

Jonathan Tuckey Design为英格兰东南部的一所学校建造了一座新的剧场。事务所致力于“在已有建筑上建造”,并以此知名。新剧场充分体现了这一理念,承担起修复和强化原有校园的关键角色。
Jonathan Tuckey Design has completed a new theatre in the grounds of a school in south east England. True to the practice’s commitment to ‘building on the built’, for which it has earned an international reputation, the new theatre plays a vital role in repairing and enhancing the existing campus.
▼项目外观,external view of the project ©Jim Stephenson
这座新的可持续建筑经过仔细设计,在与周边建筑保持协调的同时,将原本毫无特色的停车场转变成了一片充满活力的公共广场。Horris Hill校园位于伯克郡郊区,是一所全日寄宿制预备学校,学生为4~13岁的男孩。校园占地85英亩(约344000平方米),包含树林、运动场和一座果蔬园。室外教学和课外活动是学校生活的基础组成部分,共同体现了Horris Hill的学校社群气质。剧场以主要捐款人、David Brownlow慈善基金会的创始人Lord David Brownlow命名,将极大程度上帮助加强Horris Hill学校130名学生的个人成长。它将为不同种类的剧场实践提供资源,包括演出、制作和设计等,并将这些实践深植到校园文化之中。
The new, sustainable building has been carefully crafted to sit in concert with the neighbouring buildings, and succeeds in turning what was once a featureless car park into an animated civic square. Horris Hill is a day and boarding preparatory school for boys aged between 4 and 13, set within a rural campus in Berkshire. It is located in 85 acres containing woods, sports pitches and a kitchen garden. Outdoor education and extra- curricular activity are fundamental parts of the school, both of which help Horris Hill maintain a whole-school community ethos. The theatre, which is named after its main benefactor, Lord David Brownlow, founder of the David Brownlow Charitable Foundation, will significantly enhance the personal development of the 130 pupils attending Horris Hill. It will afford access to all aspects of theatre practice: performance, production and design – and embed these into the culture of the school.
▼项目鸟瞰,aerial view of the project ©Jim Stephenson
当下,英国各地无数艺术场馆关闭,David Bronlow剧场在教学时间之外将面向更加广阔的社区开放,为当地的表演俱乐部和演艺团体提供设施,维持他们的活动。项目需要包含学校集会设施、音乐演奏场地和戏剧制作场所,设计将三个独特的空间整合在一起,创造了一座各个立面都富有活力的建筑,激活整座校园。三个空间分别是:
– 一个160座的观众厅和表演空间
– 围绕入口门廊的集会空间
– 位于南立面的室外露天剧场,面朝树林和运动场,将舞台延伸到了田园景观之中
Outside of teaching hours, the new theatre will open up to the wider community through local theatre clubs and groups, providing facilities to sustain these activities at a time when countless arts venues are closing across the UK. Designed to host school assemblies, music recitals and drama productions, the development comprises three unique spaces, creating a building which is animated on all sides, activating the whole campus. The three spaces include:
– a 160-seat auditorium and performance space;
– a congregating space around the entrance portico;
– an outdoor amphitheatre on the south elevation, facing the woods and school playing fields, which extends the theatre stage into the surrounding Arcadian landscape.
▼面朝树林的室外剧场,amphitheater facing the woods ©Nick Dearden
剧场替代了校园西侧一栋建于1970年代的模块化木屋。新建筑略微旋转,与已有的建筑组块形成了一片公共广场,发掘出了场地潜在的城市性。Jonathan Tuckey Design使用自然材料建造了这座被动通风的剧场,与校园中其他木制设施相协调。建筑由交叉层压木材(CLT)组成,采用精心设计的木结构系统,覆以Viroc木纤维板。之所以选择CLT框架,是因为这种材料可以有效节约成本,缩短现场建造的时间。由于材料本身的特性,与传统砌块相比,能够减少40吨二氧化碳排放。
▼轴测图,项目与其他建筑形成广场,axonometric, project creating a square with other architecture groups ©Jonathan Tuckey Design
The design was the outcome of an invited competition, won by the practice in March 2016. The brief called for a theatre that would expand the arts and drama curriculum at the school – in recognition that performing arts improve pupils’ confidence, grasp of languages, debating skills, oratory and aptitude.
The theatre replaces a modular cabin built in the 1970s on the western side of the campus. The new building is positioned at a slight angle from its surroundings, to embrace the latent urbanity of the site, creating a civic square within the existing collection of buildings. Jonathan Tuckey Design has employed natural materials to create a passively ventilated theatre which sits harmoniously within the wooded setting of the campus. It is constructed of cross-laminated timber (CLT), an engineered wood structural system, and clad with Viroc wood fibre panelling. The CLT frame was chosen for its cost effectiveness and to reduce construction time on site; its specification has ensured a saving of 40 tonnes of CO2 compared to traditional blockwork.
