Babayants Architects设计了莫斯科地区一座400平方米的单层住宅。为家庭创造一个生活空间是一项巨大的责任。这实际上意味着设计一个在人们生活中不断存在并影响其状态的背景。
Babayants Architects has designed a 400 sq. m one-story house in the Moscow region. To create a living space for a family is a huge responsibility. It practically means to design a background that is constantly present in peoples lives and affects their condition.
客户是设计领域的专业人士,希望将她的房子打造成一个实验平台,这就是V House高度概念化的原因。
The client, who is in the field of design, wanted to see her house as a platform for experiments which is why V House is highly conceptual.
The architecture of the house is practically transparent due to the large glazing area – this was a brave client’s requirement. All the main life of the house is in sight, but at the same time, there is enough privacy: a house of family friends is being built on the neighboring site, and there is a dense forest behind; facades facing neighboring sites are more closed.
The clients also wanted their home to be visually clean, simple, and stylish in a graphite tone.The light became the main character of the project. It fills, reflects, creates reflexes and models complex, rich connections between objects. Light reveals the depth of volumes, denotes textures and rhythm, and enlivens the perspective.
The house contains an entrance hall, a utility room for storing cleaning equipment, a kitchen-dining room with panoramic glazing on both sides, which makes the living room visible through; a living room, a guest bathroom and a guest room located on the mezzanine, a master bedroom and a master bathroom, two childrens rooms and a childrens bathroom, a block with a swimming pool and a boiler room. The terrace facing the forest serves as an extension of the living room.
Also, one of the clients’ wishes was a carport for two cars, which would not be visible from the main recreation areas.
An interesting detail of this project was the bench made of colored translucent acrylic at the entrance of the house. It plays the role of a mini art object and attracts attention. Due to the complex reflections of two large glass planes (one of which is in the pool, where the reflections from the water), it gets a beautiful play of light.
平面图 ©Babayants Architects
Babayants Architects团队探索现代建筑、室内和设计已有9年之久,被称为莫斯科的主要极简主义者,但对他们来说,极简主义与其说是一种艺术语言,不如说是一种感知世界及其美丽的方式,他们只为最重要的东
Babayants Architects生活在未来,努力在每一个方案中走在时代的前列,并试图创造新事物,进行新发现。他们做的不是设计,而是感官体验,内心状态和情感。
Babayants Architects的工作涉及空间、物体和概念,创造住宅和公共室内设计、建筑设计、塑造品牌形象、制作家具和参加展览。