The vision is to create the learning environment of the future by designing a modern elementary school and preschool that are attractive, secure and accessible for everyone.
▼校园概览,project overview
The Tiunda School is for children from preschool to the 9th grade, and its structure is simple and robust. The brick facades are a link back to the site’s history – the old brickworks. The design of the interior reflects the structure’s simplicity and robustness and gives space for playfulness and inspiration.
▼简洁而坚固的体量,a simple and robust structure
▼由Anton Alvarez设计的树状黏土雕塑,Clay trees by Anton Alvarez
▼砖墙立面连接了场地曾经作为旧砖厂的历史,the brick facades are a link back to the site’s history – the old brickworks
▼立面细部,facade detailed view
首层的公共区域结合了小餐馆、广场、主楼梯和一些共享学习空间,有助于提高学生们的社区感和集体自豪感。C.F. Møller事务所与学校建造专家Anna Törnqvist紧密合作,为Tiunda学校创造了一系列灵活且面向未来的学习环境。
A shared connecting space on the ground floor combines a bistro, square, main staircase and several shared learning environments. This gives ample space to develop a sense of community and pride in the school. C.F. Møller, in collaboration with Anna Törnqvist, a school building expert, has developed a school that offers flexible, future-proof learning environments.
▼共享大厅,the shared space
▼主楼梯和共享学习空间,main stair and shared learning environment
The spatial design is matched to the needs of a traditional organisation, yet it also opens up new opportunities, including more varied working methods and seating plans.
▼休息室,lounge area
▼公共空间,public space
▼多样化的学习空间,the varied spaces for study
▼体育馆,sports hall
▼体育馆楼梯细部,sports hall detailed view
▼体育馆更衣区,locker room
▼室内细部,interior detailed view
As a dialogue-based turnkey contract and collaboration, the project ensures quality and results, creating openness and awareness. The project includes the demolition of the existing school and building the New Tiunda School.
▼从草坪望向教学楼,view from the lawn
▼街道视角,view from the street
▼场地平面图,site plan
▼一层平面图,ground floor plan
Client: ByggDialog and Skolfastigheter
Size: 13,000 m² + 2,500 m² sports hall
Address: Uppsala, Sweden
Year: 2015-2018
Architect: C.F. Møller Architects