▼建筑外观,采用CLT材料,external view of the building composed of CLT ©Nick Dearden
▼从树林看向剧场,view to the theater from the woods ©上:Nick Dearden,下:Jim Stephenson
The theatre draws from its surroundings by being consciously distinct in materiality and structure. However, the warm red hue of the Viroc elevations roots the theatre in among the earthy brick of the neighbouring Victorian buildings and more recent additions. The design is innovative in its use and articulation of sheet materials and flat surfaces. The Viroc was machine cut off-site from sheets to reduce waste, and pieced together by hand as one object of joinery.
▼暖红色的立面,elevation in warm red hue ©Nick Dearden
▼立面外的座椅为学生提供交流空间,seatings outside the facade creating communication space for the pupils ©Jim Stephenson
▼立面面板使用机械切割,手工拼装,surface panels cut by machine and pieced together by hand ©Jim Stephenson
▼立面上的排水管与刻字,drainage tubes and carved characters on the facade ©Nick Dearden
▼立面细部,facade details ©Nick Dearden
A tall portico structure announces the theatre from the main point of arrival to the north and activates the new civic square in front. It will be used as a billboard to announce theatre productions and functions as an assembly space for small groups of pupils. Inside, the CLT frame is left exposed and lined with beech battens of varying depths to reference the articulation of the external façade. The repetition of battens is more regimented at the base to emphasise the solidity of the structure, and diffused as it ascends to create a sense of a firmament in the upper part of the theatre. Light grey acoustic panels are introduced throughout to absorb sound and prevent echoes.
▼从北侧道路看向剧场入口门廊,view to the portico of the theater from the road on the north ©Nick Dearden
▼高耸的门廊,tall portico ©Nick Dearden
▼集会空间,space for pupils to gather together ©Jim Stephenson
▼门廊细部,details of the portico ©Jim Stephenson
▼门厅,entrance lobby ©Nick Dearden
▼舞台和观众厅,auditorium and stage ©Nick Dearden
▼墙壁上的榉木板下密上疏,breech battens on the wall becoming less dense from bottom to top ©Nick Dearden
▼浅灰色的吸音板消除回声,acoustic panels in light grey avoid echoes ©Nick Dearden
The undulating ceiling, finished in a deep dark blue to represent the night sky, has been acoustically modelled to project sound from the stage into the auditorium. The floor is black polished Viroc, cut into a pattern to reference the ornate stone floors of Renaissance churches. The arrival sequence is through an entrance lobby, acoustic threshold and entrance corridor into the auditorium with the stage, backstage area and loading bay to the rear. Storage and toilets are concealed beneath the raked seating accessed from the entrance lobby.
▼深蓝色的天花象征夜空,ceiling in dark blue references to the night sky ©Nick Dearden
▼观众厅细部,details of the auditorium ©Nick Dearden
项目的灵感来自Christine Boyer的书《The City of Collective Memory》,其中提到剧场将成为日常生活的舞台。设计借用历史主题,包括Tudor剧场中的站立堂座,经典剧场的舞台前部和柱廊,以及文艺复兴时期教会建筑中的图案等。
The project draws inspiration from Christine Boyer’s book, The City of Collective Memory, in its recognition that the theatre will be a stage set for everyday life. The design borrows historical motifs such as the standing stalls of Tudor theatre, classical theatre proscenium and colonnade, as well as motifs from Renaissance ecclesiastical architecture.
▼剧场中的活动,activities in the theater ©Jim Stephenson
▼总平面图,site plan ©Jonathan Tuckey Design
▼一层平面图,first floor plan ©Jonathan Tuckey Design
▼二层平面图,second floor plan ©Jonathan Tuckey Design
▼立面图,elevation ©Jonathan Tuckey Design
▼剖面图,sections ©Jonathan Tuckey Design
▼细部,details ©Jonathan Tuckey Design
Address: Newtown, Newbury, Berkshire, RG20 9DJ
Project area: 528m² (theatre, amphitheatre, colonnade, portico)
Theatre internal area: 320m²
Construction value: £1,742,790
Cost per sqm: £3,300 per m²
Project schedule: March 2016 – Sept 2020
Construction: Aug 2019 – Sept 2020
Team Credits
Architects: Jonathan Tuckey Design
Design team: Jonathan Tuckey, Peter Youthed, Rob Leechmere, James Moore, Molly Wheeler, Matthew Farrer,Belen Salgado, Rohullah Kazemi, Waheed Kazemi
Project architects: James Moore and Rob Leechmere
Structural engineers: Webb Yates Engineers
M&E: Skelly and Couch Ltd
Theatre consultant: Charcoalblue
Timber engineers: Eurban
QS: Marstan BDB LLP
Contractor: Vale Southern Construction Ltd
Joinery: Peak Carpentry
Competition organiser: RedBook Agency
Photography: © Nick Dearden, © Jim Stephenson