

We had the opportunity to acquire a property at a very favorable price in a prominent location in the village of Beringen in Klettgau. We wanted to use this to implement our idea of architecture by means of a replacement building. In order for this to succeed, cooperation with the municipality was crucial, in addition to countless structural and official aspects. Thanks to the resulting partnership between the municipality, the client and the architect, it was possible to realize a building that offers added value for the site and the community at large.
▼建筑外观,external view of the building ©Schaub Stierli Fotografen
Haus zum Pudel体现了设计师的建筑态度和发展村庄的愿望。尽管经济条件困难,设计师依然坚持不懈地达成了自己的目标。
The «Haus zum Pudel» was also born from the will to develop a piece of the village and to show our architectural attitude. This goal was pursued tenaciously despite unfavorable economic conditions.
▼从街道看向建筑,view to the building from the street ©Schaub Stierli Fotografen
In a prominent location, a piece of village was repaired. Instead of the 60-year-old kiosk with bus stop and a nested, hardly habitable residential building, there is now a striking volume. This follows the street space with a bend. At the rear, reference is made to the existing neighboring property. The outdoor space belonging to the property is at the same time public space.
▼区位图,location ©Marazzi Reinhardt
The site helped dictate the space program: A bus stop combined with a store and two small studios for people who are looking for a home outside the standardized residential world. The uses adapt to the conditions of the site. This creates unfamiliar but also liberating situations that invite people to appropriate the architecture.
▼建筑朝向不同方向的不同立面,different facade of the building facing different orientations ©Schaub Stierli Fotografen
Intensive dialogues and negotiations over years were necessary to find good solutions for all parties involved. A good solution means that everyone experiences added value: Through a private initiative, the community receives a new, distinctive building that enhances the public space. In return, it has contributed to the financing with a loan, as well as providing guarantees for the rental of the studios. The neighborhood benefits from the clarification of the situation. The villagers get next to the bus stop a quality outdoor space, which invites people to meet.
▼商店入口与室外公共空间,entrance of the store and outdoor public spaces ©Schaub Stierli Fotografen
The house is characterized by the effort to discuss as many aspects as possible, from the setting to the detail. The architect should increasingly return to the building with its myriad facets, understanding the construction and building methods. From the beginning, the goal was to create an architecture of value with simple materials refined by craftsmanship. The unrendered masonry, the exposed concrete or the solid wooden floors show traces of the work process. Cladding and partially recycled materials distinguish certain places and create an exciting counterpart to the otherwise raw appearance.
▼立面细部,details of the facade ©Schaub Stierli Fotografen
first floor space, wood contrasts with the exposed concrete ©Ladina Bischof
Comprehensible construction in concrete, stone and wood creates credibility. A cavity wall, braced by the interior concrete walls, supports the wood roof. Load distribution and construction are readable and allow users to appropriate the house.
▼居住空间,采用木材、混凝土等常见材料,living space using comprehensible materials like concrete and wood ©Ladina Bischof
▼落地窗带来充足的自然光,floor to ceiling windows bring in adequate natural light ©Ladina Bischof
▼带开放厨房的工作室,studio with open kitchen ©Ladina Bischof
▼厨房,不同设备安装在墙面上,kitchen, installations mounted on the surface ©Ladina Bischof
Where possible, the materials were untreated and directly installed. In this way they develop a presence and immediacy that is linked to the rural architecture. The installations are surface-mounted and allow multiple uses, e.g. as a holder for the shower head. Repairs and adjustments are easy to carry out. The functioning of the installation is comprehensible and trustworthy. The quality of the raw material and construction is deliberately shown. The specially designed apparatuses and fittings also reflect the engagement with the task.
▼安装在外的暖气管道,方便维修和调整,heating pipes installed ont he surface, easy to repair and adjust ©Ladina Bischof
▼阳台,balcony ©Ladina Bischof
▼阁楼空间,未经处理的材料直接使用在空间中,attic, untreated materials directly installed in the space ©Ladina Bischof
▼楼梯间,staircase ©Ladina Bischof
▼不同材料的对比,contrast between different materials ©Ladina Bischof
▼浴室,shower room ©Ladina Bischof
The architecture conveys a new image in the village fabric. At the same time, the form, the type of openings and the materialization are familiar to the people through the history of the place. This creates something new and familiar. The building, with its small, rectangular openings, the stone-framed, large-format entrances, the narrow canopy, as well as the solid materialization, is remotely reminiscent of the «Trotten», which can be found in every village in the area.
▼建筑外观,既新颖又熟悉,external view of the building, new and familiar ©Schaub Stierli Fotografen
We have embarked on an adventure with no certain outcome, trusting that the courage will pay off. But only the history of the future will show whether the structure will prove its worth.
▼一层平面图,first floor plan ©Marazzi Reinhardt
▼二层平面图,second floor plan ©Marazzi Reinhardt
▼三层平面图,third floor plan ©Marazzi Reinhardt
▼阁楼平面图,attic plan ©Marazzi Reinhardt
▼立面图,elevations ©Marazzi Reinhardt
▼剖面图,sections ©Marazzi Reinhardt