知末案例   /   教育空间   /   幼儿园

Montessori 幼儿园丨捷克丨No Architects

2021/05/31 10:40:44
“The world does not belong to obedient children. The world belongs to those who know the world well enough to be able to change it.”
▼项目外观概览,overall of the appearance © Studio Flusser
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项目坐落于捷克西北部伏尔塔瓦河畔的城镇克莱察尼 (Klecany),建筑纯净的色彩、极简的设计、平和的氛围与蒙台梭利教育体系息息相关,反映出蒙氏教育法强调独立,以及对孩子天然的心理、生理及社会性发展的尊重。
Colour and object abstemiousness and absence of loud toys and motives are connected to educational specifics, which are built on Montessori tools and system.
▼纯白的建筑与郁郁葱葱的花园,Pure white building with lush gardens © Studio Flusser
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▼曲线形的墙面围合出角落空间,Curved metope encloses corner spaces © Studio Flusser
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设计的核心理念旨在营造出蒙氏教育的关键因素 —— 环境。整体环境被分割成各个角落,为蒙氏教育倡导的实践活动提供了空间。
Our concept of the Kindergarten in Klecany reflects mostly one of the key elements of Montessori education: “a Montessori prepared environment”. An environment is separated into corners which offer places for so-called real activities.
▼室外花园,garden © Studio Flusser
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▼花园中的角落空间,corner space in the garden © Studio Flusser
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▼花园细部 – 真实的自然环境,detail of the garden © Studio Flusser
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Based on children’s needs, they are free to cook in a real kitchen, work on a real workbench or take care of plants on a real garden. These corners are not just symbolic. They are placed into the room’s corners and project themselves from interiors to exteriors, where they create small corners in the garden.
▼室内活动室概览,overall of the interior space © Studio Flusser
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▼简洁清新的室内色彩,Simple and fresh interior colors © Studio Flusser
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▼大面积的玻璃窗引入充足自然光线,Large area of glass windows bring in plenty of natural light © Studio Flusser
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▼储物柜,locker © Studio Flusser
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▼符合儿童尺度的工作台,work station for children’s scale © Studio Flusser
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Our ambition was to prepare a segmented environment on the limited land in a way that would attract the children’s interest and help them to perceive the world and think about architecture as something new and intriguing.
▼儿童可操作的厨房,Children’s operable kitchen © Studio Flusser
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▼更衣室,cloakroom © Studio Flusser
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▼墙面上的木制七巧板拼图,wooden jigsaw puzzle on the wall © Studio Flusser
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▼夜景,night view © Studio Flusser
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▼总平面图,master plan © No Architects
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▼平面图,floor plan © No Architects
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▼立面图,elevation © No Architects
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