知末案例   /   教育空间   /   中学


2021/10/29 15:27:46
What an ideal campus shall look like? We hope that it’s like a small city with an open and rich space surrounded by nature. Every child lives in it freely with longing for knowledge. Jinan Xinhang Experimental Foreign Language School is an exploration and attempt for “future campus architecture”. The educational concept is carried out through architectural design, and the high-quality educational space and architectural design present each other in a relationship of mutual achievement.
▼校园鸟瞰,Aerial view©战长恒
What an ideal campus shall look like? We hope that it’s like a small city with an open and rich space surrounded by nature. Every child lives in it freely with longing for knowledge. Jinan Xinhang Experimental Foreign Language School is an exploration and attempt for “future campus architecture”. The educational concept is carried out through architectural design, and the high-quality educational space and architectural design present each other in a relationship of mutual achievement.
▼校园中轴,Central axis ©战长恒
▼城市沿街界面,Aerial view©战长恒
设计 | 理念
Design & Concept
Campus Building Design, Starts From Educational Concept
The society is never lacking of imagination for a beautiful campus, but most of the campus design in reality is a “stereotype”, which is limited by the teaching system, administrative regulations and other restrictions. When education begins to develop towards diversification, campus space, as the material carrier for educational idea, shall truthfully reflect the new demands put forward by the new educational idea, and respond to the educational idea at the same time.
▼校园印象,Campus image ©仁甲看见
This is a 12-year school, where children spend the most important growth stage in their life. We combine the educational concept that meets the international school requirements with architectural design, hoping to awaken the educational ideal with campus space. In addition to ensuring the normal operation of school functions, we hope that the campus can be more complex and interesting, stimulate children’s desire to explore, and let children living in it make new discoveries at every stage of their growth.
▼“掣鲸楼”—中学教学楼,Middle school teaching building,Chejing building ©仁甲看见
轴线 | 核心
Axis & Core
Complex Axis with Both Function and Energy
▼校园布局结构分析,Layout structure analysis©腾远设计
Different from creating a single axis space commonly used in grand narration, the planning adopts a multi-axis strategy to form a campus architectural layout combining flexible decentralization and natural environment, which is an active attempt for us to get rid of the “stereotype”. Taking the vitality axis as the starting point, the teaching area, living area and public activity area are arranged along the axis to form a rich and coherent spatial sequence. Children can gather here for fun and equal communication, which can cultivate children’s rich and free spiritual world, strengthen the sense of belonging of the school as a big family and become the gravitational center of the whole campus.
▼剧场与图书馆形成轴线,theatre and library formingaxis©战长恒
空间 | 逻辑
Space & Logic
Take Space as the Link to Build a Diversified Communication Platform
With the rapid development of the times, educational idea is also changing. The main body of education is gradually transformed from teacher to student. Heuristic, interactive and participatory teaching are growing popularity. Therefore, we design different types of space to meet the demands of different individuals and educational methods for space. At the same time, space will also actively affect the occurrence of teaching behavior and achieve the idea of “teaching environment is teaching itself”.
▼中学庭院,Middle school courtyard©仁甲看见
▼中学北侧边庭,Side courtyard on the north©仁甲看见
▼中学内庭院,Inner courtyard of middle school©战长恒
Different from the traditional school which takes playground as the main outdoor activity space, our design not only presents a clear logical relationship at the spatial level, but also embeds a multi-level transition space between the classroom and the playground to adapt to the occurrence of various behaviors, so that students can relax and rest in the short break between classes.
▼小学体育馆与连桥,Primary school stadium and bridge©战长恒
Outdoor space organization follows the logic of large to small scale, public to private attribute and freedom to rational order. Each functional group forms its own regional center, a larger scale public space is formed between each group and the central group, the center group forms the campus center, sports venue and stadium form the sports center, the woods in the north becomes a more natural outdoor activity space.
▼校园生活区,Living quarter©仁甲看见
场地 | 探索
Field & Exploration
Fun Place to Explore Freely
一直以来,“在地性”都是建筑设计基础逻辑出发点之一,需根据各地块独有的特征设计与之契合的建筑。项目基地地势北高南低,东西宽度约 370 米,建筑红线南北跨度约 310 米,南北高差约 30 米。我们有效的利用自然地形,将校园建筑群与山体契合。采用局部平整,中心保留的策略,尽最大可能保留原有自然坡地的场地特征,创造更为丰富的地面层空间。
“Localization” has been one of the basic logical starting points of architectural design all along, and the buildings that fit it need to be designed according to the unique characteristics of each plot. The site of the project base is high on the north and low on the south, with an east-west width of about 370m, a north-south boundary line of about 310m, and a north-south height difference of about 30m. We effectively use the natural terrain to fit the campus buildings with the mountains. Adopt the strategy of local leveling and central retention to retain the site characteristics of the original natural slope as much as possible and create more abundant ground floor space.
