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2021上海城市空间艺术季徐汇展区主入口暨展厅建筑改造丨中国上海丨DUS Studio

2021/12/09 10:36:22
2021 上海城市空间艺术季聚焦 15 分钟社区生活圈的营建,因此徐汇展区的主展场选择在了田林街道的原钦青花鸟市场,主题定名为“花开蒲汇塘”。
The 2021 Shanghai Urban Space Art Season focuses on the construction of a 15-minute community living circle. Therefore, the main exhibition site of the Xuhui exhibition area was selected at the original Qinqing Bird and Flower Market in Tianlin Street, with the theme named “Flower Blossoming Puhui Pond”.
▼沿街立面,Street Elevation ©郭靖
2021上海城市空间艺术季徐汇展区主入口暨展厅建筑改造丨中国上海丨DUS Studio-3
这是一个诞生于上世纪 80 年代的花鸟市场,座落于蒲汇塘西岸。随着城市发展与周边社区的成熟,这个主体由玻璃钢瓦简易搭建而成的片区已不能适应新时代的需求,无论是功能还是形态都亟需更新。更为重要的是,它阻隔了蒲汇塘与城市生活之间的联系。
This is a bird and flower market that was established in the 1980s and is located on the west bank of Puhui Pond. With the city’s development and the maturing of the surrounding communities, this area, with its body mainly constructed by glass steel tiles, can no longer meet the needs of the new era. Its functions and forms need to be updated urgently. More importantly, it blocks the connection between Puhui Pond and the urban life.
▼项目区位,Site Location ©DUS Studio
2021上海城市空间艺术季徐汇展区主入口暨展厅建筑改造丨中国上海丨DUS Studio-7
▼原花鸟市场阻隔了蒲汇塘与城市生活的联系,The original bird and flower market blocks the connection between Puhui Pond and the urban life ©DUS Studio
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The Puhui Pond has once been the most important water way for life and transportation in Tianlin community. People at that time were living upon the water, and their lives were closely connected to Puhui Pond. However, with the change of lifestyle, especially the change of transportation means, Puhui Pond gradually faded out of people’s sight. Together with the opportunity of this space art season, we wish to guide the community life back to the waterfront, change the current space situation of “no water seen near the water, and no people get close to the water”, so that Puhui Pond can return to the urban life as a natural ecological waterway that carries historical memory.
▼概念分析图,diagram©DUS Studio
2021上海城市空间艺术季徐汇展区主入口暨展厅建筑改造丨中国上海丨DUS Studio-14
Other than conducting an opened brand-new positioning and spatial planning of the entire bird and flower market area, we also renovated a two-story main building facing the street as the main entrance and temporary exhibition hall of the Xuhui exhibition area during the space art season.
▼沿街立面日景,Street View During the Day ©郭靖
2021上海城市空间艺术季徐汇展区主入口暨展厅建筑改造丨中国上海丨DUS Studio-18
▼向城市空间完全开放的主入口,The main entrance is fully opened to the urban space ©郭靖
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The philosophy of “mutualism between human and nature” is throughout the entire renovation design: First is the fluidity of the reshaped space. Only the frame structure of the original building is kept, and the two-story floor is opened. The low-cost bamboo hanging lamps with a retro and festive atmosphere and natural ecological features are used to enhance the fluidity of the first and second floors.
▼保留原建筑结构,楼板局部开洞形成动线指引,Retaining the Original Building Structure,Partial opening of floor slab forms guide for circulation©DUS Studio
2021上海城市空间艺术季徐汇展区主入口暨展厅建筑改造丨中国上海丨DUS Studio-24
At the same time, the transparency of the entire ground floor space is retained, turning the originally barrier blocking the sight and movement line between the urban road and Puhui Pond into an open and fluid space that promotes the integration of the city and nature, attracting people and promoting them to walk into and pass through this building to reach the waterfront of Puhui Pond.
