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阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills

2020/11/16 11:08:13
双子座的Wutopia Lab,在思南公馆的α & β
The Gemini α & β at Sinan Mansion
2020年作为双子座的我在思南公馆做了截然不同的两个设计,一动一静自成一组对偶,同时又隐隐与之前的作品思南书局有些许联系,我称他们为双子座的α & β。(α与思南书局空间相邻,β作为阅读空间在内容上与之相似)
In 2020, as a Gemini, I have made two different designs for Sinan Mansion, one dynamic and one static, which form a set of duplexes of their own, and at the same time, they are slightly related to my previous work Sinan Bookstore.
I call them Gemini α & β. (α is adjacent to Sinan Bookstore, and β is similar to it as a reading space in terms of content.)
▼项目概览,project overview ©CreatAR Images
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阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店 Onmyoji Theme Store Shanghai Flagship Store
魔都妖怪指南:在蜃气楼做一天妖 Guide Alpha to Demons: Be a Demon for a Day at the Mirage Tower
Wutopia Lab之Mills接到网易委托,在思南公馆23号楼创造一座妖的乐园 ——阴阳师上海旗舰店。妖亦神灵,自古妖的诞生都源于人类对自然的敬畏。《山海经》的妖,多隐藏在山与海自然之中,宫崎骏画笔下的妖则是“城市边缘的精灵”,而如今这只存在于城市的妖,是利用人们熟知的形象,变幻出你熟悉又不熟悉的场景,打破了我们日常被时间和空间限定的场所感。
Mills of Wutopia Lab was commissioned by NetEase to create a demon paradise in Building 23 of Sinan Mansion – Onmyoji Shanghai Flagship Store.
Demons are also gods and spirits, and have always been born out of human reverence for nature. The demons in “The Book of Mountains and Seas” are often hidden in the mountains and the sea, while the ones in Hayao Miyazaki’s paintings are “spirits at the edge of the city”, but the demons in the city today use familiar images to conjure up scenes that are both familiar and unfamiliar, breaking the sense of place that is limited by time and space.
When we designed Sinan Bookstore (Sinan Mansion Building 25), we wanted it to be like a human constructing a system for acquiring knowledge and discovering oneself and the world, and the moment we saw Sinan Mansion Building 23, which was wrapped in a dense reptile, we decided to create a city demon in this familiar place of Sinan Mansion, and to pair it with the demon.
▼从阴阳师旗舰店望向思南书局 ©CreatAR Images
view to the Sinan Bookstore from the Onmyoji Flagship Store
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Mirage House was born out of Sinan Mansion 23, the exterior is a four-story house: cobblestone façade, red walls, waistline, slightly poking out of the entrance steps, tall fireplace chimney, in such a familiar Shanghai old house, quietly hidden into the city of a demon – Mirage House.
People who come to visit her can get objects derived from the game to reality, and can call friends, eat and drink, everyone comes here, as if into a dream about the monster, different from the daily life, and links the clues that happen in the virtual game, through the Sinan Mansion No. 23 building refracted into reality, using the space to pass to the players or the road who have not played the game.
▼思南公馆23号渲染图,Sinan Mansion 23 – rendering ©
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She has three mouths. Different types of visitors, passing through three entrances, are quickly divided into three groups: players, passersby, and gods (demons).
▼三个入口: three entrances ©Wutopia Lab
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通往底层的入口,是最隐蔽的入口,我们把玩家的宝藏藏在这里。 隐蔽,刚好激发了痒痒鼠(玩家昵称:阴阳师-yys-痒痒鼠)的探索欲,入口左边是妖怪屋,右边是手办墙,院内有扭蛋机,达摩和茨木球(玩偶)把玩家们引入下沉庭院,步入阴阳师的集市。 这个入口很难找,从外部道路一定需要绕到建筑背后,才可以到达,但这不重要,所有玩家都仿佛拥有一张藏宝图,从各处聚集而来。 更有趣的是:在寻找入口的过程中,他们会在思南公馆中四处游走,会走错门牌号,会误入某个书局,会问路,会交流,这是很有活力的一件事。
The entrance to the bottom level is the most hidden entrance, where we hide the player’s treasure. Hidden, just in time to inspire Yangyangshu(Player’s name)to explore, the entrance has a monster house to the left and a hand-me-down wall to the right, with a twister, Daruma and Ibaraki Doji ball (dolls) leading players into the sunken courtyard and into the Yin-yang marketplace.