▼生活区内院入口,Inner courtyard entrance of living area©战长恒
▼宿舍楼,保留自然坡地的场地特征 Dormitory facade,retaining the site characteristics of natural slope©仁甲看见
Following the site characteristics, to build an outdoor courtyard cascade, semi outdoor space on the ground floor, outdoor terrace and roof platform to form a public activity space with different elevations and rich levels. Site features and buildings together create more small places belonging to collective memory. Teaching and learning will take place in every corner of the building both spatially and behaviorally.
▼室外空间,Outdoor space©仁甲看见
▼室外灰色空间 Grey space outdoor ©仁甲看见
The large-scale sports center is hidden underground. The integrated design effectively reduces the building density and is conducive to the formation of an open and comfortable campus environment. It creates an interesting activity and communication place for children, and encourages them to explore the environment and understand nature.
▼体育馆二层视角,View from the second floor©仁甲看见
▼体育馆室内空间,Indoor space of gymnasium©仁甲看见
▼体育馆室内,Indoor space of gymnasium©仁甲看见
多元 | 复合
Diversity & Integrity
Divide the space according to compound functional demands
校园规划打破传统校园单调的行列式布局,转变为主张复合功能、符合未来教学模式的组团布局。在功能组织上,虽然按照教学阶段进行了中小学的组团区分,但各独立组团均为一个小型教学综合体。集中式的设计呼应了“走班式”教学的需求,利于学校的高效运转,减少空间与能源的浪费,每栋建筑公共空间占比提高到 45%-50%。
Campus planning breaks the monotonous linear layout of the traditional campus and changes into a cluster layout that advocates compound functions and conforms to the future teaching mode. In terms of functional organization, although the cluster of primary and middle school is distinguished according to the teaching stage, each independent group is a small teaching complex. The centralized design responds to the demands of “mobile learning”, is conducive to the efficient operation of the school, reduces the waste of space and energy, and increases the proportion of public space in each building to 45% – 50%.
▼图书馆室内学习空间,Indoor study space of the library©战长恒
Primary school and kindergarten form two independent outdoor activity spaces making good use of the height difference. The middle school cluster effectively integrates various spaces in teaching, and the general teaching section and comprehensive teaching are vertically divided to avoid mutual influence and facilitate connection. The junior high and senior high take up north and south respectively, share the courtyard with the office, compounding into a center. As a more flexible assembly and performance viewing place in spatial form, black box theater can cater more richly defined teaching activities here.
▼中学教学楼中庭,Middle school building courtyard©战长恒
The living area cluster creates a relaxed, comfortable and moderately private living environment. Through the flexible courtyard setting, roof platform and balcony system, children of all ages are provided with a relatively independent public space with a sense of belonging.
▼中学教学楼中庭,Middle school building courtyard©战长恒
The campus buildings are integrated, connected and organically related to each other, and the internal design creates a multi-dimensional and three-dimensional learning, living and interactive space through the full use of the space. The internal corridor is an expanded communication space. In addition to the transportation function, the large stepped lobby can also be used as an assembly place. The canteen can be transformed into an activity place for hobby groups during non-dining period, which has completed the transformation from single function to compound function.
▼自然形成的人行路径,Walking path formed naturally©战长恒
Campus is not only a place for teaching and learning, but also a place for social interaction. The traditional teaching space can no longer meet the current diversified teaching modes and the educational concept of cultivating all-round development talents. Xinhang Foreign Language School builds a micro city for children by creating an open and shared campus to cultivate their ability to think independently and explore the world.
▼夜景,Night view©战长恒
建筑面积:7.8 万平方米
Project Name: Jinan Xinhang Experimental Foreign Language School
Developer: Shandong Publishing Group Co., Ltd
Location: Licheng District, Jinan, Shandong
Design / completion: 2016 / 2019
Floor Area: 78000 square meters
Designer: Qingdao Tengyuan Design Institute Co., Ltd
Design Team: WITH Studio
Project Director: Li Xiaohong
Project Manager: Liu Xin
Chief Designer: Liu Xin
Schematic Design: Chai Qiming, Li Xu, Dong Ning, Ni Xiaoxing, Xie Ting
Construction Drawing Design: Liu Yang, Liu Fengyi, Cui Yan, Xie Xiuli
Structural Design: Xing Xing, Liu Jinguang, Han Chuncui, Fang Kun
Water Supply and Drainage Design: Wang Juan, Jiang Weiliang, Guo song, Zhang Haifa
HVAC Design: Xia Longbin, Qu Zhiguang, Chen Jing, Wen Fukai
Power Design: Geng Fangxiao, Li Yan, Tian Ning, Xiao Lili
Refined Decoration Design: Liu Jiazhu, Lin Xu, Zhang Xiaonei, Xu Qijian, Yu Chunxiao (Chinaroot Design)
Curtain Wall Design: Jing Yanqing, Wang Wei, Wu Dong, Li Ying
Architectural Photography: Zhan Changheng, RenJia View
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