时差影像
During more than ten years of campus design career, we have always believed in the positive significance of the environment in human nature enlightening. Whether downtown or nature, a specific usage pattern or a humanistic context, it always has its distinctive characteristics. The difference only lies in the fact that some of them are quietly placed in front of the designer, waiting to be sculpted, while others are hidden among the living beings and need to be painstakingly explored.
▼幼儿园,Kindergarten©崔旭峰 时差影像
▼校园文化陈列室,Campus Culture Showroom©崔旭峰 时差影像
▼总平面图,Master Plan©象外营造工作室
▼下叠一层平面图,Plan -1F©象外营造工作室
▼主入口标高层平面图,Plan 1F©象外营造工作室
▼二层平面图,Plan 2F©象外营造工作室
学校规模:105 班 K12 学校
建筑面积:10.71 万㎡/4.45 万㎡(一期)
建筑摄影:崔旭峰 时差影像