▼区域内部与建筑的融合,The Integration of the Internal site and the Building ©郭靖
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▼夕阳下的“白房子”,’White House’ at Sunset ©郭靖
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▼保留原有楼梯作为观景平台,Retaining the original staircase as viewing platform ©郭靖
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▼以入口场地与业态氛围的营造吸引人群,二层洞口增加主题动物元素,Attracting crowds by creating commercial atmosphere and using the entrance area,Adding theme-animal elements to the openings on the second floor©DUS Studio
2021上海城市空间艺术季徐汇展区主入口暨展厅建筑改造丨中国上海丨DUS Studio-35
The second is the adding of naturalized visual elements, emphasizing the fun of the overall image. We created a bamboo forest view inside the window on the second floor of the original building, and placed an artistic cat sculpture at the window, creating a windowed scene where cats play in the nature and architecture. In order to further enhance the visibility of this dreamlike scene, we used bright colors on each window to animate the temperament of the architecture.
▼丰富的主题色,Rich Theme Colours ©郭靖
2021上海城市空间艺术季徐汇展区主入口暨展厅建筑改造丨中国上海丨DUS Studio-38
This showcase-style demonstration will bring people a unique feeling: An animal from the nature peeks out from the artificial environment to see the human world, implying the harmonious co-existence of humans and animals in the same planet.
▼形象色彩与主题呼应,Colours and Theme Echo ©郭靖
2021上海城市空间艺术季徐汇展区主入口暨展厅建筑改造丨中国上海丨DUS Studio-42
▼沿街洞口形象,View of the Openings Along the Street ©郭靖
2021上海城市空间艺术季徐汇展区主入口暨展厅建筑改造丨中国上海丨DUS Studio-44
▼光影下的动物与树荫,Animals and Plants Under Light and Shadow ©郭靖
2021上海城市空间艺术季徐汇展区主入口暨展厅建筑改造丨中国上海丨DUS Studio-46
At last, we endow complex functions and natural attributes to the inside of building. In the first-floor space, plants dominate the decoration, and the natural paving such as sand, stone, and lawns all weaken the traditional artificial traces. There is still a flower shop in the building, but its function is more comprehensive than the original bird and flower market. Here, people could select and appreciate flowers, drink tea and coffee, read books and chat. It advocates a space scene and lifestyle where the community and nature are merged together, and human and nature coexist.
▼自然惬意的内部环境,Natural and Comfortable Indoor Environment ©郭靖
2021上海城市空间艺术季徐汇展区主入口暨展厅建筑改造丨中国上海丨DUS Studio-50
▼复古而具有节庆气息的自然氛围,Retro and festive atmosphere ©郭靖
2021上海城市空间艺术季徐汇展区主入口暨展厅建筑改造丨中国上海丨DUS Studio-52
我们希望此次空间艺术季只是这种生活方式的预演和滋养,只是这种空间场景的展示和浓缩。这栋兴建于上世纪 80 年代的建筑在本届空间艺术季后,不久也将被拆除。这是它最后一次作为花鸟市场的一部分来完成自己的使命,更像是一场告别演出和最后的绽放。幸好,这一次的落幕召唤了蒲汇塘的回归,也留下了一段属于花的记忆。
We wish the space art season this time is only a preview and growing of this lifestyle, a demonstration and concentration of this space scene. This building, built in the 1980s, will soon be demolished after this space art season. This is the last time to fulfill its mission as a part of the bird and flower market. It is more like a farewell performance and the final bloom. Fortunately, this ending brought the Puhui Pond back, and also left us a memory of flowers.
▼内部环境夜景,Interior Environment at Night ©郭靖
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▼沿街转角形象夜景,Corner View from the Street ©郭靖
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▼通透的立面强调与城市空间的融合,Open façade emphasizes the integration with the urban space ©郭靖
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Flower Blossoming Puhui Pond, it is our ideal city space: bringing nature back to urban environment, letting art penetrate streets and alleys, making culture to reshape our daily life.
▼木工平板与色彩组合塑造主题形象,The combination of timber panels and colours creates the theme image ©DUS Studio
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▼造价低廉而生态性强的竹筒灯,Economical and Ecological Bamboo Light ©DUS Studio
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▼总平面图,master plan©DUS Studio
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▼平面图,plan©DUS Studio
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▼立面图,elevation©DUS Studio
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▼剖面图,sections©DUS Studio
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