项目是继北京国子监失物招领店铺后,我们与失物招领的第二次 合作——位于杭州文化地标天目里的生活提案店。杭州天目里是由建筑师Renzo Piano设计的集办公、艺术空间、商业、秀场、设计酒店等功能于一体的综合性园区。失物招领作为一个生活家 居品牌,除家具以外,也提供包括手工陶艺、植物、居家器物、织品等生活用品。此次设计中我们延续了家的概念,同时也呼应 了失物招领品牌惜物的生活方式。空间设计围绕自然肌理 、手工 工艺的核心展开,在天目里这样一个现代感的艺术园区里,呈 现“家” 的样貌和内涵。
▼空间概览,overall view of the space ©雷坛坛
Lost & Found’s OōEli store in Hangzhou is B.L.U.E.’s second cooperation with the furniture brand ‘Lost & Found’ after the renovation project for the brand at Guozijian Street in Beijing. Designed by Renzo Piano, OōEli in Hangzhou is a comprehensive art park incorporating offices, art spaces, retail, design hotels and show fields. Lost & Found is a lifestyle brand that provides not only solid wood furniture but also ceramics, utensils, fabrics and plants for daily life. During this collaboration, we continues to bring the concept and sense of ‘home’ into the store, echoing a way of life that cherishes things in daily life.
▼轴测图,axonometric ©B.L.U.E. Architecture Studio
店铺空间主要分为几组家具展示区和一个活动分享区。展示区由 三个水洗石小盒子组成,划分出不同生活场景——客厅,餐厅, 卧室。高低错落的墙面形成半围合半开放的小空间,赋予原本单 一的空间更丰富的延展方式,给客人创造一种探索性的动线,像 在街巷中一般,一边寻找一边发现。水洗石墙面粗粝的自然肌 理,也给人一种温润的感受。
▼空间由家具展示区和活动分享区组成,space composed of furniture display area and event space ©雷坛坛
The spatial design revolves around materiality of the interior, natural texture and artisan craftsmanship, reflecting Lost & Found’s philosophy of art and daily life. The whole retail space is mainly divided into furniture display area and an event space. The three scattered washed stone boxes together form the display space: each box area exhibits a living scene with carefully selected furniture collection. We intend to enrich the spatial experience in the long display space by inserting semi-enclosed box spaces with different wall heights and therefore making people to explore and wander in and between the boxes. The natural and rough texture of the washed stone walls provides a soft and warm atmosphere.
▼展示区分解轴测图,exploded axonometric of the display area ©B.L.U.E. Architecture Studio
▼展示区,display area ©雷坛坛
▼高低错落的墙面围合成半开放的小空间,semi-enclosed box spaces with different wall heights ©雷坛坛
▼石墙细部,closer view to the stone walls ©雷坛坛
▼沿窗的展示区,display area along the window ©雷坛坛
▼空间一侧设置木材墙面,wall of wooden planks ©雷坛坛
▼木墙和空间,wooden wall and the space ©雷坛坛
▼木墙细部,details of the wooden wall ©雷坛坛
穿过展示区,是进行活动和展览的分享空间,空间形态是一个开 敞的小木屋,收银台和试衣间也集中分布在木屋的一侧。它的灵感来源于茶园边上的小房子——踏上一级青石板,人们聚集在一 个大的坡屋顶下面,虽然是在室内场所,却营造出一种在大自然中,人们在屋檐下休息的惬意生活场景。我们为分享空间的小房 子设计了没有玻璃的木框推拉門,在视觉上轻盈地把家具展示区 和分享空间分隔开来。房子的顶、地面和墙面使用失物招领家具 常用的五种木材(榉木、胡桃木、白橡木、樱桃木、白蜡木)进 行搭配拼接。小房子的推拉門以及店铺入口的平开門等细节设计也同样使用了这5种木材做混合搭配。对于木材的处理,在最大 程度上减少人工的修饰加工,效果呈现出木材最天然真实的质感。
▼活动区分解轴测图,exploded axonometric of the event area ©B.L.U.E. Architecture Studio
When customers pass through the display space, the cabin with a pitched roof can be seen. The cabin is to accommodate store events and temporary exhibition projects. Inspired by the tea fields in Hangzhou, we intend to create a sense of harmonious symbiosis between human and nature. The two stone steps connect the cabin and the display space, presenting a cozy and relaxed scene: people gather inside the cabin while others take a rest under the eaves in nature. The facade of the cabin provides a sense of openness since the wood-frame sliding doors visually separate the cabin lightly from the display space. Flooring, walls and ceiling of the cabin feature five different kinds of wood (beech, walnut, white oak, cherry and ash); all are of the materials which the brand use in their furniture making. The blend of different wood types extends to the detailed design of the wood sliding doors and the entrance of the store. Through the practice of solid wood materials, we attempt to form a dialogue with the brand’s furniture collection. The natural texture of the wood imparts a sense of warmth and tenderness for the space.
▼开敞木屋中的活动区,event area in the open cabin ©雷坛坛
▼活动区,营造自然中的生活场景,event area, creating living scene in the nature ©雷坛坛
▼木屋细部,details of the cabin
▼平面图,plan ©B.L.U.E. Architecture Studio
项目名称:失物招领 杭州天目里 生活提案店
项目地点:中国杭州市西湖区 天目山路
项目类型:店铺 / 室内设计
设计周期:07.2020- 09.2020
施工周期:09.2020 – 11.2020
Project Name: Lost & Found OōEli, Hangzhou
Project Location: Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China
Project Type: Retail / Interior Design
Architect: Shuhei Aoyama, Yuyuan Chen, Zheng Dou, Lingzi Liu
Client: Lost & Found
Size: Single-Floor
Building Area: 225 ㎡
Materials: Washed stone, Wood (beech, cheery, oak, walnut, ash), Old poplar
Design Period: 07.2020- 09.2020
Construction Period: 09.2020 – 11.2020
Photography Credit: Tantan Lei