This entrance is difficult to find, and must be reached from the outside road by going around behind the building, but it doesn’t matter; all players seem to possess a treasure map, gathered from everywhere. What’s more interesting: in the process of finding the entrance, they will wander around the Sinan mansion, they will get the wrong house number, they will wander into some bookstore by mistake, they will ask for directions, and they will communicate, which makes the scene more dynamic.
▼通往底层的入口,the entrance to the bottom level ©CreatAR Images
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区别于底层入口,通往二层的金色入口,则是午后的入口,吸引那些漫步在思南公馆中寻觅美好时光的路人。 原本这个入口就是思南公馆的一处打卡圣地,老洋房独特的弧形的户外台阶,直通建筑二层,每个到思南公馆的游客,都要在这里留下一张自拍。 这里成为了阴阳师出圈的黄金通路,因此我们把平安美食安置于此,让味觉成为路人认识阴阳师的起点。
Different from the entrance on the ground floor, the golden entrance to the second floor is the entrance in the afternoon, attracting passers-by who stroll through Sinan Mansions in search of a good time.
Originally, this entrance was a landmark of Sinan Mansions, with the unique curved outdoor steps of the old house leading up to the second floor of the building, where every visitor to Sinan Mansions must take a selfie. It has become the golden pathway for Onmyoji to get out of the circle, so we have placed Ping’an Cuisine here to create a starting point of knowing Onmyoji.
▼通往二层的金色入口,the golden entrance to the second floor ©CreatAR Images
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The entrance along Fuxing Middle Road is an eye-catching location, providing a stage for the core product of Onmyoji, the gods (the various demon characters in Onmyoji games), to be showcased. When night falls, the translucent red arch, together with the black walls, like a bird’s dwelling, continues down the steps to the indoor staircase, turning into a path to the third floor to become a demon.
▼位置醒目的红色入口,the red entrance ©CreatAR Images
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The translucent red arch continues down the steps to the indoor staircase.
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妖的乐园 Demon Paradise
“与不同入口相连的通道,通往一个又一个乐园,是蜃气楼在梦里精心雕琢的城池。” ——《阴阳师·蜃气楼》
▼轴测图,axon ©Wutopia Lab
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百鬼集市 The Hundred Ghosts Market
▼故事场景在镜子中扭曲变形,相互交叠 ©CreatAR Images
all the story scenes distort and deform and overlap each other in the mirrored passageway
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▼走廊,corridor ©CreatAR Images
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▼天顶细节,ceiling detail ©CreatAR Images
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The Hundred Ghosts Market is a player’s paradise, consisting of five parts: seasonal exhibition hall, display window, swirling showcase, peace gallery, and demon house. The Onmyoji Shanghai flagship store brings together the full range of merchandise around the Onmyoji, and the story backgrounds of hundreds of images in the game are turned into design materials for the surrounding products, which naturally creates a sense of unreality when they go from the two-dimensional screen to reality.
The mirrors, however, absorb the cats at the door, the surrounding shelves, and the players coming and going into the mirrored passageway, where all the story scenes distort and deform and overlap each other. The bazaar space exists in reality in the form of different display cases, and in another form in the mirror. The mirror’s passage continuously through the entire bazaar, threaded to form a complete mirage building a hundred ghosts bazaar.
In the center of the bazaar, the whirlpool display cabinet is like a seal scroll, binding many demon hand-me-downs, and under the water ripple ceiling, it is more and more dreamy.
