

Imarika 精品店
| Imarika
Imarika 原本拥有毫无特色的白色表面和混凝土架子,由都灵设计工作室Marcante-Testa重新设计,以大胆的展示装置为特色,具有“建筑元素和明确的功能特征”。
Originally featuring featureless white surfaces and concrete shelves, Imarika has been redesigned by Turin-based design studio Marcante-Testa to feature bold display installations with architectural elements and a clear functional character.
用粘土制成的粉红色隔断将 180 平方米的商店松散地划分开来。底部有一个由相同材料制成的带凹槽的餐边柜,可以展示小配件。它旁边还有一张长凳,长凳的末端内置了桃色天鹅绒坐
A pink partition made of clay loosely divides the 180 square meter store. At the bottom is a grooved sideboard made of the same material to display small accessories. Next to it is a bench with a peach-colored velvet seat cushion built into the end, providing a comfortable place for customers to sit and try on shoes.
The Plexiglas ledges that appear throughout the space are supported by thin copper rods intermittently wrapped with red rope - their verticality is meant to draw attention upward to the plaster ceiling, which is edged in an undulating pattern.
Sleek white laminate and pinkish heathered nan wood were used to form some of the hexagonal display bases and the stores cash register counter. Muted shades of butter yellow and sky blue were used for the exterior walls, contrasting with the studios gray marble floors, which were preserved from the stores original renovation. Pale green clay also forms the dressing room area.
| Hidden colors
Note Design Studio在将这间旧斯德哥尔摩办公室改造成住宅时,没有选择许多当代装修中的斯堪的纳维亚极简主义,而是选择使用黄色、绿色和粉色的色调。
Instead of the Scandinavian minimalism found in many contemporary décor, Note Design Studio opted to use a palette of yellow, green and pink when transforming this old Stockholm office into a home.
Create a color palette based on some shades that already exist. They then applied these soft tones to the walls, trim lines, and window and door frames.
Tints were added to the original color scale to act as a bridge between the powerful original tones, resulting in an eight-tone palette derived from the hidden traces of the old apartment.
Some rooms are dominated by one color, while others present a variety of shades. But they all build on the dark, cozy and colorful interiors that have recently become popular in Sweden, rather than the whites and grays of a typical minimalist home.
Original worn wood floors and newly added modern furniture complement the colors. A pale yellow was chosen for the kitchen and dining room in the center of the apartment. Here, a wooden table provides dining space for six, while a terrazzo island makes up the kitchen in green and gray tones.