

新兴CBD成分品牌Standard Dose新近在纽约NoMad区域开设了一家新店。SR PROJECTS与TUNA合作设计的店铺内配备有冥想空间、茶水吧台、美容服务柜台、水槽以及可快速购买的产品展示区。设计师与Standard Dose的Anthony Saniger密切合作,在极简空间中让品牌的识别性具象化。为了将这里打造为曼哈顿一个繁华区域中的庇护所,设计师精心挑选了使用的材料、灯光和家具,塑造一种无处不在的宁静感。来自SR PROJECTS的Sacha Roubeni说:“空间采用了将所有元素都凝聚在一起的独特色调,通常我们会利用颜色和装饰来形成空间焦点和活力,但在这里我们选用了更加精妙、和谐的颜色,强调质感和触感。”
▼店内空间概览,overview of the interior space
The space utilizes arched openings and radiused corners to avoid any visual dead-ends. Plantings are also a central focus of the space, selected to correspond with their different placements: cacti at the entrance, conspicuous to passers by, a yucca providing cover for two lounge chairs, and a manicured jade in the meditation space. Essential to the design was the approach to the space’s proportions. As with many storefronts, the empty space was very narrow and tall. The designers used a central feature wall to anchor the space, visually connecting the entire store while also defining the separate product zones. Through striking lower datums and easing corners, as well as dropping a baffled ceiling the designers were able to alter the perception of the space’s proportions.
▼室内立面,interior elevation
▼美容服务柜台、水槽以及可快速购买的产品,beauty counter and sink, and grab-and-go products
▼中央独特的墙面及展示细节,the central feature wall and display area
▼茶水吧台,tea bar
店内最重要的一个特点是容纳了一间带有人工天窗的冥想室。天窗由意大利制造商CoeLux制造,这也是美国零售空间中第一次使用这一类型的天窗。人工天窗的光线带来了真实阳光的奇异幻觉。来自TUNA的Christopher Gardner说:“只有亲眼看到才能够相信这一点。在冥想空间中,塑造一种“场所”感非常重要,这里必须不同于来访者曾经遇到的其他任何空间。”
A hallmark feature of the storefront is it’s incorporation of a meditation room focused around an artificial skylight. The skylight, by Italian manufacturer CoeLux is the first of its kind in a US retail space. The light provides the uncanny illusion of actual sunlight. “It really has to be seen to be believed” says Christopher Gardner of TUNA, a collaborator on the project. ”For the meditation space, creating a sense of “place” was key, it needed to feel unlike any space a visitor might otherwise come across.”
▼使用人工天窗的冥想空间,meditation room with an artificial skylight