▼集市中心, the center of the bazaar ©CreatAR Images
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妖怪食堂 Demon Canteen
The Golden Entrance into the Mirage Building and through a continuous passage of light will lead you to the food paradise, the Demon Canteen. Food becomes a new way for people without gaming experience to get to know Onmyoji.
Day canteen, night bar, the space consists of bar, lobby, themed booths, symbols representing different monsters, through redesign, quietly become part of the design, hidden on the liquor cabinet, in the grid, on the cutlery, decorating many pieces of Onmyoji in the present space, these small thoughts, are eggs for the player, as well as the key to open the door of the new world to passersby.
▼食堂入口处,entrance to the canteen ©CreatAR Images
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▼妖怪食堂,the Demon Canteen ©CreatAR Images
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The passageway and the main hall are separated by a bamboo grille. Through this grille, you can peek into the bamboo chandelier peeking out from the wood-grain wave ceiling. The main hall space is at the heart of the space, naturally formed by borrowing different interfaces to enclose it. The bar, the bamboo forest, the passageway, and the wooden doors in the original building’s interior become the four interfaces of the main hall. Additionally, the slightly changing wood-grain wave ceiling at the top closes the entire space completely.
▼通道,the passageway ©CreatAR Images
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▼楼梯和竹林格栅,staircase and bamboo grille ©CreatAR Images
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▼主厅,the main hall ©CreatAR Images
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主题包间,妖怪的元素同样是以克制的姿态潜伏其中,鬼切包间,由轻盈软质隔断围合,源氏符号嵌入墙中,只有细心的玩家可以读懂桌面上的刀痕。 最深处的大天狗包间,卡座环绕,阳光明媚,偶尔还会跟心仪的式神不期而遇。
The themed private rooms, where the demon element also lurks with restraint, and the Onikiri private rooms, enclosed by light soft partitions, with Genji symbols embedded in the walls, allow only the attentive player to read the knife marks on the tabletop.
The deepest part of the Ootengu booth, surrounded by card holders, is sunny, and occasionally you’ll have an unexpected encounter with your favorite style god.
▼主题包间,the themed private rooms ©CreatAR Images
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无限平安京 Infinite Ping’anjing
▼黑色通道,black passages ©CreatAR Images
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The third floor of the Infinite Ping’anjing is a celebration playground for players of the Onmyoji, during which you can receive invitations to celebrations in the Mirage Building by making reservations through a small application. In addition to operating as a restaurant on weekdays, the space needs to accommodate multi-functional use such as painting exhibitions, eSports battles, stage performances, new product releases, movie premieres, small theaters, and craft workshops.
Here, we needed both long and narrow corridor space, as well as open and bright event space, forming a spatial model of a small Infinity City wrapped in a set of black passages. The Infinite Ping’anjing, to which the black passageways are linked, hides a story in each of the niches on the walls, while the inverted hut at the top, with the ukiyo-e of a hundred ghosts under the eaves.
The façade setting of the entire space becomes positive due to the reflection of the mirrored ceiling, and in this topsy-turvy, true or false space, human or demon is no longer so important, immersed in the small world created by the mirage building.
▼黑色通道所联系的无限平安京,the Infinite Ping’anjing linked with the black passageways ©CreatAR Images
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▼镜面吊顶,the mirrored ceiling ©CreatAR Images
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阁楼密室 The Hiding Attic
▼阁楼密室入口处,entry way to the attic ©CreatAR Images
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The Attic is a hidden corner of the Mirage building, a secret room where the demons meet, the entrance door hidden within one of the walls of the black passageway. It’s also perfect for solitude, where time slows down as the light from the skylights illuminates the pale golden room.
There is a passage to the terrace in the secret room, the entrance to the courtyard, and the landscape hides the small geisha and darumas, bamboo kake, and landscape, and this is the airy courtyard of the mirage building.
The first main scene in the Onmyoji game is one such courtyard, at the top of the mirage building and the end of the whole design, back to where the story originally began, and this is again like the fourth entrance to the mirage building, where those stories of Onmyoji come from the courtyard, through the various intricate passages in the mirage building and out into the real world.
▼阁楼密室内部,in the attic room ©CreatAR Images
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▼通往庭院的门,way to the courtyard ©CreatAR Images
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The emotions and events in the paradise became the mirage building’s nourishment to keep her growing. From the courtyard, overlooking the inner streets of the Sinan Mansion, with temple tents set up around the building and crowds of people coming and going to participate, the sphere of influence is quietly expanding beyond the mirage building.
▼思南公馆立面,Sinan Mansion facade ©CreatAR Images
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The “Onmyoji” has gone from online to offline “mirage building”, an unorthodox reverse operation, and we see a new trend. Faced with such a new and challenging mode, as an architect, I couldn’t reject.
The game world into the reality of the matter itself, full of magic reality temptation, mirage building is only one of the forms of expression, her dream, into our real world, our dream will be hosted to where, the demon world door has been opened, a new era is coming.
We also welcome you to the mirage building, to find out.
▼一层平面图,first floor plan ©Wutopia Lab
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▼二层平面图,second floor plan ©Wutopia Lab
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▼三层平面图,third floor plan ©Wutopia Lab
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▼四层平面图,fourth floor plan ©Wutopia Lab
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思南文学之家 Sinan Literature House
505 Fuxing Middle Road became an important branch venue of Shanghai Book Fair and Shanghai International Literature Week in the summer of 2013. On August 12 of the same year, the famous writer and Nobel Prize winner Mo Yan inscribed the “Sinan Literature House” plaque, which is now hanging at the entrance.
▼视频,video ©CreatAR Images
Although the seven days of “Literature Week” are fleeting, the mission of this old house does not stop here. On February 15, 2014, “Sinan Book Club” and “Sinan Book Collection” were formally established. After that, a series of cultural brands such as “DocuSinan”, “Sinan Art Appreciation Club” and “Modern Sinan” were successively created here.
Presenting with diversified cultural for citizens, the Sinan Literature House has become a cultural landmark and welfare platform of Shanghai, which also become a lifestyle among all book lovers.
▼思南文学之家,Sinan Literature House ©CreatAR Images
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现在思南公馆邀请Wutopia Lab之Mills将复兴中路505号思南公馆2号楼一楼重新升级,当思南公馆邀请我设计思南文学之家时,我不由得想到,无论如何,家是最后慰籍我们芸芸众生的物理和精神空间。 所以思南文学之家作为文学的载体,它就是上海文学爱好者的精神家园,也是接待世界上所有文学爱好者的客厅。
Sinan Mansion invites Wutopia Mills to upgrade the first floor of Building 2, Sinan Mansion, 505 Fuxing Middle Road. When they invited us to design the Literature House, the designers were thinking about the concept of “home”, in any case, home is the last physical and spiritual space to comfort us.
Therefore, as the carrier of literature, Sinan Literature House is the spiritual home of Shanghai literature lovers and the living room for all literature lovers in the world.
▼世界文学爱好者的客厅,the living room for all literature lovers in the world ©CreatAR Images
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▼动态轴测图,axon gif. ©Wutopia Lab
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The entrance of Sinan Literature House is on the right side of the building’s porch. First is an art hall where some art paintings will be displayed. Through the art hall, it’s the living room of Sinan Literature House. The living room is an important public part with flexible space for reading clubs, seminars and salon activities. On the left side of the living room is the library space, which also can be used as a book signing or rest area for important guests.
▼艺术门厅,art hall ©CreatAR Images
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▼从客厅望向图书馆,view to the library from the living room ©CreatAR Images
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▼图书馆,library ©CreatAR Images
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空间中墙面的梧桐叶连接上海以及思南的历史,人在空间行走形成变幻的梧桐叶飘落的画面。 门廊处大门上镶嵌了蓝色的玻璃,阳光照射进来以后蓝色的光线为空间增添一份色彩,又与室外的天空有所呼应。
The history of Shanghai and Sinan are connected through the phoenix leaves pattern on the wall. People walking here forms a picture of the changing leaves falling. The door of the porch is inlaid with blue glasses. When the sunlight come in, the blue light adds a color to the space and echoes the outdoor sky.
▼门廊处大门上镶嵌了蓝色的玻璃,the door of the porch is inlaid with blue glasses ©CreatAR Images
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▼墙面的梧桐叶, the phoenix leaves pattern on the wall ©CreatAR Images
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Because of “home”, the design team choses lake green -the most important home color in a certain period in Shanghai- to express an emotion that whether rich or poor, literature will help us understand complex things, enrich our lives, make us more humanity, expand our minds and comfort us.
▼室内细节,interior details ©CreatAR Images
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▼平面图,plan ©Wutopia Lab
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▼视觉设计,visual design ©Wutopia Lab
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【阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店项目信息】 项目名称:阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店 设计公司:Wutopia Lab之Mills 主持建筑师:俞挺 责任建筑师:阿兔 设计团队:况舟,李子恒,徐楠(实习) 照明顾问:张宸露 施工图深化团队:上海呈煜空间设计有限公司 施工单位:江苏安莱建筑装饰工程有限公司 布景单位:上海兴之业公关顾问有限公司 建筑摄影:CreatAR Images 业主单位:网易 项目地址:中国,上海复兴中路515号 建筑面积:606.6㎡ 设计时间:2020.1 建成时间:2020.7
Project Name: Onmyoji Theme Store Shanghai Flagship Store Design company: Wutopia Lab · Mills Architect: Yu Ting General Architect: A Tu Design Team: Zhou Kuang, Ziheng Li, Nan Xu (Intern) Lighting Consultant: Chen Lu Zhang Construction plan deepening team: Shanghai c-yuspace Design Co., Ltd Construction unit: Ally Architectural Decoration Engineering Jiangsu Co., Ltd Set Designer: Shanghai Xingzhiye PR Consultant Co., Ltd Architectural photography by CreatAR Images Owner: NetEase Address: 515 Fuxing Middle Road, Shanghai, China Building Area: 606.6㎡ Design Time: 2020.1 Completion time: 2020.7
【思南文学之家项目信息】 项目名称:思南文学之家 设计公司:Wutopia Lab之Mills 主持建筑师:俞挺 项目建筑师:林晨 项目经理:濮圣睿 设计团队:王磊,丰滋祥 设计咨询:TOPOS DESIGN 视觉设计:SHUN DESIGN(秀子,陈思雨) 照明顾问:张宸露,范婉颖 建筑摄影:CreatAR Images 业主单位:上海思南公馆商务管理有限公司 施工单位:上海住总集团 建筑面积:280m2 项目地址:中国,上海 设计时间:2020.7至2020.8 施工时间:2020.8至2020.9
Project name: Sinan Literature House Design Firm: Wutopia Lab·Mills Chief Architect: YU Ting Project Architect: LIN Chen Project Manager: PU Shengrui Design Team: WANG Lei, FENG Zixiang Design Consultant: TOPOS DESIGN (Xiuzi, CHEN Siyu) Graphic Design: SHUN DESIGN Lighting Consultant: ZHANG Chenlu, FAN Wanying Photography: CreatAR Images Client: Shanghai Sinan Mansion Business Management Co., Ltd. Construction: Shanghai Residential Group Building Area: 280m2 Project Location: Shanghai, China Design time: 2020.7 to 2020.8 Construction time: 2020.8 to 2020.9
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-185
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-186
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-187
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-188
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-189
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-190
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-191
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-192
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-193
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-194
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-195
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-196
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-197
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-198
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-199
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-200
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-201
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-202
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-203
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-204
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-205
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-206
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-207
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-208
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-209
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-210
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-211
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-212
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-213
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-214
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-215
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-216
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-217
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-218
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-219
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-220
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-221
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-222
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-223
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-224
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-225
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-226
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-227
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-228
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-229
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-230
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-231
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-232
阴阳师主题店上海旗舰店+思南文学之家 / Wutopia Lab之Mills-233
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